Table of Contents
Everything You Need to Know about Abortion for Teens by Janet Morana. Purchase at EveryThingYouNeedtoKnowAboutAbortionForTeens.com.
Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing
By Ryan T. Anderson and Alexandra DeSanctis. Purchase.
Contenders: A Church-Wide Strategy to Unmask Abortion, Defeat Its Advocates, Empower Christians, and Change the World
By Marc Newman. Purchase.
This is When We Begin to Fight: A family’s battle against late-term abortion, academia…and miscarriage at home
By Steve Karlen. Purchase.
Life to the Full
True Stories that Reveal the Dignity of Every Human Life
By Abby Johnson
(Ignatius). Purchase.
Two Patients: My Conversion from Abortion to Life-Affirming Medicine (Published 10/22) - [Review by Fr. Frank Pavone] [Purchase]
40 Days for Life
A Civilization of Love: What Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World
A Life That Matters: The Legacy of Terri Schiavo – A Lesson for Us All
A Love for Life
A Will to Live: Clear Answers on End of Life Issues
Abolishing Abortion
Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation
Abortion and the European Convention on Human Rights
Abortion and the Pro-life Movement: An Inside View
Abortion Free
Abortion Rites: A Social History of Abortion in America
Abortion Survivors
Abortion, the Gospel, and the American Church
Abortion under State Constitutions: A State-by-State Analysis
Abortion Violation: America’s Premier National Security Issue
Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe vs. Wade
Access: The Key to Pro-Life Victory
Am I Now Your Enemy for Telling the Truth?
The Art and Practice of Lobbying
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Past & Present
Bella's Gift
Beyond the Shadow of Brownstone
Breast Cancer: Its Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill
Can a Catholic be a Democrat?
The Case for Life
Catholic Bioethics and the Gift of Human Life
Catholics for a Free Choice Exposed
The Centurion's Pathway: ...Ex-Abortion Providers or Facilitators
Chiara Corbella Pietrillo
The Church and Abortion
The Contraception of Grief
The Cost of Abortion
The Cost of Choice: Women Evaluate the Impact of Abortion
Courageous: Students Abolishing Abortion in this Lifetime
Created Equal: Reflections on the Unalienable Right to Life
Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America
The Culture of Life: Foundations and Dimensions
Deeply Damaged
Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice
Defending Life 2009: Proven Strategies for a Pro-Life America
Defending Life 2015: The Tenth Anniversary of Defending Life
Dehumanizing the Vulnerable: When Word Games Take Lives
Democrats for Life: Pro-Life Politics and the Silenced Majority
Detrimental Effects of Abortion
"Dichiarazione Sull'Aborto Procurato"
The Dignity of the Dying Person
The Emerging Brave New World
Ending Abortion; Not Just Fighting It
Faithful for Life: The Autobiography of Fr. Paul Marx
The Fake and Deceptive Science behind Roe. V. Wade
Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion
Four Steps to Healing
The Gathering of The Lambs
Giving Sorrow Words: Women's Stories of Grief after abortion
The Hand of God
Her Choice to Heal
How Can the Dream Survive If We Murder the Children?: ABORTION IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHT!
How to Talk to Your Children About Abortion
Human Genome, Human Person and the Society of the Future
The Identity and Status of the Human Embryo
Innocent Blood: Challenging the Culture of Death with the Gospel of Life
John Paul II: Confronting the Language Empowering the Culture of Death by William Brennan
Letters to Gabriel
Life At All Costs: An Anthology of Voices from 21st Century Black Prolife Leaders
Life is a Blessing
Life Issues, Medical Choices: Questions and Answers for Catholics
Lime 5
Making Abortion Rare: A Healing Strategy for a Divided Nation
The Making of Pro-life Activists: How Social Movement Mobilization Works (Morality and Society Series)
May it Please the Court: Arguments on Abortion
Men and Abortion: A Path to Healing
Motherhood Interrupted: Stories of Healing and Hope After Abortion
Not My Own: Abortion and the Marks of the Church
Onward Christian Soldiers: The Growing Political Power of Catholics and Evangelicals in the United States
The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life by Ramesh Ponnuru
Personalist Bioethics: Foundations and Applications
Persuasively Pro-Life
Planned Bullyhood
Politics for the Greatest Good: The Case for Prudence in the Public Square
The Politics of Abortion
Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory Benefits
Post-Abortion Aftermath
Proclaiming the Message of Life
Pro-Life 101: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Case Persuasively
Pro-Life Answers
Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day
The Reach of Roe
Real Choices
Recall Abortion
Redeemed by Grace
Redeeming A Father's Heart: Men Share Powerful Stories of Abortion Loss and Recovery
Render unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life
The Right Choice
The Right to Privacy (Bioethics & Culture)
Rivers of Blood; Oceans of Mercy
Sharing the Heart of Christ
Shockwaves: Abortion's Wider Circle of Victims
Short of a Miracle: Tina Torry's Story of Hope in the Midst of Tragedy
Social Justice Begins in the Womb
Standing with Courage: Confronting Tough Decisions about Sex
Stories from the Front Lines
Supreme Deception
Tears of the Fisherman
Their Blood Cries Out
Thinking Theologically About Abortion
The Ultimate Exploitation of Women
Victims and Victors
What Happened to Notre Dame?
When Life and Choice Collide: Essays on Rhetoric and Abortion
Why the Democrats are Blue: Secular Liberalism and the Decline of the People's Party
Women's Health After Abortion: The Medical and Psychological Evidence
Won by Love
22 Weeks
Abortion: The Inside Story
After the Choice
Blue Eyes Like Janey's
Christi's Choice
The Cost of Abortion
Defending Life
Euthanasia: False Light
Final Blessing
Harder Truth
The Procedure: The Whole Truth about Partial-Birth Abortion
Reversing Roe: The Norma McCorvey Story
The Right Choice
Thine Eyes
You Can Stop Partial-Birth Abortion
Rivers of Blood; Oceans of Mercy
by Kevin Burke, Theresa Burke and Fr. Frank Pavone
Rivers of Blood/Oceans of Mercy lifts the veil on reproductive rights, and reveals how the fallout from more than 60 million abortions extends far beyond the private sphere of a woman’s personal healthcare decisions; the impact is dynamic, and far-reaching: -Learn how the failure to reconcile and grieve personal abortion led an OB/GYN physician, and a Roe V Wade attorney, to become pioneers in the movement to legalize abortion. -Understand the connection between outraged feminists who see “rivers of blood” flowing from a judge’s Supreme Court nomination, yet fail to see the dynamic relationship of abortion and sexual trauma. -Discover how a the suppression of natural grief and loss find expression in the successful Netflix series “Stranger Things” set in the 1980’s in a small town where children go mysteriously missing. -Learn the toxic synergy of abortion with adult children of divorce, and the complex dynamics of couples that abort their children given a poor prenatal diagnosis. -Are you shocked and confused as our nation descends deeper into transgender madness? There’s an abortion connection. After unveiling the deeper impact of Roe V Wade, Rivers of Blood/Oceans of Mercy presents an overview of the essential components of the healing journey. Church leaders will find valuable help for preaching and pastoral ministry. Counselors and caring friends and family will be equipped to reach out with love to those wounded by abortion.
Order at the Priests for Life online store.
Shockwaves: Abortion's Wider Circle of Victims
by Janet Morana
This new book by Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life shines a bright light on the undeniable truth of abortion, that it impacts everyone...
Order at the Priests for Life online store.
Proclaiming the Message of Life
By Fr. Frank Pavone
Preaching and teaching about abortion from the pulpit or other catechetical settings can be a challenging yet essential undertaking for any pastor, deacon or pro-life advocate. In Proclaiming the Message of Life, Fr. Frank Pavone shows clergy and laity alike the pro-life themes found in the Sunday readings for each week of the year, in all three cycles of the lectionary. This makes a good gift for preachers as well as for laity who want to draw out the pro-life lessons from the readings. We are so grateful to the wonderful people at Servant Books (an imprint of Franciscan Media) for all they have done to make this publication possible!
"Clergy and laity alike are called to root their pro-life commitment in the Word of God. Fr. Pavone's new book gives all of us an effective way to do that, and I recommend it to those in the pulpit and those in the pews as well!" - Bishop Michael Sheridan
Order at the Priests for Life online store.
Tears of the Fisherman
by Kevin Burke
Tears of the Fisherman will help readers understand the wider impact of abortion on men, their relationships, families, faith and work lives. Through case studies, personal testimony, and the author’s 20 years of experience in post-abortion counseling, you will encounter men devastated by unwanted abortions, the burden of shame and guilt carried by men who were passive at the time of the abortion decision or pressured their partners to abort, and the impact of abortion among the male prison population. Chapters of the book explore the impact of abortion on relationships, male celebrity abortion stories, addiction and abortion loss, abortion in the African-American community, a grandfather’s story of family healing, and the recovery experience for men. If you are a man who is confused about your abortion experience and wonder if the event had any impact on your life – this book is for you. If you want to reach out as a friend, family member, counselor or minister, Tears of the
Fisherman will equip you with sensitivity and understanding to effectively guide men to recovery and peace. As you encounter the men in Tears of the Fisherman, you will discover that like the Apostle Peter’s painful denial of the Christ, they emerged from their journey of repentance and healing stronger, faith-filled and compassionate men.
Order at the Priests for Life online store.
The Fake and Deceptive Science Behind Roe V. Wade
By Dr. Thomas Hilgers
Roe v. Wade at best would be considered pre-medieval and clearly out of touch with scientific reality.
Publisher: St. Paul VI Institute
Available at:
Published 2021
192 Pages
Abolishing Abortion
By Rev. Frank Pavone
Abolishing Abortion articulates a paradigm and course of action which could
serve to supplant the culture of death!
Hardcover: 224 Pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson.
Available at:
Published 2015
ISBN-978-1-400 2057-2-1
Chiara Corbella Pietrillo
By Troisi & Paccini
Chiara Corbella Petrillo is a work detailing the heroic journey of a pregnant
mother who refused potentially life-saving cancer treatment in order to preserve
the life of her child! She is lauded as a contemporary St Gianna Beretta Molla!
Paperback: 161 Pages
Publisher: Sophia Institute Press.
Available at:
Published 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1-6228235-5-0
By Sheila Harper
Abortion experiences have profound repercussions! No one experiences these
negativities as profoundly as the woman who opted to terminate the life of their
child. SaveOne is a journal that serves as a guided meditation, which will
culminate in healing one who has made such a drastic decision!
Paperback: 144 Pages
Publisher: Self-Published.
Available at: https://www.SaveOne.org
Published 2015
ISBN-13: 978-0-9742051-4-4
Stories from the Front Lines
By Judy Madsen Johnson
Stories from the Front Lines encapsulates the history of the pro-life movement
and poignantly states how abortion is the greatest force of evil and destruction
in the world today!
Paperback: 162 Pages
Publisher: Self-Published.
Available at: https://www.JudyMadsenJohnson.com
Published 2014
ISBN-13: 978-1-84952131-3-7
Redeemed by Grace
By Ramona Trevino
Redeemed by Grace is a gripping tale of one woman’s journey to leave the
abortion industry and follow her conscience!
Hardcover: 145 Pages
Publisher: Ignatius.
Available at:
Published 2013
ISBN-13: 9 78-1-58617-914-4
Bella’s Gift
By Rep. Rick & Karen Santorum
Bella’s Gift outlines how Rep. Rick and Karen Santorum’s special needs child
brought profound meaning to their lives! In a culture that does not associate
value with disability, this autobiography serves to elucidate the importance of
all life!
Hardcover: 264 Pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson.
Available at:
Published 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-0616733-1-3
Defending Life 2015: The Tenth Anniversary of
Defending Life
Defending Life is a legal guide which is instrumental in elucidating
all of the laws which are particular to every State in America. The value of
this resource has proven to be inestimable and has benefited the cause of
defending the rights of our pre-born brothers and sisters. Countless legislators
have identified that this work has been used as they discern how to best serve
their defenseless constituents.
Find more information on the Americans United
for Life website.
Paperback: 508 pages
Publisher: Americans United for Life; 10th edition (March 1, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-0977720477
Created Equal: Reflections on the Unalienable
Right to Life
By Thomas A. Glessner, J.D.
