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Babies can be saved from RU-486 abortion!
February 23, 2015
Dear Friends,
Priests for Life and the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists hosted a press conference in Washington, D.C., on February 23 to spread the word that a simple and safe medical protocol has been developed that is saving babies whose mothers have taken the first drug of the two-drug procedure known as "RU-486."
Priests for Life Medical Advisor Dr. Matt Harrison did the first-ever reversal in 2007. The child he saved is now a beautiful and healthy 7-year-old girl. Dr. Harrison was with us at the National Press Club.
This news is too good to keep to ourselves!
If you were not able to be with us at the National Press Club, I want to make sure you know what’s going on so that you can help us inform your pastor, your physician, your pro-life groups, and your social media contacts!
To date, 78 healthy babies have been born and another 49 are still in the womb. One of them was with us at the press confernce.
Andrea Minichini, a 22-year-old college student from New Jersey, was at the press conference with her son, Gabriel, born on Dec. 31, 2014. And believe me, he is an angel!
Andrea went to a Planned Parenthood in Morristown, New Jersey, and was given the first drug of the two-drug regimen that kills babies up until nine weeks in the womb. This kind of abortion is performed about 200,000 times per year in the United States.
Andrea didn’t want to take the drug, but the doctor bullied her, saying it was an expensive drug and that the pill would melt if she didn’t take it right away.
She swallowed the lie!
But she knew the doctor wasn’t being truthful. Twenty-four hours after taking the mifepristone, she went to the emergency room of a north Jersey hospital, where hospital personnel told her the baby would be “deformed” if she tried to stop the abortion. She was turned away. Then she called two ob-gyn doctors, including her own, and they said they couldn’t help her.
What she did next saved Gabriel’s life
Not ready to give up on her baby’s life, Andrea did a Google search. That search led her to a story about a woman whose child was saved in a “reversal” procedure. The story led her to a hotline, and when she called, a nurse in California connected Andrea with a doctor in New Jersey ready to see her right away.
The doctor gave her progesterone injections to counteract the mifepristone, and monitored her throughout the pregnancy. Gabriel David was born two days before his due date, weighing in at a healthy 8 pounds, 9 ounces.
When we posted this story on our social media sites, a number of people commented that they had never heard of an RU-486 reversal.
It’s not hard to understand or talk about what happens in an RU-486 reversal. Here are the basic facts:
Mifepristone, the first drug, blocks progesterone, and therefore starves the baby.
Misoprostol, the second drug taken a couple of days later, causes contractions, which expel the baby.
In the 24 to 48 hours after the first drug has been taken, but before the second, doctors have been able to block its effects by giving women shots of progesterone, immediately and then intermittently through the first trimester.
While the progesterone therapy has not caused birth defects in any of the children saved to date, it does not always work. Since 2007, 223 reversals have been attempted and 127 have been successful. Doctors say it’s vital that women start getting the shots as soon as possible after taking the mifepristone.
Also with us in D.C., we had doctors George Delgado and Mary Davenport, who did a study on the reversal that was posted in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy. Dr. Delgado then developed the protocol. A kit with instructions for other doctors was developed, and we had them with us, too.
We hope the media will give this story the time and space it deserves, but we can’t count on that. But we know we can count on you.
Here are four simple ways you can help
Tell your pastors.
Tell your doctors.
Tell pro-life groups about it the reversal procedure.
Share it on all your social media platforms.
Abortion supporters like to say that women who choose abortion have made well thought-out decisions. The reality, however, is that those going into abortion facilities are filled with doubt and ambivalence. It’s important for those who take the deadly RU-486 drugs to know that there is time to save the baby if they have a change of heart. And it’s important that doctors know this simple protocol is available.
Will you help spread the word? If you will, please click here to send an email to Priests for Life to let us know you are working with us save lives.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
P.S. This is the type of action that Priests for Life can take nationwide as we mobilize our movement. To help make it possible for Priests for Life to conduct campaigns such as this one, please click here and be as generous as you can.