STATEN ISLAND, NY – Priests for Life will lead a pilgrimage to Rome in 2013 to help celebrate “The Year of Faith.” The group will be at the Vatican on June 16, which the Vatican has announced will be a day dedicated to the Gospel of Life. Special events in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI are planned on that special day.
“This initiative of the Vatican is an exciting development which will give believers around the world the opportunity to express, in union with the Holy Father, that our proclamation of the Faith cannot be credible without a vigorous defense of human life,” said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “The Faith tells us that our destiny is to be on the throne with Christ (cf. Rev. 3:21). We cannot persuasively offer this promise while ignoring those who are thrown in the garbage.”
The June 10-17 pilgrimage will be led by Father Pavone, along with Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life; Catholic author and journalist Teresa Tomeo, and Catholic tour guide leader Steve Ray.
“Priests for Life invites all who are committed to the cause of life to join us on our 2013 pilgrimage to Rome. We also will advocate that this day of life be an observance of the Church each and every year,” Fr. Pavone stated.
Anyone who would like to be part of the pilgrimage is asked to go to