Operative communities are created upon the acknowledgement
and acceptance of binding principles. Thomas Jefferson was the author of the
Declaration of Independence, which defines who we are as a nation. Two of the
one thousand four hundred fifty-eight words he opted to use in this
nation-defining declaration are “unalienable rights”. The original intent of
Thomas Jefferson, and of James Madison who buttressed these rights by being a
proponent of incorporating the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution,
was to validate the fact that the right to life is inherent in the very nature
of every human being, so endowed by their Creator. In Created Equal:
Reflections on the Unalienable Right to Life this truth is made evident
through the critical lens of the historical application and acknowledgment of
these rights by the courts in our nation, and the historical appreciation of
these rights amongst the populace!
Paperback: 386 Pages
Published: 2015
Abortion Violation: America’s Premier National
Security Issue
By Rusty Lee Thomas
Abortion Violation: America’s Premier National Security Issue begins
with the foundational principle that man’s autonomy is contingent on God’s
supremacy! Therefore, man’s deliberations and judgments must be complemented by
deference to revealed truths; particularly in relation to moral issues. And if
that principle is violated, as happens in abortion, then everything is violated!
This work weds the author’s years of pro-life activism with his religious
convictions and the end result is a persuasive tome which proclaims the Gospel
of Life!
Paperback: 356 Pages
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Published: 2013
To purchase the paperback:
ISBN-10: 1625104340
ISBN-13: 978-1625104342
Abortion, the Gospel, and the American Church
By Brian Fisher
The lack of church leadership on the evils of abortion in America has caused
many believers to assimilate pro-choice beliefs and has allowed for the
holocaust of babies to progress and thrive! Abortion, the Gospel, and the
American Church pronounces that Christians must no longer abdicate their
roles as ambassadors and defenders of innocent life and that the church must
reclaim its influential authority in the spheres of business, education,
government, arts and entertainment, family and media in order to effectively rid
America of abortion once and for all!
Paperback: 139 Pages
Published: 2013
To purchase the paperback:
Innocent Blood: Challenging the Culture of Death
with the Gospel of Life
By John Ensor
Adherence to the Gospel must be matched by the boldness of advocating for the
rights of our innocent pre-born brothers and sisters. What God declares to be
holy and sacred cannot be deprecated and debased as valueless by any society or
culture. In Innocent Blood: Challenging the Culture of Death with the Gospel
of Life, the Sacred Scriptures are used to show the relationship between
faith and the defense of innocent blood, and the Church is called to courage
rather than cowardice!
Paperback: 133 Pages
Publisher: Cruciform Press
Published: 2011
To purchase the paperback:
ISBN-13: 978-1936760-29-9
Abortion Free
By Troy Newman & Cheryl Sullenger
Abortion Free is an extremely informative guide on how to close
abortion mills. The authors, Troy Newman and Cheryl Sulleneger, have spent a
combined total of more than fifty years of arduous work in this field and are
responsible for the closing of a plethora of abortion facilities. In this book,
they share their successful strategies that are easy to implement and that
produce their intended goal.
Hardcover: 320 Pages
Publisher: WND Books
Published: 2014
To purchase:
ISBN-10: 1936488221
ISBN-13: 978-936488-22-3
Persuasively Pro-Life
By Trent Horn
Persuasively Pro-Life is a phenomenal resource that educates the
reader on the matter of abortion and provides them with methods of argumentation
that will enable them to be advocates for life. This work clarifies the medical,
historical, and legal parameters of the abortion issue and uses this wealth of
information to disassemble any pro-choice contention.
Foreword by Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
Paperback: 335 Pages
Publisher: Catholic Answers
Published: 2014
To purchase the paperback:
ISBN-10: 1941663044
ISBN-13: 978-1941663042
Abortion and the Pro-life Movement: An Inside
By Dr and Mrs. John C. Willke
Dr and Mrs. John C Willke have been referred to as the parents of the
pro-life movement. In Abortion and the Pro-life Movement: An Inside View,
they chronicle their formative strides in chronological order that help one to
understand how the pro-life movement in America developed as it did from a
historical perspective.
Hardcover: 664 Pages
Publisher: Infinity
Published: 2014
To purchase the hardcover:
and the European Convention on Human Rights
By Gregor Puppinck
In recent years the European Court of
Human Rights has been presented with many cases that pertain to life in the
womb. The rulings have only been consistent in the sense that they have
concerned those who are for abortion and those who are for life. Abortion and
the European Convention on Human Rights sets out to elucidate the jurisprudence
which has been enacted in the Courts and establish a criterion for the rulings
they have rendered.
Paperback: 104 Pages
Published In: Irish Journal of Legal Studies Volume, Issue 2, 2013. Available
Published 2013
ISBN-13: 978-2-36851-020-9
Courageous: Students
Abolishing Abortion in this Lifetime
By Kristan Hawkins
Students on today’s college campuses have an
enthusiasm to end abortion, for they recognize that they themselves could have
easily been a victim of abortion. Courageous: Students Abolishing Abortion
in this Lifetime focuses on the lives of students whom this insight has
inspired them to be the catalyst of change and work toward ending abortion.
Paperback: 156 Pages
Publisher: Students For Life. Available
Published 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1-48117-171-7
The Reach of Roe
Edited by Anne Conlon
The Reach of Roe is a compilation of essays
from authors who are the index of advancement in the Pro-Life movement. The onus
of this work is placed on how the decision of Roe v. Wade has influenced every
facet of our nation for the worse.
Paperback: 296 Pages
Publisher: Ignatius Press © 2013. Available
Published 2013
40 Days For Life
By David Bereit & Shawn Carney, with Cindy Lambert
In 2004, men and women of the Pro-Life movement
banded together to spend one hour in prayer a day for the duration of forty days
in front of an abortion mill in Texas. This devotional act has been implemented
in many other States, by like-minded men and women, under the heading of “40
Days For Life”. This book expounds how this interest group has gained momentum
and the fruits that have been derived from their ministry.
Hard Cover: 269 Pages
Publisher: Cappella Books. Available
Published 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-9882870-2-0
The Ultimate Exploitation
of Women: Abortion
By Brian E. Fisher
The Ultimate Exploitation of Women: Abortion
argues that oftentimes the role of men in the egregious error of abortion is
disregarded and not addressed. This work approaches the issue of abortion
through the critical lens of the involvement of men, whether that is active
influence or passive acquiescence.
Hardcover: 203 Pages
Publisher: Online For Life. Available at:
Published 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-9891819-0-7
Planned Bullyhood
By Karen Handel
The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation stopped
its reported funding to Planned Parenthood. The reported $680,000, which was
earmarked for breast cancer screenings and education at their clinics, was small
in comparison to their overall endowments. However, Planned Parenthood lead a
vicious media campaign disparaging the foundation, including Ms. Karen Handel,
who worked for the Komen Foundation and is the author of Planned Bullyhood.
This book is an apologia of Ms. Handel and affords the reader a glimpse into the
iniquitous targeted assaults of Planned Parenthood.
Hardcover: 289 Pages
Publisher: Howard Publishing. Available at:
Published 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1-4516-9794-0
Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade
By Clarke D. Forsythe
In legal terminology, an abuse of discretion occurs
whenever a ruling body fails to deliberate and consider the pertinent laws and
facts that pertain to the issue being decided. Abuse of Discretion: The Inside
Story of Roe v. Wade focuses on the issue of abortion through the optic of this
legal precept; entailing how the ruling rendered by this decision does not take
into account the corpus of preexisting case law that has a bearing on the matter
of abortion.
Hardcover: 477 Pages
Publisher: Encounter Books. Available at:
Published 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1-59403-692-7
Personalist Bioethics:
Foundations and Applications
By Elio Sgreccia
Personalist Bioethics: Foundations and Applications
is a treatise that argues for life from the foundation of ontological grounds.
Every human life has dignity and therefore, there must be a correlation between
ontology and phenomenology. Humanity must adopt an ethos that recognizes the
dignity of every human life; including the lives of babies in the womb!
Paperback: 838 Pages
Publisher: The National Catholic Bioethics Center.
Available at: Amazon.com
Published 2012
ISBN-13: 978-0-935372-63-2
Beyond the Shadow of
the Brownstone
By Valerie Lawrence
A novel which contrasts the steadfastness of the
physical structure of the family home, a brownstone building, from which the
book has earned its name, is the unpredictable events that unfold in the life of
a family who procured an abortion.
Paperback: 284 Pages
Published by: Carpenter’s Son Publishing. Available by calling (800) 822-5090
Published 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-9893722-9-9
Abortion Rites: A Social History of
Abortion in America
By Marvin Olasky
In Abortion Rites: A Social History of Abortion in America¸ Olasky
offers the reader an in depth look of how the culture of death was built.
He provides the reader with the story of the transformation of our country from
one that once punished abortion to one that protects it. His book is an
important read for any pro-lifer who sits and wonders just how we got where we
are today.
Paperback: 318 pages
Publisher: Crossway Books (© 1992)
ISBN-10: 0895267233; ISBN-13: 978-0895267238
Recall Abortion
by Janet Morana
This book by Janet Morana delves deeply into abortion as
a bad product that should be recalled by our government, and explores what women
who have abortions recall about the experience. She traces the societal changes
that brought about abortion, and covers many of the arguments for keeping
abortion legal, including at-risk mothers, victims of rape and incest, and fetal
anomalies If you know someone who is a pro-choice Catholic or just part of what
Janet calls the “conflicted middle,” it is a must read. Sign the petition to
recall abortion at RecallAbortion.com. Published by Saint Benedict Press.
Hardback: 232 pages
Publisher: Saint Benedict Press
Order at the
Priests for Life online store
Life At All Costs: An
Anthology of Voices from 21st Century Black Prolife Leaders
Edited by Dr. Alveda King, Director of African American Outreach for Priests for
Life and Dr. La Verne Tolbert. Life At All Costs: An Anthology of Voices
from 21st Century Black Prolife Leaders (Xlibris) includes chapters on
abortion's impact in the black community, personhood, the genocidal roots of
Planned Parenthood, personal stories from post-abortive women, family values,
parenting and adoption, the new healthcare mandate, comprehensive sex education
vs. abstinence, STDs, and more! This impressive volume concludes with a message
for young Christians!
Paperback: 256 pages
Xlibris, Corp
Order on
How Can the Dream Survive If
We Murder the Children?: ABORTION IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHT!
Dr. Alveda King
How Can The Dream Survive If We Murder The Children?
This compelling question impacts nations and generations of human beings, many
of whom have experienced physical, emotional and spiritual oppression spanning
the course of many lifetimes. How Can The Dream Survive brings hope, light and
life to those who have pondered the issue of abortion, and whose questions have
yet to be answered: Is abortion a civil right? Is abortion good for women?
What's so bad about genocide? What would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. say
about abortion? Who are the survivors? What about life, liberty and
justice for all? As the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; daughter of Rev.
A. D. King, and granddaughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., Alveda shares her
personal testimony with compassion and sensitivity. Love is a powerful force,
and her message of life, love and justice resonates. Alveda is a mother,
grandmother and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Paperback: 108 pages
Order at
By Michael A. Fichter
Michael A. Fichter has worked at every level of the pro-life movement for
years. Viability is a guide to success for the pro-life movement
from a leader who has done it all, seen it all, and admits that he could have
done better. The pro-life movement would be wise to turn to Fichter's
guide to develop a plan to sustain the movement for years to come. He
challenges the leaders of today to rethink strategies and, first and foremost,
always train the leaders of tomorrow.
Paperback: 237 pages
Publisher: Viability Publishing
Social Justice Begins in the Womb
By Bryan Kemper
Bryan Kemper is a veteran pro-life leader and one of the cornerstones of the
Christ-centered pro-life movement. In Social Justice Begins in the Womb,
Kemper provides a concise but thorough overview of the positions of the
Christ-center pro-life movement. He keeps the focus on Jesus Christ as the
only one who can save lives, and the guiding force behind all successful
pro-life activity.
Paperback: 156 pages
Publisher: Clay Bridges Communications and Publishing
Social Justice Begins in the Womb is available for purchase at
Ending Abortion;
Not Just Fighting It
by Fr. Frank Pavone
In this collection of stirring and informative pro-life essays, Fr.
