Priests for Life


America Will Not Reject Abortion Until America
Sees Abortion

Prayer Campaign

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Social Networking

Rachel's Vineyard,
A Ministry of Priests For Life

Silent No More Awareness Campaign, A Project
of Priests For Life

Clergy Resources

Priests for Life is privileged to have a top rate team of medical advisors. Along with the input and guidance they provide to the various facets of our ministry, they also take time to answer questions from the public about pro-life issues.

The full Priests for Life medical consultant team consists of :
  • Anthony Levatino, M.D.
  • Matthew P. Harrison, M.D.
  • Byron Calhoun, M.D.
  • William R. Lile, Jr., M.D.
  • Daniel Lee Holland, M.D.
    Use this form to search previously answered questions.
    Word or Phrase
    SelectPro-life doctor
    SelectGardasil vaccine
    SelectAs a Nurse Practitioner, Where Do I Draw the Line?
    SelectCategory C Drug in Pregnancy
    SelectEctopic Pregnancy
    SelectBirth Control for Regulation of Menstrual Cycle
    SelectBlob of tissue
    SelectCan anything be done to save a baby after the abortion pill is taken?
    SelectI had a miscarriage....
    SelectI want contraceptives....
    SelectI want to just end it all and be out of pain.........
    SelectIn Vitro
    SelectOK to use contraception?
    SelectWouldn’t it be better for her if she were to just comfortably pass......
    SelectDigoxin Reversal
    SelectHysterectomy for Endometriosis
    SelectLife at Conception Act
    SelectMorphine Drip
    Priests for Life
    PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
    Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 •