Welcome to the Society of Centurions

Since 1996, under the leadership of Dr. Philip Ney, a family and child psychiatrist from Canada, the Society of Centurions has existed to provide a path to healing and a mutually encouraging fellowship of those who have used their professional skills to kill children by abortion, but now have ceased to do so.

Like the Centurion who, upon taking part in the death of Jesus, repented and declared, “Surely, this was an innocent man,” so the Centurions of today, having partaken in the deaths of unborn children, have repented and declared, “Surely, these were innocent lives.”

But what happens next?

These individuals have been profoundly wounded, and need deep healing. They need a helping hand to walk the difficult path of re-humanizing the children they killed by re-humanizing themselves. The Society of Centurions provides this path to healing through a powerful rehabilitation program that gathers and guides such former abortion providers.

Priests for Life is playing a key role in announcing and fostering this healing. We invite those who are in the abortion industry to come out. We invite those who have come out of the abortion industry to contact us and to discuss their options for healing and wholeness.

We also invite those who know anyone who may benefit from the Centurions to likewise contact us.

And let’s pray for all these men and women, that the peace of Christ may be theirs.


Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

Fr. Frank's Column about the Society of the Centurions