Pavone convincingly portrays the negative ramifications that the abuse of
freedom and the right to choose have unleashed on our society since abortion was
legalized. Father Pavone insists that people of goodwill can end the scourge of
abortion and restore the right to life for those who cannot speak for
themselves. This 5-1/2 x 8-1/4, 216 page book is a must read for all pro-lifers.
"Fr. Pavone’s new book helps us to strengthen our convictions with clear
teaching and compelling motivation." -- Most Reverend Anthony M. Pilla, Retired
Bishop of Cleveland
If you like this book, you will want to subscribe to Fr. Frank Pavone's
bi-weekly column at subscribe@priestsforlife.org!
This book is available directly from Priests for Life! Click on this link to go
straight to our online Priests for Life store:
Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day
by Fr. Frank Pavone
Fr. Frank's book, Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, will enrich your
daily prayer life with new vigor to stand up for the unborn! This is a
devotional prayer book, one of the "Spiritual Life" series that Catholic Book
Publishing Company has produced for years. The book is 192 pages with vinyl
binding and ribbon. In exchange for one minute a day, your spiritual life will
be nourished throughout the day with pro-life vigor!
This book is available directly from Priests for Life! Click on this link to go
straight to our online Priests for Life store:
Render unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living
Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life
by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
“Using arguments from history as well as the wisdom of the world’s
greatest thinkers, Archbishop Chaput urges Catholics to live our faith without
compromise and to use our faith as the foundation for renewing American society
in the twenty-first century. His tone is one of ‘now or never,’ and his
presentation is crisp, intelligent, and accessible to a wide audience. This is
an important book for Catholics to read and consider if we are truly to make a
difference in the public square. Archbishop Chaput has made a unique and
significant contribution to the Church and the nation at a time when voices like
his are needed to be raised and heard.”
—Very Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M., President, The Catholic University of
“At a time when the ‘faith and values’ vote has never been more important,
Archbishop Charles Chaput deftly explores the intersection of morality, reason,
and politics. This isn’t just a book for Catholics, but for anyone who cares
about the state of America’s soul —and how that concern might shape the
—John L. Allen Jr., NCR and CNN senior Vatican correspondent
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Image; Reprint edition (August 4, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0385522290; ISBN-13: 978-0385522298
Render Unto Caesar is available for purchase from Amazon.com. For more
information, click on the following link:
The Cost of Choice: Women Evaluate the Impact of
by Erika Bachiochi
"We are now more than thirty years away from the Supreme Court case of Roe vs
Wade, yet the controversy over abortion has not diminished. Although the
"pro-choice" forces increasingly acknowledge the central claim of the "pro-life"
side--that abortion is a morally portentous act--they continue to insist that
the well-being of women is absolutely dependent on the legal right to abortion.
The twelve essays in The Cost of "Choice," all written by women active in the
public square, dispute this claim. These authors argue that over the last three
decades, legal abortion has had harmful effects on women-- socially, medically,
psychologically and culturally.'"
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Founder of the Special Olympics, writes of The Cost
of Choice:
"The essays in this book describe with impact and accuracy the hazards -
physical and mental - of abortion. The frequency of breast cancer is increased;
suicide and depression are common - far more than usual post-partum depression.
The mother of a child, born or unborn, has an obligation to feed and shelter her
child, society an obligation to help her, if needed, and the law an obligation
to protect that child against willful injury or death…Such feeling of
obligations are lost, however, on the feminist creed that abortion is a woman’s
The essays in the Cost of "Choice" clearly dispel the belief that abortion is
just another harmless minor surgical procedure."
Kate O'Beirne, Washington Editor of the National Review, writes:
“The most important collection of the season is both stunning and wholly
original. In The Cost of Choice, a dozen diverse, distinguished women
dismantle the fundamental arguments of abortion advocates and reveal how women
have paid dearly for the bill of goods sold by pro-choice feminists. Finally,
the truth about abortion by thoughtful women for thinking women.”
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Encounter Books (October 25, 2004)
ISBN-10: 1594030510; ISBN-13: 978-1594030512
The Cost of Choice is available for purchase from Amazon.com. For more
information, click on the following link:
Abortion Survivors
by Philip G. Ney & Marie A. Peeters-Ney
This booklet describes some of the conflicts, symptoms and research
findings about those who grew up in families where there had been abortions. Dr.
Ney and his wife Marie are long time friends of Priests for Life. Their
groundbreaking research about abortion survivors points to a key phenomenon
about which clergy, teachers, youth ministers and parents have to be more aware:
when children become aware that they could have been aborted, the whole
foundation of their understanding of life, love, family, and God shifts. They
exhibit symptoms of survivor anxiety and survivor guilt, much like soldiers
returning from battle. There is great need for healing. Moreover, this survivor
awareness motivates many young people to be involved in the pro-life movement.
When they declare that the unborn should be protected, they are also saying that
they themselves should have been protected when they were unborn.
Pioneer Publishing: Victoria, Canada. 1996. 43 pages.
This book is available for purchase from Dr. Philip Ney’s outreach at
Messengers2.com. For more information, click on the following link:
How to Talk With Your Children About Your Abortion
by Philip G. Ney, Marie Peeters-Ney
In this book, Dr. Ney, a child psychiatrist, provides advice on the
difficult question of whether, when, and how a parent should tell her children
about her abortion. Dr. Ney explains that a past abortion affects a family,
whether they want to admit it or not. He warns against "pseudo-secrets," which
are things a family knows but pretends they don't.
Pioneer Publishing: Victoria, Canada. 1995. 60 pages.
This book is available for purchase from Dr. Philip Ney’s
outreach at Messengers2.com. For more information, click on the following
Life Issues, Medical Choices: Questions and
Answers for Catholics
by Janet E. Smith and Christopher Kaczor
(The following review is by Carol Blank.)
“Professor Janet Smith and Christopher Kaczor, Ph.D., are well known for their
bioethics books, articles, and presentations. Their collaboration here offers
guidelines for health care providers and individuals faced with an array of
medical-ethical choices. Content is based on fundamental principles of Church
teaching, where available, and on the thinking of moral theologians in areas of
developing medical technology and treatment.
The book comprises such topics as reproductive technologies and beginning- and
end-of-life issues. Each section consists of 7 to 14 questions and in-depth
answers. A final chapter relates the Ten Commandments to ethics for medical
professionals and suggests ways they can be applied to challenging situations.
Extensive chapter resource lists and notes round out the book.
Throughout their work, the authors draw attention to connections between the
topics and the relationship of all to the larger question of life issues and
medical choices. In the section on fundamentals, for example, they provide a
four-page explanation of the concept of "double effect," a method for analyzing
actions that have two or more morally significant effects. Double effect comes
up again under beginning-of-life issues (treatment of ectopic pregnancies) and
cooperation with evil (separating conjoined twins).
With its clear and thorough treatment of more than 50 specific questions, this
work is a valuable resource for medical professionals, ministers, and families.”
Paperback: 188 pages
Publisher: Servant Books (September 15, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0867168080; ISBN-13: 978-0867168082
Life Issues, Medical Choices is available for purchase from Amazon.com.
Click on the following link for more information:
The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the
Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life
by Ramesh Ponnuru
It’s not just abortion-on-demand. It’s euthanasia, embryo destruction, even
infanticide - and a potentially deadly concern with "the quality of life" of
disabled people. If you think these issues don’t concern you - guess again.
In The Party of Death, Ponnuru details how left-wing radicals, using
abortion as their lever, took over the Democratic Party - and how they have used
their power to corrupt our law and politics, abolish our fundamental right to
life, and push the envelope in ever more dangerous directions. In The Party
of Death, Ponnuru reveals:
* Why the conventional wisdom about Roe v.Wade is a lie * How the party of death
- a coalition of special interests ranging from Planned Parenthood to Hollywood
- came to own the Democratic Party * How the mainstream media promotes the party
of death * Why Jesse Jackson, Al Gore, and other leading liberals gave up being
pro-life * How liberals use animal rights to displace human rights * The
Democratic presidential candidate who said that infanticide is a mother’s
"choice" * How doctors - and other health care professionals - are being
coerced, by law, into violating their consciences * The ultrasound revolution:
why there’s hope to stop the party of death
Ponnuru’s shocking exposé shows just how extreme the Party of Death has become
as they seek to destroy every inconvenient life, demand fealty to their radical
agenda, and punish anyone who defies them. But he also shows how the tide is
turning, how the Party of Death can be defeated, and why its last victim might
be the Democratic Party itself.
About the Author: Ramesh Ponnuru, senior editor at National Review, is a
graduate of Princeton University and has covered politics as a reporter for more
than a dozen years. His journalism has appeared in the Wall Street Journal,
Newsday, the Washington Times, the Weekly Standard, and Financial Times.
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Regnery Publishing, Inc. (April 24, 2006)
ISBN-10: 1596980044; ISBN-13: 978-1596980044
The Party of Death is available for purchase from Amazon.com. Click on
this link for further details: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1596980044
Onward Christian Soldiers: The Growing Political
Power of Catholics and Evangelicals in the United States
by Deal Hudson
From the author:
Many books have been written about the so-called "Religious Right" in American
politics. What makes Onward, Christian Soldiers distinctive is my
exploration of its Catholic dimension. What is usually treated as an exclusively
Evangelical movement is closely intertwined with the travails of the
post-Vatican II era in the United States. I look not only at the Catholic
contribution to the beginning of the movement in the 70s but also at the
specifically Catholic controversies that arose along the way involving figures
like Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Gov. Mario Cuomo, Sen. John Kerry, Fr. Robert
Drinan, S. J., Fr. Frank Pavone, Archbishop Raymond Burke, and, of course, John
Cardinal O'Connor.
Catholics don't consider themselves part of the Religious Right. When I give
lectures, I often ask Catholic audiences a series of questions. First, I usually
ask, "Raise your hand if you consider yourself a social conservative." I remind
them that a social conservative is someone who votes primarily on issues such as
abortion, the defense of marriage and the family, opposition to euthanasia, and
the need for traditional values in education. Most of the Catholics I talk to
raise their hands.
Then I ask how many consider themselves religious conservatives. "Are your
socially conservative attitudes rooted in your Catholic faith?" Again, most will
raise their hands. But then I ask, "How many of you consider yourselves members
of the political movement known as the Religious Right?" The number of raised
hands drops at least to half, sometimes there are only a few still raised.
In Onward Christian Soldiers, I document the surprising role of
Catholics in the creation of the religious conservative movement. Paul Weyrich,
a member of the Melkite Greek Orthodox Church, gave Jerry Falwell the idea for
organizing the Moral Majority, as well as the name itself. The anti-ERA
organizing efforts of Phyllis Schlafly, a Catholic attorney from St Louis, was
the first time religious activists were brought together to oppose the
liberalizing trends of the 70s. Weyrich and Schlafly are, without any
exaggeration, the godparents of the Religious Right.
The preceding summary by the author was taken from a February 8, 2008 article on
the Catholic News Agency website at:
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Threshold Editions (March 11, 2008)
ISBN-10: 1416524428; ISBN-13: 978-1416524427
Onward Christian Soldiers is available for purchase from Amazon.com. Click on
this link for further details: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1416524428/
Why the Democrats are Blue: Secular Liberalism and
the Decline of the People's Party
by Mark Stricherz
Why the Democrats are Blue argues that secular, educated elites, using
a commission created at the 1968 convention in Chicago and later chaired by
Senator George McGovern, took the Democratic Party away from working class and
religious Democrats. This quiet revolution helps explain why Democratic
presidential candidates have lost a majority of recent presidential elections.
“In my travels across the country since the days of Jack Kennedy, I have seen
the political transformation of Reagan Democrat areas such as Macomb County,
Scranton, and South Boston. I knew that these Catholics and blue-collar workers
did not leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party abandoned them. In
fact, as Mark Stricherz shows, wealthy, liberal activists hijacked the national
party, leaving millions of Catholics and working-class voters with no home in
either party. An important and original book, Why the Democrats are Blue tells
the story of a political revolution that the media never told us about.”
-Ray Flynn, former President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and Ambassador to
the Vatican
Hardcover: 315 pages
Publisher: Encounter Books (October 25, 2007)
ISBN-10: 159403205X; ISBN-13: 978-1594032059
Why the Democrats are Blue is available for purchase from Amazon.com.
