Frank Pavone's Alerts

Baby Alfie still needs your help


April 9, 2018


Dear Friends,

We continue to ask for your help in supporting Baby Alfie and his parents, who are fighting for his life in the UK, where neither the hospital nor the courts are willing to give him basic treatment.

And Pope Francis asks your help too! He sent out a tweet the other day saying that he hopes this baby can receive proper care!

It is important to keep in mind some basic facts about this case:

Alfie is not dying.

Alfie is stable and has been for a year.

Alfie is NOT in a coma or a semi-vegetative state.

He is drugged.

He is undiagnosed

and many recommended tests have not been done. 

Alfie does not need any experimental treatments. Everything he needs is standard and used around the world. Alfie's best interests are to go home with his parents with a tracheostomy and a feeding tube and to be re-evaluated for possible diagnoses and alternative treatments.

By denying Alfie the tracheostomy and the special kind of feeding tube he requires, the hospital is blatantly orchestrating his death. The tracheostomy is far more comfortable, does not need sedation, can aid in weaning from ventilation and can allow Alfie to go home to live, with or without ventilation.

Alder Hey Hospital continues to keep Alfie heavily sedated with anti-seizure drugs.

But when he has a tracheostomy, this sedation would no longer be needed and his seizures could be managed another way.

We need to put pressure on the hospital!

Baby Alfie Evans is 22 months old and has been a patient at Alder Hey since December 2016.  A year later, his parents began to make arrangements to have him flown to Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome where he would receive a tracheostomy and a feeding tube while doctors tried to determine what was wrong with him.  The parents have relied on donations made through a crowd-funding website to finance the effort. A hospital in Germany also is willing to take the baby.

Hospital officials refuse to allow the transfer, and a succession of British courts agreed with the hospital.

We need your voice!

 Please keep reading and we’ll tell you what we need you to do.

I was at the side of Baby Joseph Maraachli in Canada back in 2011, when the hospital there refused to allow his parents to bring him to another facility for a routine tracheotomy.

But we pressured that hospital, and succeeded in getting him transferred to get the care he needed.

Many of you helped us do that – and now we need your help again!

Please click here to send an email to hospital officials. Tell them no one has the right to decide for the parents what is in the best interest of their child.

And when you do so, please also take a look at the video links I will provide to you that show how responsive Baby Alfie is!

Remember, even Pope Francis is asking you to help  in this case! Please act today, and please pass along this email to as many others you know who may be interested.

And thank you for being part of the Priests for Life Family!


Fr. Frank Pavone

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

P.S. This is the type of action that Priests for Life can take nationwide as we mobilize our movement. To help make it possible for Priests for Life to conduct campaigns such as this one, please click here and be as generous as you can.

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