In a bold statement today, Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, denounced the Department of Health and Human Services contraception and abortion ruling as an abomination that must be immediately repealed or rescinded because it violates everything our country stands for.
"Despite the alleged compromise or accommodation, this is NOT just about 'religious' employers being affected,” Father Pavone said. “This is about ALL Americans being forced to pay for something that may be directly opposed to their moral convictions. There are many non-religious reasons to object to the Obama Administration's policy. Chief among these is the basic American principle of freedom of conscience. That means the government must NEVER do ANYTHING that requires people to violate their conscience.
“For tens of millions of Americans, the abortion pill is utterly repugnant. Being forced to PAY for it -- that is, so it can be provided for FREE to anyone and everyone via health insurance policies -- is clearly an outrageous abuse of government power."
"Religious freedom is not just for religious groups,” Father Pavone said. “It is for every American."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization that focuses on the sanctity of life from conception until natural death. Priests for Life on Thursday announced plans to sue the Obama Administration because the HHS ruling is unconstitutional on many levels.