Click on this link for further details:
The Making of Pro-life Activists: How Social
Movement Mobilization Works
(Morality and Society Series)
by Ziad W. Munson
Unlike most of the books on our Priests for Life website, Mr. Munson’s
book does not cover arguments for the pro-life position. Rather, he lays out an
impartial sociological study of the dynamics of the pro-life movement – how that
movement works on a local and interpersonal level. It stresses how personal
relationships can be just as important as beliefs in winning individuals to the
pro-life cause. We strongly recommend this study, particularly for pro-life
leaders and organizers at every level.
"Why do people become activists in a political cause? Ziad Munson's brilliant
study of the making of pro-life activists shakes up conventional answers to this
question. Social contacts and networks are more important than preconceived
attitudes, Munson shows. Activism is as much about building community as about
mobilizing individuals. This study deserves careful attention beyond as well as
within academia. It offers stimulating lessons for citizens and civic leaders
across the political spectrum."
-Theda Skocpol, Harvard University
Paperback: 248 pages
Publisher: University Of Chicago Press; 1 edition (February 15, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0226551202; ISBN-13: 978-0226551203
The Making of Pro-Life Activists is available for purchase from Amazon.com. For
more information, click on the following link:
A Life That Matters: The Legacy of Terri Schiavo –
A Lesson for Us All
by Mary and Robert Schindler, Suzanne Schindler Vitadamo, and Bobby Schindler
In 2004-5, when the Terri Schiavo case divided the country, one side of the
story was buried under the avalanche of politics and power. Now, Terri Schiavo’s
parents, brother, and sister speak out—for Terri and themselves. A Life That
Matters may well change every assumption you have about Terri’s too-brief
life and prolonged, agonizing death.
Here the people who loved her and knew her best tell the story not only of the
fifteen years Terri struggled to stay alive, but of a gentle child who brought
happiness to everyone she touched. This is the story of a normal adolescent who
blossomed into the beautiful young woman who captured Michael Schiavo’s heart.
And it is the inside story of their troubled relationship, for the members of
Terri’s family were witnesses to a growing tension—and were her confidants as
she struggled in her marriage with the husband who would later crusade for her
premature and unnecessary death.
A book that stakes clear moral ground without a political aim, A Life That
Matters takes us inside Terri’s family when the courts ordered her feeding
tube removed, and it leads inexorably to a scene that will haunt readers
forever: a bereft family barred by the police from their daughter’s hospice room
in the final moments of her life. You will also read about the role Priests for
Life and Fr. Frank Pavone played in this drama.
A Life That Matters separates lies from truth, myth from facts, and
politics from people. It challenges us to hear the words and feel the emotions
of the warm, intensely private family who never sought the media storm that
accosted them, or the devastating legal battle that broke their hearts. The book
asks us what we would do if we found ourselves, as the Schindlers did, wanting
nothing more than to love and care for a daughter as long as she could live.
Hardcover: 251 pages
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing; 1st edition (March 27, 2006)
ISBN-10: 0446579874; ISBN-13: 978-0446579872
This book is available from Amazon.com. For more information, click on the
following link:
A Will to Live: Clear Answers on End of Life
From the series The Shepherd’s Voice
By Archbishop Jose Gomez, Archbishop of San Antonio
Archbishop Jose Gomez explains what every Catholic needs to know in order to
effectively and morally prepare for the inevitable death of our loved ones and
ourselves. With changing values and modern medical technologies to deal with,
this booklet explains how to approach end-of-life issues and prepare for death
in a way consistent with our Catholic faith. You will learn the answers to these
important issues and more: What dignified death means to a Catholic. Why
euthanasia, even if well intended, is murder. What the culture of life really
means. Whether a Catholic should have a living will . Which medical practices
are immoral. Pope John Paul II s criteria for ordinary vs. extraordinary means.
What is morally mandated for palliative care.
About the Author
The Most Reverend Jose H. Gomez, Archbishop of San Antonio since 2005, has
distinguished himself as a respected national, and enthusiastic supporter of
vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and continuously encourages all
Catholics to witness their faith in their daily
Paperback: 68 pages
Publisher: Basilica Press (December 27, 2006)
ISBN-10: 193031406X
ISBN-13: 978-1930314061
To order this book from Amazon.com, click on this link:
What Happened to
Notre Dame?
by Charles E. Rice
When the University of Notre Dame announced that President Barack Obama would
speak at its 2009 Commencement and would receive an honorary doctor of laws
degree, the reaction was more than anyone expected. Students, faculty, alumni,
and friends of Notre Dame denounced the honoring of Obama, who is the most
pro-abortion president we have had.
Mary Ann Glendon, distinguished Harvard law professor and former ambassador to
the Vatican, felt obliged to turn down the prestigious Laetare Medal on this
account, so that her presence at the same commencement ceremony would not be
used as an excuse by those who would try to “balance out” the scandal that
And, as Professor Rice mentions, the senior class members who decided to boycott
their commencement because of the President’s appearance asked Fr. Frank Pavone
to come and lead them in an alternate commencement ceremony taking place
simultaneously on the campus.
What Happened to Notre Dame? by Charles E. Rice, with a Preface by Ralph
McInerny and Introduction by Alfred Freddoso – three of Notre Dame’s most
distinguished scholars, who together have served the University 124 years –
first recounts the details of Notre Dame’s honoring of President Obama. It then
examines the succession of fall-back excuses offered by the Notre Dame President
Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., and University publicists to justify Notre Dame’s
defiance of the nation’s bishops and of Catholic teaching.
About the Authors
Charles E. Rice is professor emeritus in the Law School, University of Notre
Dame, and is author, among other works, of Where Did I Come From? Where Am I
Going? How Do I Get There? and The Winning Side, both from St. Augustine's
Ralph McInerny, professor emeritus of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, and
past director of the Maritain Center, is author of over 100 books, including
scores of mysteries (most famously, the bestselling Fr. Dowling Mystery series
and the Notre Dame series), many works in philosophy and history, and is
translator of more than ten books.
Alfred J. Freddoso, professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, is a
renowned translator from medieval Latin, most recently Thomas Aquinas's Treatise
on Law: The Complete Text, from St. Augustine's Press.
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: St. Augustines Press; 1 edition (September 25, 2009)
ISBN-10: 1587319209;
ISBN-13: 978-1587319204
To order this book from Amazon.com, click on this link:
John Paul II: Confronting the Language
Empowering the Culture of Death by William Brennan
This book reveals how through a discourse of truth-telling calling things by
their proper name Pope John Paul II effectively exposed the corruption of
language and thought fueling a death culture that is becoming increasingly
embedded in medicine, human experimentation, commerce, law, and ideology. This
is an indispensable guide to Pope John Paul s profound and practical insights,
meditations, principles, and actions to protect society s most defenseless
Reviews from prominent Catholic thinkers:
No one has more astutely analyzed the language of death in our
time than William Brennan, and his study of John Paul II's writings on the
subject brings to our attention an aspect of the pope's thought that has often
been overlooked. --James Hitchcock, Professor of History, St. Louis University
We live not only in a time and place but also in the
description of that time and place. William Brennan exposes how that description
was twisted and deformed, and how John Paul the Great responded by teaching the
world the language of the culture of life. --Rev. Richard John Neuhaus, Editor
in Chief, First Things
In his latest work Brennan catalogues the conceptual and
language games used in law, medicine, and politics to deny the humanity of the
weak and the vulnerable. Quoting from our cultural elites, Brennan contrasts
their cold concepts with John Paul II s warm affirmation of the value of every
human life all the while showing how their vocabulary undercuts the sanctity of
human life. The work is also an excellent resource for anyone who wants at his
fingertips a handbook of the most egregious anti-life statements by the most
prestigious of our cultural leaders. It is well researched and documented, a
valuable resource for anyone engaged in our battle for a culture of life.
--Adrian Reimers, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
Paperback: 172 pages
Publisher: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University (October 27, 2008)
ISBN-10: 1932589449
ISBN-13: 978-1932589443
Democrats for Life: Pro-Life Politics and
the Silenced Majority
by Kristen Day
Day demonstrates how the Democratic Party has been hijacked by the extremely
liberal members of the party and special interest groups such as NARAL. She
illustrates that only 25% of people in America support the party’s agenda of
“abortion on demand,” and that this superliberal approach to abortion has driven
away voters because of this issue. This book is also important for Republicans
to read, giving a powerful new perspective and potential ally in Congress. Many
pro-life measures in Congress could not have been passed if it hadn’t been for
pro-life Democrats, simply because the Republicans did not have enough votes.
The Democratic Party’s suppression of its pro-life members is a serious issue
for all pro-life people, Democrat or Republican.
Kristen Day is national director of Democrats for Life, a grassroots, pro-life
organization in Washington D.C. A former congressional staffer, she now
advocates full-time to support pro-life democrats, advocate for pro-life issues
and bring her party back to Life. She and her husband live with their two
children near Washington D.C.
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: New Leaf Press (AR) (August 1, 2006)
ISBN-10: 0892216379
ISBN-13: 978-0892216376
To order this book from Amazon.com, click on this link:
Pro-Life Answers
By Mark Crutcher
This book is dedicated to understanding and communicating the principle that
human life is entitled to be protected by law without compromise or exception,
and regardless of circumstance. However, it is not meant to simply be a
catalogue of rote responses to the standard issues raised by abortion defenders.
Instead, it was designed to train the reader to think like a pro-lifer.
That process begins by us understanding that we have a responsibility always to
keep this issue in front of the American people, and to take every discussion
about it seriously. With the public’s growing unease over abortion, people we
could have never reached in the past are now willing to at least listen to the
pro-life message. Even among people who actually work in abortion clinics, there
is a creeping sense of doubt about what they are doing, and every rational
pro-life argument they hear amplifies those doubts.
Paperback: 80 pages
can order this book from Life Dynamics
Redeeming A Father's Heart: Men Share
Powerful Stories of Abortion Loss and Recovery
By Kevin Burke and David Wemhoff
Redeeming A Father's Heart presents the powerful stories of 10 courageous men
with the common desire to present the truth of their abortion experience and the
consequences of this life changing decision. These accounts are inspirational
testimonies that journey deep into the heart of male post abortion
pain...ultimately revealing the miraculous manifestation of God's transforming
power. After you read these stories you will have a greater understanding and
appreciation of male post abortion grief. The stories in Redeeming A Father's
Heart provide a special roadmap for men and their loved ones, pointing the way
to deeper understanding, hope and healing.
About the Author
Kevin Burke is a Licensed Social Worker, a Pastoral Associate of Priests for
Life, and the Associate Director of Rachel's Vineyard Ministries an
international post abortion healing outreach of Priests For Life. Kevin
specializes in the education of counseling professionals, clergy/ministers and
the public on the effects of abortion on men, couples and families. Kevin and
his wife Theresa Burke, Ph.D., are authors of Grief to Grace, a retreat for
healing the wounds of sexual abuse. David Wemhoff is an attorney in private
practice. David also serves as adjunct faculty for two universities, at which he
instructs on constitutional law and government. He lives and works in South
Bend, Indiana. Marvin Stockwell is the public relations manager for the Church
Health Center, a ministry that provides quality, affordable healthcare to
uninsured working people and their families. Marvin previously worked as a
newspaper reporter, editor and columnist. He and his wife Sarah have two
children and live in Memphis.
Paperback: 120 pages
Publisher: AuthorHouse (May 24, 2007)
ISBN-10: 1434313670
ISBN-13: 978-1434313676
Order from Amazon.
