Exposed: Late Term Abortion

Below you can listen to the phone calls to legal abortion clinics exposing late term abortion. The calls were commissioned by Priests for Life in partnership with Abortion Free New Mexico.

Along with audio and video format, you will find transcripts of the calls and the press releases issued when the calls were made public.

Click here for a combined document of all of the transcripts.

Please help us spread the word about the practice of late term abortion by sharing these calls with anyone you can. Please let us know you will help in this effort by clicking here.

Late Term Abortion in Minnesota

Late Term Abortion in Alabama

Late Term Abortion in Iowa

Late Term Abortion in Utah

Late Term Abortion in Richmond, VA

Late Term Abortion at Carhart's Clinic in Bellvue, NE

Late Term Abortion in Hartford, CT

Late Term Abortion in Atlanta,

Late Term Abortion at Little Rock Family Planning Services in Little Rock, AR

Late Term Abortion at Southwestern Women's Surgery in Dallas, Texas

Late Term Abortion in Phoenix, AZ

Late Term Abortion in Brookline, MA

Late Term abortion in White Plains, NY

Late Term Abortion at Lovejoy SurgiCenter in Portland, OR

Late Term Abortion in Las Vegas, NV

Late Term Abortion at Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City, IL

Late Term Abortion at Metropolitan Medical Associates in Englewood, NJ

Late Term Abortion at Women's Med in Dayton, OH

At Planned Parenthood in Billings, MT no reason needed to abort a healthy baby at 21 weeks, 6 days

Late Term Abortion at Affiliated Medical Services in Milwaukee, WI

Late Term Abortion at Pro-Choice Medical Center, Beverly Hills, CA

Late Term Abortion at Summit Medical Center, Detroit, MI

Late Term Abortion at Presidential Women's Center in West Palm Beach, FL

Philadelphia Women's Center performs abortions through 21.6 weeks of pregnancy

Late Term Abortion at Cedar River Clinic and All Women's Care in Seattle

Leroy Carhart performs abortions through 28 weeks on healthy women carrying healthy babies

Late Term Abortion at Washington Surgi-clinic. 26-Week Abortion Scheduled. No Medical Emergency or Fetal Anomaly

Abortion Clinic of Warren Hern Schedules Appointment for Healthy Mother to Abort Healthy Baby at 32 weeks

This is Late Term Abortion

Baby or Biohazard Waste?

Unholy Alliance: Clergy Conspires with Late term Abortion Clinic to Sell Abortions

Late Term Abortionists Arbitrarily Choose Who Lives and Dies in New Mexico

New Mexico Late Term Abortion Clinic Staff to Minor Incest Victim, Contact Medicaid NOT Authorities

Abortion Appointment to Kill a Down Syndrome Baby at 33 Weeks

Abortion Appointment to Kill a Healthy Baby of a Healthy Mother at 30 Weeks

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: