Frank Pavone's Alerts

Thank Sen. Tuberville for standing strong against Biden’s Abortion-loving Administration

September 25, 2023

Dear Friends,

We all want to see courage in Congress, especially for the unborn. And Senator Tommy Tuberville (R.-AL) has shown courage, and it has paid off in a pro-life victory. I’d like you to join me in thanking him.

Here’s the background:

After Roe v. Wade was overturned last year, the Biden Administration, through the Department of Defense, announced a new policy that would provide paid time off and travel expenses for women to get abortions. This, of course, is courtesy of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

So Senator Tuberville decided to do something about it. He used the power that any Senator has to put a “hold” on senior military promotions, until the Defense Department rescinds its abortion policy.

Now the Democrats complained that he was holding up the confirmation of some 300 military members.

But the Democrats were always able to get around this “hold” simply by calling for votes on each of these nominees, instead of just doing them all together as a package.

The Democrats delayed….but Sen. Tuberville didn’t budge either.

The other day, the Democrats decided to go ahead and vote. The logjam was broken when a new chairman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff was approved by a vote of 83-11.

That it took Schumer and his buddies until days before a vacancy the Joint Chiefs of Staff to make this move shows exactly how married the Democrats are to the idea of taxpayer-funded abortion for every American.

The mainstream media reported it as a win for the abortion-loving Democrats. But it’s just the opposite. Senator Tuberville was not opposed to voting on these nominees… he’s just opposed, as we all are, to paying for abortions.

President Donald Trump thanked him with this post on Truth Social:

“BIG WIN FOR TOMMY. Unlike McConnell and his group of automatic Democrat YES VOTES, Tommy T is willing to take on the Radical Left Fascists

We want to thank him too, for his commitment to the unborn and his courage in standing up to the abortion extremists in the Biden administration and the Senate, Priests for Life is sending the senator a special certificate of recognition.

And there’s another twist.

The Biden Administration’s willingness to fund these abortions is illegal! Most federal funds are protected by law from being used for abortions.

But the Democrat Party cares more about abortion than about the law.

While Tuberville, a former college football coach, and his Republican colleagues are being pilloried in the press – here’s a USA Today headline: Football coach vs. the Pentagon: Why Tuberville’s GOP colleagues aren’t stopping his abortion showdown – the Biden administration is getting away with murder and making you and me and every American taxpayer pay for this crime.

Sen. Tuberville needs to know we stand behind him.

Many of you are veterans or active-duty military, or the parents of those serving our country, and I think I’m correct in assuming you support Tuberville. I’m here today to ask you to tell him so, and to contact both of your U.S. senators to let them know you back Tuberville’s strategy and you expect them to do the same. If you live in Kentucky, make sure Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell knows exactly how you feel.

We know from the women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and Rachel’s Vineyard, for both of which I serve as Pastoral Director, that abortion can – and so often does – undermine a soldier’s fitness for duty, so what Tuberville is doing is very important.

Can I count on you to contact these senators to let them know how you feel?

Click on this link to let us know that you will help and then you will be taken to a page with a suggested message you can use when contacting them.

Thank you for being part of the Priests for Life Family!


Fr. Frank Pavone

Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavome

National Director, Priests for Life

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