Defending Life: A Moral and Legal
Case Against Abortion Choice
By Francis Beckwith
"By a masterful marshalling of the pertinent arguments and a civil engagement
with the counter-arguments, Beckwith makes a convincing case for law and social
policy based on reason and natural rights rather than the will to power." --
Reverend Richard John Neuhaus, Editor-in-Chief, First Things
"Like a superhero fighting on hostile turf with one arm tied behind his back,
Francis J. Beckwith confronts every argument - popular, legal, and
philosophical - that comes out against the pro-life position and fends them off
one by one with steadfast rationality and exuberant invention. Between punches,
drawing on the science of embryology and on philosophical anthropology, he
develops a gracious and luminous case for the simple goodness of human life and
the basic equality of all members of the human community from the moment of
conception. Readers will judge for themselves whether or not he delivers a
knock-out, but after working through Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case
against Abortion Choice, no one can honestly hide behind such conceits as that
all educated people support abortion, that nothing but blind faith rejects
abortion rights, or that we are faced with a tragic choice between intelligence
and life." -- James R. Stoner, Jr., Louisiana State University
"Francis Beckwith's Defending Life directly confronts, with careful analysis of
specific texts, a wide variety of arguments made by prominent scholars who favor
abortion rights, including Judith Thomson, David Boonin, Dean Stretton, Eileen
McDonagh, Paul Simmons, and Stuart Rosenbaum. Those who read the book may not
agree with Beckwith, but they will have no ground to complain that he has not
taken the arguments on the other side seriously, since the book is a sustained
analysis and critique of the most important arguments in defense of abortion
rights. It is often said that the anti-abortion position is fundamentally
religious. Defending Life, however, provides a comprehensive and sophisticated
philosophical defense of the position - too often given short shrift in academia
- that abortion involves the deliberate, unjustifiable killing of a member of
the human community. It is an invaluable contribution to debate on this central
social and political issue." -- Christopher Wolfe, Marquette University
Paperback: 312 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (August 13, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0521691354
ISBN-13: 978-0521691352
Order this book on Amazon.com by going to:
The Politics of Abortion
By Anne Hendershott
In The Politics of Abortion, Anne Hendershott carefully analyzes the politics
behind our most contentious issue. How did the culture shift that produced Roe v
Wade occur? How did the Democratic Party move from being the party of the New
Deal, Medicare, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children to the party of
abortion-on-demand? Why are black women targeted as the primary consumers of
abortion services? Why does Hollywood celebrate abortion and abortion providers
in films and television? Why do pro-choice clergy assure followers that abortion
is a sacred choice? Finally, arguing that Roe v Wade effectively radicalized the
abortion debate by denying to the pro-life side the ordinary tools of politics
and persuasion, Hendershott asks that we begin to move the discussions from the
courts back to the realm of politics where there might be some prospect of
Hardcover: 190 pages
Publisher: Encounter Books; 1 edition (October 25, 2006)
ISBN-10: 1594031487
ISBN-13: 978-1594031489
Order this book on Amazon.com by going to:
Motherhood Interrupted: Stories of
Healing and Hope After Abortion
By Jane Brennan
“During my junior year in college, after much promiscuity, drinking and drug
use, the inevitable happened. I was pregnant. My first reaction was one of total
fear. What was I to do? Everyone around me said ‘get an abortion.’ In fact,
abortion was well publicized around campus, socially acceptable and easily
obtained. My boyfriend was not concerned at all about “my problem”. So, I
decided abortion was my only choice.
When I arrived at the clinic, I had to see a staff counselor before anything
else. She was very nice and seemed genuinely concerned about me. ‘The whole
procedure will be very easy and then you can just go on with your life.’ She
said. This was the first lie that was told to me. She continued, telling me that
I wasn't carrying a baby, just a “clump of cells” - a second lie, which I didn’t
realize until many years later.
The procedure was extremely painful and I almost passed out. As for “getting on
with my life” that consisted of more drug use, promiscuity, drinking and now a
new problem: depression. Life just seemed to be more difficult. I couldn’t see a
way out...
As painful as it is, I tell my story to help other women have the courage to
speak out. After hearing my story hopefully other post-abortive women suffering
in silence will come forward with their own stories. Then the grim reality of
how abortion shatters lives will be heard, and soon abortion will not be thought
of as a clinical procedure or a fundamental right but the tragedy it is.”
Jane Brennan, MS, a former member of NOW and Planned Parenthood volunteer, has
devoted her private counseling practice, Hope for the Journey, to offer
post-abortive women a safe place to reconcile unresolved grief and loss. In 2005
Brennan received the Pro-Vitae (For Life) award from the Archdiocese of Denver,
an award given to those who have shown tremendous support for pro-life issues.
Brennan has also published several pieces regarding abortion’s aftermath on
various websites.
Jane is the Silent No More Awareness Campaign Regional Coordinator (See
for more information) and she volunteers with the Alternatives Pregnancy Center.
She resides in Colorado with her husband Kyle and four daughters.
Paperback: 154 pages
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation (January 28, 2008)
ISBN-10: 1436302293
ISBN-13: 978-1436302296
Order this book on Amazon.com by going to:
The Contraception of Grief
Edited by Dr. Theresa Burke, Ph.D., with Janet Morana
Among the many hidden sources of shame and grief in the Church today, perhaps
none go as unnoticed, unmentioned and ignored as the emotional pain resulting
from the use of contraception. A growing number of women, however, including
non-Catholics, are coming forward with stories of profound grief and loss
connected with their past use of artificial contraceptives. Many who pick up
this booklet may be surprised to read that contraception can be related to
intense grief. What is the root of this mysterious pain that many women and men
are beginning to face? It is the growing awareness that some forms of birth
control do more than just prevent pregnancy.
The Birth Control Pill, the IUD, and other hormonal contraceptives such as the
Morning After Pill, Depo-Provera, and Norplant can, after conception occurs,
cause the loss of a unique human life.
This booklet contains some of the latest scientific information on these forms
of birth control and how they cause abortions in the earliest stages of a
developing child’s life. Also included are stories of women and men who have
faced the grief of losing children to abortifacient contraception. One of those
who shares her testimony is Janet Morana, the Executive Director of Priests for
Life and co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.
The final chapters explore the overall effects of contraception on our
relationships and on our faith journey, the challenges and benefits of Natural
Family Planning, and, most importantly, the road to recovery for those who
grieve the effects of contraception and wish to experience the mercy and
forgiveness of the Lord in their lives.
Published in 2005
100 Pages
This book can be ordered from Amazon.
The Four Steps to Healing
By Martha Shuping, M.D. And Debbie McDaniel, M.A. LPC
If you or someone you care about has experienced the pain of unresolved grief
after abortion, you know how hard it can be to find help. Magazines and talk
shows offer advice on nearly every topic, yet it’s rare to see a headline for
post-abortion recovery.
The Four Steps to Healing sheds new light on an issue
that has touched the lives of many but is talked about by few. The myth of
abortion as a “selfish” choice is dispelled here by illustrations of women who
chose abortion out of concern everyone’s needs but their own. Many who suffer
from post-abortion grief are, in fact, caring nurturers, helpers by nature who
take spiritual matters seriously.
In recognition of those who long to reconnect and go further in their faith, The
Four Steps to Healing is available in both Catholic and non-denominational
versions. Filled with practical suggestions, prayers and stories of hope, it is
a resource for those who want to be healed and for those who want to help.
Order the Catholic version at Amazon
Paperback: 136 pages
Publisher: Tabor Garden Press (April 13, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0972876928
ISBN-13: 978-0972876926
Order the Non-Denominational version at Amazon
Paperback: 120 pages
Publisher: Tabor Garden Press (April 11, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0972876944
ISBN-13: 978-0972876940
Population Control: Real Costs,
Illusory Benefits
by Steven Mosher
For over half a century, policymakers committed to population control have
perpetrated a gigantic, costly, and inhumane fraud upon the human race. They
have robbed people of the developing countries of their progeny and the people
of the developed world of their pocketbooks. Determined to stop population
growth at all costs, those Mosher calls "population controllers" have abused
women, targeted racial and religious minorities, undermined primary health care
programs, and encouraged dictatorial actions if not dictatorship. They have
skewed the foreign aid programs of the United States and other developed
countries in an anti-natal direction, corrupted dozens of well-intentioned
nongovernmental organizations, and impoverished authentic development programs.
Blinded by zealotry, they have even embraced the most brutal birth control
campaign in history: China's infamous one-child policy, with all its attendant
horrors. There is no workable demographic definition of "overpopulation." Those
who argue for its premises conjure up images of poverty - low incomes, poor
health, unemployment, malnutrition, overcrowded housing to justify anti-natal
programs. The irony is that such policies have in many ways caused what they
predicted - a world which is poorer materially, less diverse culturally, less
advanced economically, and plagued by disease. The population controllers have
not only studiously ignored mounting evidence of their multiple failures; they
have avoided the biggest story of them all. Fertility rates are in free fall
around the globe. Movements with billions of dollars at their disposal, not to
mention thousands of paid advocates, do not go quietly to their graves.
Moreover, many in the movement are not content to merely achieve zero population
growth, they want to see negative population numbers. In their view, our current
population should be reduced to one or two billion or so. Such a goal would keep
these interest groups fully employed. It would also have dangerous consequences
for a global environment.
About the Author
Steven W. Mosher is president of Population Research Institute and is recognized
as one of the leading authorities on population studies. He is the author of
several books and articles. His work has appeared in many publications including
The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic and National Review.
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Transaction Publishers (April 17, 2008)
ISBN-10: 1412807131
ISBN-13: 978-1412807135
Find this book at Amazon.com at:
The Right to Privacy (Bioethics & Culture)
by Janet E. Smith with foreward by Robert H. Bork
Janet Smith, well-known philosophy professor and writer, presents a critical
look at the meaning of the "right to privacy" that has been so often employed by
the Supreme Court in recent times to justify the creation of rights not found in
the Constitution by any traditional method of interpreting a legal document.
Smith shows how these inventions have led to the legal protection of abortion,
assisted suicide, homosexual acts, and more. As Judge Bork says it shows that
"morals legislation now seems constitutionally impermissible", and that the
counterfeit right to privacy belongs to the genre of the indecipherable and
incoherent that no one who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would
have contemplated. Foreword by Robert Bork
Hardcover: 105 pages
Publisher: National Catholic Bioethics Center, Ignatius Press (June 30, 2008)
ISBN-10: 158617259X
ISBN-13: 978-1586172596
Find this book on Amazon.com at:
Abortion under State Constitutions: A
State-by-State Analysis
by Paul Benjamin Linton
Whether a state constitution protects a right to abortion is significant for two
reasons: First, it may determine whether the State has the authority to enact
and enforce laws regulating abortion (e.g., laws mandating informed consent or
requiring parental notice or consent) within current federal constitutional
limits. Second, and more important, it will determine whether the State would
have the authority to enact and enforce laws prohibiting abortion, if the
Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and returns the issue of abortion to the
Abortion under State Constitutions is the first, full-length treatment of the
subject to appear in print. For each State, the author considers possible
sources of a right to abortion in the state constitution (privacy, due process
of law, equality of rights, equal protection, privileges and immunities, as well
as other provisions); state court decisions interpreting those provisions; the
relevant state constitutional history; pre-Roe prohibitions of abortion and
their interpretation by state courts; post-Roe regulations of abortion; and what
rights state law has conferred upon unborn children outside the context of
Based upon the foregoing analysis, arranged topically within
each State for ease of reference, the author concludes that thirteen state
constitutions protect (or would be interpreted to protect) a state right to
abortion that is independent of the right to abortion recognized in Roe v. Wade,
while the supreme courts of the other thirty-seven States probably would not
recognize a state right to abortion. Likely to become a standard reference work
on the subject, Abortion under State Constitutions should be of interest not
only to lawyers who litigate state abortion rights claims and judges who decide
those cases, but to anyone on either side of the abortion debate who wants to
have a better understanding of the status of abortion under state constitutions.
Hardcover: 610 pages
ISBN-10: 1594606048
ISBN-13: 978-1594606045
Find this book on Amazon.com at:
Women's Health After Abortion: The
Medical and Psychological Evidence (Second Edition, 2003)
by Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy and Ian Gentles
Based on the research and findings of more than 520 books and scientific papers,
Women's Health after Abortion (Second Edition) is a comprehensive, up-to-date
report of the physical and psychological impact of induced abortion on women.
Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy and Ian Gentiles have assembled a compelling account of
the research on post-abortion difficulties, both short and long term. Although
they often touch upon technical matters, they write with a humanity and clarity
that makes their conclusions readily accessible to the general reader. As this
book makes overwhelmingly clear, women who seek abortions in the United States
and Canada are not even told of the risk they are running. It is hard to see the
intentional withholding of such essential information as a contribution to
women’s ‘liberation’ much less their dignity and well being. - Elizabeth
Price: $19.95
Paperback: 333 pages
Publisher: The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research; Second
Edition edition (September 10, 2003)
ISBN-10: 0920453244
ISBN-13: 978-0920453247
Sharing the Heart of Christ: For Clergy,
Counselors and Laity in Post Abortion Ministry
By Kevin Burke, LSW, Theresa Burke, PhD, and Fr. Frank Pavone
There is a lot of pain in our midst…pain regarding the tragedy of abortion. We
as priests and deacons share in that pain, along with counselors and laity. We
are also called to address it. Dealing with it is an essential aspect of our
call to serve the needs of our people.
Sharing the Heart of Christ will help you preach and minister, in truth and
compassion, regarding what the United States bishops have called, “the
fundamental human rights issue of our day,” that is, abortion (Resolution on
Abortion, 1989). These reflections provide a springboard, a stimulus to
prayerful thought, from which you will then be able to build a fruitful ministry
of pro-life preaching and pastoral care adapted to the concrete situation in
which you serve.
The Emerging Brave New World
By Tom Glessner
In his classic novel Brave New World, English writer Aldous Huxley wrote of a
future where human beings are manipulated, abused and even killed for the
perceived good of society. Huxley envisioned a future where human life is
cheapened and easily disposed of for the benefit of a controlling elite.
Christian philosopher C.S. Lewis referred to such an elite as men without
chests. Indeed, in such a brave new world humanity itself is redefined to allow
for the elimination of those deemed inferior. Is Huxley’s ghoulish nightmare
about to descend upon America? Will we lose control over our destiny to an elite
comprised of men without chests? Thomas Glessner writes of the gradual
dehumanization on human beings that has invaded American culture and has
accelerated at a frightening pace since the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe
v. Wade. The subsequent dehumanization of unborn human beings and the emergence
of abortion on demand have opened the door to a culture where humanity is
redefined and those deemed of insignificant value are eliminated. This book
discusses the ongoing cultural battle between the traditional sanctity of life
ethic, which has been the foundation of Western civilization and American
culture for centuries and the modern quality of life ethic, which is
increasingly gaining control in academia as well as the hearts and minds of the
public. Glessner challenges the Christian church to respond to the current
cultural decline by placing priority upon efforts to restore the sanctity of
life ethic in our cultural institutions. Only through such monumental efforts
will the emergence of a brave new world be defeated. With foreword by Senator
Tom Coburn, United States Senate.
Paperback: 285 pages
Publisher: HighWay (July 1, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0981495737
ISBN-13: 978-0981495736
Politics for the Greatest Good: The Case
for Prudence in the Public Square
By Clarke Forsythe
With a level-headed voice, leading policy strategist Clarke Forsythe speaks
clearly into the fray of political striving. Here he campaigns for a recovery of
a rich understanding of the virtue of prudence, and for its application by
policymakers and citizens to contemporary public policy.
As Forsythe explains, prudence, in its classical sense, is the ability to apply
wisdom to right action. In this book he explores the importance of applying the
principles of prudence--taking account of limitations in a world of constraints
and striving to achieve the greatest measure of justice under current
circumstances--to the realm of politics, especially that of bioethics.
In particular, Forsythe applies these concepts to the ongoing debate among
pro-life advocates regarding gradual versus radical change as the most effective
way to achieve political and legislative goals. Drawing on the Bible,
philosophy, and the wisdom of historical figures such as Abraham Lincoln and
William Wilberforce, he makes a strong case for a strategy of seeking to achieve
the maximal change possible at a given time--or political prudence. As such, it
has broad implications for political scientists and strategists both within and
beyond the pro-life context.
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: IVP Books (June 2009)
ISBN-10: 0830829229
ISBN-13: 978-0830829224
Robert George and Christopher Tollefsen
In Embryo, philosophers Robert George and Christopher Tollefsen deliver
an intellectual justification for the legal recognition of human embryos as full
and complete human persons. While this book does not center on the topic of
abortion per se, it nevertheless directly impacts the abortion debate. Why?:
Because if an embryo deserves full legal recognition as a person, then there can
be no legal justification for killing embryos in abortion – or in embryonic stem
cell research, for that matter. The fates of millions of human persons in the
embryonic stage depend upon the arguments presented in this book.
Embryo is not a light read; in fact, readers will benefit greatly from
some academic background in philosophy before opening this book. George and
Tollefsen delve deeply into various branches of philosophy and illustrate
powerfully how one’s choice of philosophy can determine one’s views on human
rights. Specifically they attack the dualism so deeply prevalent in pro-choice
circles, a dualism that most often manifests itself in the belief that if a
human can’t think or talk, then s/he doesn’t deserve human rights. This belief
doesn’t just apply to embryos: Think Terri Schiavo.
For university students and all those engaged in debate, Embryo is an
excellent source of information and reflection.
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Doubleday; 1 edition (January 8, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0385522827
ISBN-13: 978-0385522823
Price: $16.29
Amazon link
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
David Carlin
David Carlin used to be loyal Democrat. He was even a Democratic Rhode Island
state senator for twelve years. But then something happened: The Democratic
Party began championing causes inimical to his deep Catholic faith, causes like
abortion, sexual license, militant secularism, and euthanasia. Now the
Democratic Party has given us a president with a radically extreme pro-abortion
voting record, and Carlin is asking himself: Is it possible to support the
Democratic Party without stepping on the Faith – even for the time it takes to
push a button in the voting booth?
In this excellent, thought-provoking book, Carlin discusses why the Democratic
Party abandoned the ideals of the Catholic working class and adopted those of
Hollywood. (Hint: Remember that he who pays the piper calls the tune.) He then
challenges all Catholics who retain a love and allegiance for the Democratic
Party to reexamine their political loyalties in the light of their loyalty to
the Faith. In the process, he ignites hope that if enough Catholics choose the
Faith over political affiliation, it may just be possible to witness the rise of
parties truly faithful to all values the Church holds dear.
Paperback: 220 pages
Publisher: Sophia Institute Press (August 30, 2005)
ISBN-10: 1933184191
ISBN-13: 978-1933184197
Price: $10.17
Amazon link
A Civilization of
Love: What Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World
by Carl Anderson
Like many pro-life authors, Carl Anderson knows that our current culture is in a
mess. Unlike some, however, Anderson recognizes that more energy should be
devoted to fixing the problem than to worrying about the problem. It should come
as no surprise, then, that Anderson sees the solution to our present societal
ills in a return to personal responsibility. Government alone will not make
society pro-life, it will only become pro-life insofar as every individual takes
responsibility for living the Gospel of life. In other words, Anderson
challenges the reader to live up to a sobering realization: The pro-life
movement starts with me.
Price: $10.97
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: HarperOne (May 5, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0061335320; ISBN-13: 978-0061335327
A Civilization of Love is available for purchase from Amazon.com. For
more information, click on the following link:
A Love for Life
by Dennis Di Mauro
Dennis DiMauro is a board member of the National Pro-Life Religious Council
(NPRC), headed by Fr. Frank Pavone. The NPRC educates the public on the
historic, Biblical Christian teaching on the sanctity of life. A Love for
Life is the result of the NPRC's decision to update Christians about the
historic and current positions of various denominations on abortion.
The following review comes from ChristianBookReviews.net:
The recent pronouncements of such political figures as House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi and Senator (now Vice-President-Elect) Joseph Biden on theological
matters concerning abortion have focused attention on the historic claims of the
Church concerning whether the “termination of a pregnancy” is inherently sinful.
One might wonder why those of the political elite would care about theological
history but Pelosi and Biden, both Catholic, were at pains to defend themselves
against charges of being “bad Catholics” in an election year. In view of
suggestions by many Catholic bishops that supporting abortion rights was a
communion-breaking offense, both attempted to present the history of Catholicism
as much more nuanced on the issue.
Of course, no one has ever confused either with an expert on Church history.
Indeed, their claims are totally absurd. But it is one thing to state their
absurdity and another to demonstrate it. Dennis DiMauro has ably done the latter
in A Love for Life as he examines the history of the Church regarding its view
on the abortion issue. By the end of the book, he has convincingly demolished
the claims of those whose wishful thinking would allow them to promote abortion
as an issue where the Church has been historically divided.
Beginning with the most ancient sources, DiMauro mines both Scripture and
Christian tradition to bring together all the elements of a view on life that
challenged the “culture of death” existing in the pagan Roman Empire and
triumphed over it. The author points out how the pro-life position was the
consistent Christian view throughout the patristic, medieval, and Reformation
periods among all Christian traditions and only weakened in recent times as some
within the Church have forsaken the historic morality of Christendom for one
more amenable to the newly emerging “culture of death” of our own times.
The author also points out that the division among Christians on this issue is
much overplayed. Most of the “pro-choice” support is within the rapidly
disappearing “mainline” churches of the West. It is elsewhere that Christendom
is on the rise and there the pro-life position is dominant. Given the mainline
churches retreat on a whole host of issues, it can be effectively argued that
they merely represent the lapsed faith of dying churches.
It might be helpful if every pro-choice politician read A Love for Life
before commenting on the “diversity of opinions” within Christianity on the
abortion issue. It will probably not change their minds – their views are
clearly formed without any Christian source – but it might give them pause
before they make clearly insupportable claims. Whatever may be their reasons for
supporting abortion, they cannot blame it on Christ.
Price: $18.00
Paperback: 178 pages
Publisher: Wipf & Stock Publishers (June 2008)
ISBN-10: 1556358288; ISBN-13: 978-1556358289
A Love for Life is available for purchase from Amazon.com. For more
information, click on the following link:
Defending Life 2009: Proven Strategies for a Pro-Life America
Defending Life is a legal guide produced annually by Americans
United for Life as a comprehensive reference source for pro-life legislators
and activists. It provides research-based, nonpartisan information on the
history and relative effectiveness of pro-life legislation both on the national
level and in each of the fifty States as well as in-depth analysis of all
current and future legislative challenges. Senator Tom Coburn writes the
The book is divided into sections on abortion, the legal recognition of unborn
and newly born children, bioethics and biotechnology, end-of-life issues,
healthcare rights of conscience, and state report cards.
As a key reference book for in the pro-life movement, Defending Life is
unique and irreplaceable. In its comprehensiveness, thoroughness and
reliability, it is ideally suited for state legislators and politically astute
and active individuals and organizations.
Find more information on the Americans United for Life website.
Paperback: 1056 pages
Publisher: Americans United for Life; 4th edition (March 1, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0977720454
ISBN-13: 978-0977720453
Click here to order on Amazon
The Case for Life
by Scott Klusendorf
Scott Klusendorf’s The Case for Life delivers a clarity on the
abortion issue that all pro-life advocates must be able to appreciate and then
deliver in order to change the nature of the current abortion debate. That
clarity centers on one fundamental question: What is a pregnant woman pregnant
The answer to that question determines the debate. Because if pregnancy does not
involve an unborn human being, then everything the pro-choice movement advocates
is true: The pregnant woman should be entirely free to dispose of her pregnancy
however she wishes. If, however, her actions infringe upon the rights of another
person, namely the embryo or fetus inside her body, then the answer becomes
totally different.
Klusendorf’s arguments concerning abortion are logically solid, and the
techniques he advocates for debate are effective.
Scott Klusendorf is a committed evangelical Christian and the final part of his
book concerns the relationship between the pro-life position and evangelical
Christianity as well as interreligious dialogue on abortion.
Find more information on https://www.caseforlife.com
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Crossway Books
ISBN-10: 1433503204
ISBN-13: 9781433503207
Order The Case for Life at
Books or on
Supreme Deception
By Sybil Fletcher Lash
Published in 2002, this book chronicles the life of Sandra Cano, the "Mary
Doe" of the Supreme Court's Doe vs. Bolton abortion decision (the
companion case to Roe vs. Wade). This book exposes the lies told to the
Supreme Court Justices which completely ignored Sandra's wishes.
ISBN Number 0-9718831-0-6
Published in 2002 by Sentinel Productions, PO Box 1509, Lawrenceville, GA
30046-1509; Phone: 770-978-2350; Fax: 770-736-7830.
Men and Abortion: A Path to Healing
By C.T. Coyle, Ph. D.
Men are hurt by abortion, and need healing from it. This book is based on
research on case studies, from which a program of healing has been developed.
The book is useful for post-abortion men, their families, and those who counsel
ISBN Number 1-894169-87-5
Published in 1999 by Essence Publishing, 44 Moira Street West, Belleville,
Ontario, Canada K8P 1S3; Phone: 1-800-238-6376; Fax: 613-962-3055; Email: info@essence.on.ca; Web: www.essence.on.ca
Thinking Theologically about Abortion
Edited by Paul T. Stallsworth
In 1998, the National Pro-life Religious Council held an ecumenical
conference for pastors on the topic "Building a Ministry for Life." This book
contains the texts of four of the presentations made that day.
ISBN Number 1-885224-30-3
Published in 2000 by Bristol House, LTD,PO Box 4020, Anderson, IN 46013-0020.
Phone 765-644-0856, 1-800-451-7323; Fax 765-622-1045
The Right Choice
Edited by Paul T. Stallsworth
This collection of sermons and talks brings together an outstanding array of
advocates for the pro-life position from many denominations. It will help
pastors who want to preach about abortion bur don't know how to begin. The
editor and a number of the contributors belong to the National Pro-life
Religious Council.
ISBN Number 0-687-05079-0
Published in 1997 by Abingdon Press, PO Box 801, 201 Eighth Ave. South,
Nashville, TN 37202-0801
The Church & Abortion
Edited by Paul T. Stallsworth
Is much of American Protestantism out of step with historic Christian
teaching on abortion? The contributors to this book, while writing from the
vantage point of United Methodists, provide valuable theological and pastoral
perspectives for all Christians.
ISBN Number 0-687-07852-0
Published in 1993 by Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Ave. South, Nashville, TN
Not My Own: Abortion and the Marks of the Church
by Terry Schlossberg and Elizabeth Achtemeier
This book provides a challenge to Christian churches that have grown lax in
their opposition to abortion. It shows that our pro-life convictions are not an
optional "add-in," but rather are rooted in the very nature of the Church.
ISBN Number 0-8028-0875-1
Published in 1995 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, Co, 255 Jefferson Ave. S.E.,
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Deeply Damaged: An Explanation for the Profound Problems Arising from
Aborting Babies and Abusing Children
by Philip Ney
This is a detailed and fascinating account of untold psychological harm
caused by abortion, and a unique analysis of the mutual causality between
abortion and child abuse.
ISBN Number 0-920952-10-0
Published in 1997 by Pioneer Publishing Co., LTD
Letters to Gabriel
by Karen Santorum
Karen tells the story of her medically complicated pregnancy and her child
whose life was so short. She and her family loved their child in his frailty in
the womb, at the very time when her husband, Senator Rick Santorum, was
defending the lives of all such children in the Senate's debate on partial-birth
abortion. Describing the birth of Gabriel, Karen writes, "As sad as it was, the
time with you gave us a chance to love and care for you."
ISBN Number 1-56814-528-4
Published in 1998 by CCC of America, 6000 Campus Circle Dr., Irving, TX
75063; Phone 972-751-1915
Catholic Bioethics and the Gift of Human Life
by William May
This book gives a detailed overview of Catholic teaching on major bioethical
issues, including contraception, abortion, reproductive technologies,
experimentation, euthanasia, assisted suicide, organ transplantation, and the
definition of death.
ISBN Number 0-87973-683-6
Published in 2000 by Our Sunday Visitor, 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN 46750
Phone 1-800-348-2440; Email osvbooks@osv.com; Website www.osv.com
Identity and Status of the Human Embryo: Proceedings of the Third Assembly of
the Pontifical Academy for Life
This book, just
published in English at the Vatican, contains the papers of Vatican Officials,
bishops, and various experts on the status of the human embryo.
ISBN Number 88-209-2470-6
Published in 1998 by Libreria Editrice
Vaticana, 00120 Vatican City State, Phone 39-06-6988-5003, Fax 39-06-6988-4716
(If calling from the US, add 011 before dialing).
Human Genome, Human Person and the Society of the Future: Proceedings of the
Fourth Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life
ISBN Number 88-209-2645-8
Published in 1999 by
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 00120 Vatican City State, Phone 39-06-6988-5003, Fax
39-06-6988-4716 (If calling from the US, add 011 before dialing).
The Dignity of the Dying Person: Proceedings of the Fifth Assembly of the
Pontifical Academy for Life
ISBN Number 88-209-2874-4
Published in 2000 by
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 00120 Vatican City State, Phone 39-06-6988-5003, Fax
39-06-6988-4716 (If calling from the US, add 011 before dialing).
The Culture of Life: Foundations and Dimensions: Proceedings of the Seventh
Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life
ISBN Number 88-209-7221-2
Published in 2002 by
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 00120 Vatican City State, Phone 39-06-6988-5003, Fax
39-06-6988-4716 (If calling from the US, add 011 before dialing).
Victims and Victors
Speaking out about their Pregnancies, Abortions, and Children Resulting from
Sexual Assault
>By David C. Reardon
In this book, read the testimonies of 192 women who reveal that most pregnant
sexual assault victims don't want abortion, and those who do abort only suffer
more. This is the most comprehensive study published on this theme.
ISBN Number 0-9648957-1-4
Published in 2000 by Acorn Books/Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield,
IL 62791-7348
Phone 1-888-412-2676, 217-525-8202; Website www.afterabortion.org
Giving Sorrow Words: Women's Stories of Grief after abortion
by Melinda Reist Tankard
This book includes the personal accounts of 18 women, and draws on the
experiences of over 200 others. Learn how they suffer the lack of adequate
counseling and informed consent, and pressure from partners, families, and
society. This is the first book telling the stories of Australian women grieving
after abortion.
ISBN Number 1-875989-67-6
Published in 2000 by Duffy & Snellgrove, PO Box 177, Potts Point NSW 1335
Australia; www.duffyandsnellgrove.com.au
Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation
by President Ronald Reagan
This is the only book written by a sitting US President, and one to whom no
moral issue was of greater importance than the sanctity of human life.
Published in 2000 by New Regency Publishing, Sacramento,CA. Phone 1-800-266-5639; Website www.nrpub.com
Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America
by Wesley Smith<
In this book, Wesley Smith shows how American health care, as well as our
courts and legislators, have been convinced by an elite group of bioethicists to
trade the ethic of the inherent equal dignity of all human lives for one of
utilitarianism and cost-benefit analysis. Smith calls for a reassertion of the
enduring principle of the sanctity of life.
ISBN Number 1-893554-06-6
Published in 2000 by Encounter Books, 116 New Montgomery St., San Francisco,
CA 94105. Phone 415-538-1460; Fax 415-538-1461; Website:
Breast Cancer: Its Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill
by Chris Kahlenborn, MD
This book lays out the evidence that both induced abortion and use of the
birth control pill are independent risk factors for the development of breast
ISBN Number 0-9669777-3-4
Published in 2000 by One More Soul, 1846 North Main Street, Dayton, OH 45405. Phone 1-800-307-7685; Email: omsoul@omsoul.com; website: www.omsoul.com
May it Please the Court: Arguments on Abortion
by Stephanie Guitton & Peter Irons
These are live recordings and transcripts of the oral arguments in eight
Supreme Court cases on reproductive rights.
ISBN Number 1-56584-233-5
Published in 1995 by The New Press, New York
Life is a Blessing: A Biography of Jerome Lejeune
by Clara Lejeune
Dr. Lejeune's daughter writes this masterful account of a man who knew how to
be a father as well as he knew how to be a scientist. He discovered the genetic
origin of Down Syndrome, but more importantly, he was able to articulate a
Christian vision of the human person far beyond the sum of his or her genes and
ISBN Number 0-89870-812-5
Published in 2000 by Ignatius Press, PO Box 1339, Ft. Collins, CO 80522
Phone 1-800-322-1531; Fax 1-800-278-3566; Website www.ignatius.com
Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion
by Theresa Burke, Ph.D, with David C.Reardon
This book demonstrates that grief after abortion is neither expected nor
permitted in our society. Drawing from their vast experience of post-abortion
counseling, the authors illustrate some of the ways that this "disenfranchised
grief" eats away at the personality, and results in harmful and bizarre
ISBN Number 0-9648957-8-1
Published in 2001 by Acorn Books/Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield,
IL 62791-7348. Phone 217-525-8202, 1-877-412-2676; Website www.afterabortion.org
The Gathering of The Lambs
by Fr. Norman Weslin
No matter what you may think of its controversial author, this book contains
528 pages of history and spirituality that all who are concerned about abortion
should read. It traces how today's disciples have laid down their freedom for
their unborn brothers and sisters, inspired by a spirituality of the
Published in 2000 by Fr. Norman Weslin, 12203 E. Ilif, Unit L, Aurora, CO
80014. Phone 1-877-299-9459; Fax 303-751-6815
Detrimental Effects of Abortion
by Thomas Strahan
This book is the only publication to list, all in one place, all the major
statistically significant studies on abortion. It includes brief descriptions of
the findings of the studies. Topics include abortion decision-making, standard
of care, adolescents and abortion, and the physical, psychological, and social
effects of the procedure.
ISBN Number 0-9648957-0-6
Published in 2001 by Acorn Books/Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield,
IL 62791-7348. Phone 217-525-8202; Website
Catholics for a Free Choice Exposed
by Brian Clowes, Ph.D
As the US bishops have declared, "Catholics for a Free Choice" is not
Catholic. This book analyzes the group's aggressive program of infiltration and
subversion, and its goal of the legalization of abortion worldwide.
ISBN Number 1-55922-047-3
Published in 2001 by Human Life International, 4 Family Life, Front Royal, VA
22630. Phone 540-635-7884; Fax 540-636-7363; Email hli@hli.org; Website www.hli.org
Their Blood Cries Out
by Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger
This brief book gives the Biblical basis for the doctrine of "Bloodguilt."
Abortion is not only a sin; it is our sin. The first spiritual
response we need to have to abortion is to repent of it ourselves,
because innocent blood shed on the land implicates every person on the land.
Published in 2001 by Restoration Press/Operation Rescue West PO Box 601150,
Sacramento, CA 95860. Website
Am I Now Your Enemy For Telling You The Truth?
by Troy Newman & Cheryl Sullenger
This book, in question and answer format, is a sequel to Their Blood Cries
Published in 2002 by Restoration Press/Operation Rescue West, PO Box 601150,
Sacramento, CA 95860; Website
The Art & Practice of Lobbying
by William Pierce, Ph.D.
After forty years of nonprofit lobbying, Bill Pierce gives the reader
confidence that he/she can lobby effectively, with a clear understanding of what
should be expected and how to achieve it.
Published in 2001 by Pierce Group International, PO Box 1253, State College,
PA 16804; Phone 814-364-2449
Short of a Miracle: Tina Torry's Story of Hope in the Midst of Tragedy
by Crystal Pitrois
Tina Torry had an abortion, but it didn't work. Her daughter Heidi survived!
Here's the story of this miracle of life.
ISBN Number 1-889893-69-3
Published in 2002 by Ambassador Emerald International, 427 Wade Hampton
Blvd., Greenville, SC 29609
Standing with Courage: Confronting Tough Decisions about Sex
by Mary-Louise Kurey
Discover this dynamic young woman, Miss Wisconsin 1999, who bears witness to
the Gospel of Life and the message of chastity nationwide!
ISBN Number 1-931709-03-3
Published in 2002 by Our Sunday Visitor, 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN 46750. Phone 1-800-348-2440; Email osvbooks@osv.com; Website
Pro-Life 101: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Case Persuasively
by Scott Klusendorf
This small book gives you a complete presentation of how to succinctly answer
the questions about abortion that you are likely to get from friends and
ISBN Number 1-930836-06-6
Published in 2002 by Stand to Reason Press, 1438 East 33rd St., Signal Hill,
CA 90807. Phone 1-800-2-Reason; Website www.str.org
Her Choice to Heal: A guide
to Post-Abortion healing
by Sydna Masse and Joan Phillips
Both authors had
abortions and address this book directly to the post-abortive woman.
Available from Ramah International, PO Box
173, Ramah, CO 80832-0173; Phone and Fax (719) 573-7707; E-Mail: Sydna@aol.com.
-- Online Order form for Her Choice to Heal
The Centurion's Pathway: A Description of the Difficult Transition for
Ex-Abortion Providers or Facilitators
by Philip G. Ney, MD, FRCP(C), MA, Rpsych, and Marie A. Peeters, MD.
What leads someone who has been trained to heal and cure to begin using
his/her skills to kill babies by abortion? How does such a person come to leave
the abortion industry? What does all this have to do with the powerful concept
of the "scapegoat"? Find the answers to these and other fascinating questions in
this book.
Available from The Society of Centurions, PO Box 27103, 750 Goldstream Ave,
Victoria, BC V9B 5S4, Canada.
"Dichiarazione Sull'Aborto Procurato"
This book on
procured abortion has been published from the Sacred Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith. The volume presents to the Church once again the 1974
Declaration on Procured Abortion (in Italian and Latin), and also
contains documents on abortion issued by eight Episcopal Conferences from around
the world: Italy, Rhodesia, the United States, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Brazil,
and Australia. The book carries an introduction by His Eminence Joseph Cardinal
It is published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 00120 Vatican City
State, Phone: (from US) 011-3906-6988-5003; Fax: 011-3906-6988-4716.
By Love
by Norma
McCorvey, with Gary Thomas
This is the story of how the "Jane Roe" of Roe vs.
Wade was used by the abortion movement for their purposes, and then was
surprised by the Lord Jesus, who claimed her as His own.
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers (December 30, 1997)
ISBN-10: 0785286543
ISBN-13: 978-0785286547
Click here to order on Amazon.
The Hand of God
Dr. Bernard Nathanson tells the
story of his journey from abortion to salvation.
Available from Regnery Press, Washington DC., 1-888-219-4747
Access: The Key to Pro-life Victory
by Mark Crutcher
In this brief booklet,
filled with quotes from abortion providers, you will learn how the pro-life
movement is winning without even having to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The legality
of abortion without access to the abortion procedure is more and more the
picture of America. Contact Life Dynamics Incorporated, PO Box 2226, Denton, TX
76202 (940-380-8700).
Lime 5,
Exploited by Choice
by Mark Crutcher
This book destroys the lie that legal abortion is "safe." Available
from Life Dynamics Incorporated,
PO Box 2226, Denton, TX 76202. www.ldi.org
The Cost of Abortion
by Lawrence Roberge
government sources, this book analyzes the impact of legal abortion on our
society, our economy, and even our national security!
Order at 1-800-552-1098.
Faithful for Life: The Autobiography of Fr. Paul Marx
Available from Human Life International, 4 Family Life, Front Royal, VA 22630,
1-800-549-LIFE, Email publications@hli.org
Real Choices
by Frederica Mathewes-Green
This book
explores why women choose abortions, reversing some common myths. (1994, Questar
Publishers, PO Box 1720, Sisters, Oregon 97759).
Post-Abortion Aftermath
Edited by Fr. Michael Mannion
A collection of scholarly essays on post- abortion trauma and healing.
(1994, order from Sheed & Ward at 1-800-333-7373).
When Life and Choice Collide: Essays on Rhetoric and
Edited by David Mall
A collection of scholarly essays on
language and the abortion controversy. (1994, Kairos Books, PO Box 708,
Libertyville, IL 60048).
Dehumanizing the Vulnerable: When Word Games Take Lives
by William Brennan
The language used to dehumanize the preborn has been used
before to dehumanize other classes of people. (1995, Loyola University Press,
3441 North Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill 60657.)
Making Abortion Rare: A Healing Strategy for a Divided
by David Reardon
This book is about developing a comprehensive
strategy which re-emphasizes our commitment to being both pro-woman and
pro-life, and integrating post-abortion efforts into pro-life strategy.
Available from Acorn Books, PO Box 7348, Springfield, Ill. 62791. Phone 1-888-412-2676; 217-525-8202; www.afterabortion.org
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Past & Present
by Dr. J.C.Willke, MD
et al
(1998) available from Hayes Publishing Co., 6304 Hamilton Ave.,
Cincinnati, OH 45224.
The Cost of Abortion DVD
The Cost of Abortion is a hard-hitting look at the devastation that abortion
has caused in the United States. This video reveals what abortion actually
is with a short clip showing its audience what exactly happens to the baby
during an abortion. This video exposes the lies the pro-choice side shares
as to how long into a pregnancy an abortion can be performed and the reasons
that abortions are actually performed.
The Cost of Abortion, presented by Michael Voris, digs even further to find
the actual financial cost of abortion. In under an hour, we see clearly
how abortion has had devastating effects on the economy. Mathematically,
the host shows how the fifty million consumers could have been responsible for
the financial solvency of the United States if only they had been born.
Visit www.TheCostOfAbortion.com
Maafa 21 - DVD
Maafa 21 is a riveting narrative of continuing racism in the abortion
industry today. Did you know that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned
Parenthood, purposely targeted the African-American community in her campaign of
birth control eugenics? We at Priests for Life strongly recommend this
fascinating documentary, which features an appearance from our own Dr. Alveda
King, Director of African-American Outreach at Priests for Life.
Description from the producers:
“They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean.
And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the
richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.
But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America's wealthy elite had
decided it was time for them to disappear, and they were not particular about
how it might be done.
In Maafa 21, you will see that the plan these people set in motion 150
years ago is still being carried out today.
So don't think that this is history. It is not. "It is happening right
here, and it's happening right now.”
To order a copy of Maafa 21, contact Life Dynamics:
Life Dynamics, Inc
P.O. Box 2226
Denton, Texas 76209
940-380-8800 phone
940-380-8700 fax
Thine Eyes - DVD
This documentary film provides a firsthand view of the true spirit of the March
for Life and its thousands of participants.
"To the degree that we can get this documentary in front of the audience is
the degree which we can correct the image of the Pro-Life Movement in America."
- Jack Cashill, Executive Producer
The creative force behind Thine Eyes includes Steve Sanborn, Executive
Producer, Jack Cashill, Producer, Mike Wunsch, Director, and actress and model
Jennifer O’Neill, Narrator.
The film specifically does four things:
1. Provides accurate and artistic coverage of the 36th annual March for Life is
to shared with the world via DVD, Christian television networks, and on YouTube.
2. Includes a fundraising appeal component on behalf of the pro-life movement in
general. Viewers should know the pro-life movement only raises roughly $50
million annually, whereas the opposition raises billions. This film inspires
pro-life people to give of their time, talent and treasure.
3. Raises awareness about the March for Life and the pro-life position,
especially among young people, with a message that is based strictly on the
“conception to natural death” position.
4. Provides a visual resource to prolife organizations, schools, churches and
any person or organization that wishes to make use of this resource.
If you would like to order a copy of Thine Eyes, call 816-733-2028, email
22 Weeks
"22 Weeks" has the images and sound effects of a horror flick, but it isn't one.
Instead, it's based on a true account of a woman who sought a late-term abortion
but found herself living a nightmare.
In the 25-minute featurette, Angela, played by Natalie Wenninger, wakes up in
her motel room covered in blood. She rushes to the clinic where she had been
injected with a needle the day before to abort her baby 22 weeks into her
pregnancy. She’s bleeding profusely and is having contractions but is left alone
in a dirty room at the clinic. Something is wrong.
Earlier in the film, we find a much different Angela at the EPOC Clinic in
Orlando, Fla., as she is midway through the second trimester of her pregnancy.
There, Angela is presented with two options: the suction method or an injection
to the baby's heart.
She chooses the latter, convinced by employees that the procedure will not cause
the baby any pain. She would simply have a stillborn birth the following day. To
her, the suction method is a monstrous act.
After the procedure, she is met by a group of pro-life advocates outside the
clinic. When one Christian tries to convince her to save the baby, Angela
replies, "God was never raped."
While there a several uncomfortable moments when Angela experiences some
complications, the shocking scene near the end comes as she has given birth to
her baby on a toilet.
"He's alive!" Angela screams, shocked that the baby was not dead like the
employees had assured he would be when born.
But the mother is even more horrified when the employees, who respond slowly to
her cries, deny the baby is living, do not help her and lock her in the
"He's alive and they won't help me!" Angela tells her friend on the phone. "I
don't want this anymore ... I made a mistake! Call 911!"
As Angela waits for help, she holds the baby close to her, telling her son, "I'm
so sorry" and "I love you so much," and wishing she had another chance.
When the ambulance arrives at the clinic, the employees try to turn them away,
insisting that no one placed a 911 call.
"22 Weeks" is based on an article by World Net Daily, which published the true
testimonies of the real mother, Angele, in 2005. And while what was depicted in
the film was horrifying enough, Angele said what actually happened was even
The baby, whom Angele had named Rowan, died 10 minutes after the 911 call by her
friend due to negligence. The doctor, Jim Perper, who administered the
injection, was not prosecuted.
Angele, who has not released her last name, attended the free screening of the
film at Union Station's Phoenix Theaters in Washington, D.C. as another way of
going public with her experience.
…Excerpt of a review by Lillian Kwon taken in the online edition of The
Christian Post at https://www.christianpost.com/article/20090122/abortion-film-22-weeks-disturbs-exposes/index.html
(January 22, 2009)
Blue Eyes Like Janey’s (DVD)
Blue Eyes Like Janey’s is a profoundly moving music video, produced in 2008, and
featuring a song written by Bobby Rennert and performed by David Huff. The song
is narrated from the perspective of a teenage boy suffering from post-abortion
grief. This young man pressured his pregnant girlfriend into aborting their
unborn baby girl. After coming face to face with abortion’s violence and grief,
both the young narrator and his teenage girlfriend become involved in the
pro-life movement, trying to dissuade others from making the same tragic
You Can Stop Partial-Birth Abortion
This is a brief video produced
to inform the public about Partial-Birth Abortion and show them how they can
help to stop it. The NCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities and the National
Committee for a Human Life Amendment in cooperation with Stepstone Productions
made the video. Call 202-541-3070 for details.
The Procedure: The Whole Truth about Partial-Birth Abortion
and directed by Dan Donehey, this video gives an honest look at Partial-Birth
Abortion, including the testimony of Brenda Pratt Schafer, who is a witness to
the procedure. Call 1-888-437-7558 to order.
Reversing Roe: The Norma
McCorvey Story
"Jane Roe," the plaintiff in
the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, has abandoned her
support of abortion. Find out how Norma McCorvey discovered the truth of the
Gospel. Contact Dan Donehey, 509 Breezewood Drive,Fredericksburg, VA 22407.
Harder Truth
This video is less than 10 minutes and shows an abortion
and aborted babies. It is meant to change the way people feel toward
abortion. Order from Center for Bioethical Reform, 1-800-959-9775.
Abortion: The Inside Story
In November, 1994, former abortionists
spoke out at a conference hosted by Joseph Scheidler of the Pro-life Action
League. This video combines their testimony with that of other former
abortionists from previous conferences. Order through Priests for Life,
The Right Choice
Produced under the sponsorship of the US Bishops Pro-Life Committee, this
video helps convince young people not to choose abortion.
Defending Life - Since 1995,
Fr. Frank Pavone has taped thirteen half-hour television shows on abortion each
year. These are aired across the world on the Eternal Word Television Network
(EWTN) and are made available from Priests for Life on videocassette. Order at
Christi’s Choice
This video from Life Dynamics shows
how an abortion decision ruined the life of the woman who made it. This is
personal evidence that "legal" does not mean safe.
Click here to
order from Amazon
After the Choice
Hear the stories of 16 women who
have had abortions and tell in their own words what comes after the choice.
Order from Concerned Women for America, P.O. Box 65453, Washington, DC 20035.
Tel. 202-488-7000
Euthanasia: False Light
This 15-minute video
contains moving testimony both from medical experts and people who resisted the
false solution of euthanasia. Order from
IAEFT, PO Box 760,
Steubenville, OH 43952.
Final Blessing
A one-hour video and discussion guide on
the spiritual dimension of terminal illness, can be ordered from the US Catholic
Conference, 800-235-8722.
Life Issues Institute is making available two CD's of brief
commentaries on pro-life issues by Dr. Jack Willke. The CD's, called Life
Jewels, each have about 60 spots on them. They are available from Life
Issues Institute, 1721 W. Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, OHIO 45239, Phone (513)
729-3600; Fax (513) 729-3636; Email LifeIssues@aol.com
Available in Spanish!