
Latest Priests for Life Appeal

Frank Pavone








January 2025


I was afraid it might happen so I’m writing you this letter in the fervent hope that you can take a moment right now to …

… make as large a donation to Priests for Life as you possibly can.

It seems donor apathy has taken hold of many of your fellow pro-life activists. There’s been a sharp decline in donations to Priests for Life ever since the new year began.

I cannot help but think that people’s enthusiasm for Trump’s stunning victory and the fact our pro-life allies took control of Congress have fooled people into thinking the fight is over and we’ve won.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Rather than sit back and rest on our laurels, this is the moment when we need to work harder than ever to bring America closer to the day when, as I’ve been proclaiming for over thirty years:

Abortion in America is not merely illegal but even more importantly UNTHINKABLE.

This is our moment to use our Election Day victories to propel our pro-life policies forward.

Knowing this Priests for Life is pulling out all the stops to mobilize the tens of millions of pro-life Americans who helped Donald Trump and other pro-life friends and allies win their elections and get them to remain fully engaged in the fight against abortion.

We’ve got to …

  • End all federal funding for Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry.
  • Enact a federal ban on late term abortion.
  • Repeal the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) so that peaceful pro-life activists cannot be thrown in jail for trying to save women from becoming the victims of abortion.
  • Win legal protection for women so that they cannot be forced to kill their babies in abortions.
  • Rally the national support President Trump will need to win the confirmation of the hundreds of pro-life judges he will appoint to our federal courts.

And that’s just for starters.

The key to accomplishing those important goals is Priests for Life’s ability to continue to engage America’s pro-life movement.

Your dollars allow Priests for Life to reach literally MILLIONS of pro-life activists at a moment’s notice:

  • On TV through programs and interviews we produce at our in-house studio for both our own online channel – EndAbortion.TV – and for numerous conservative outlets (Newsmax, Real America’s Voice, OAN, RSBN, and countless podcasts).
  • On social media and video-sharing platforms. Priests for Life has a vocal presence on Rumble, X, Instagram, Truth Social, GETTR, Facebook and You Tube and reaches HALF A MILLION people EVERY DAY
  • Over the radio through our weekly one-hour pro-life “Gospel of Life” show on Radio Maria and my daily one-minute pro-life radio spots that are broadcast on the extensive Bott Broadcasting radio network and other networks. At any one moment we have the potential to reach over 30 MILLION listeners!
  • Through my EMAILS and Action Alerts that hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists and leaders receive daily.
  • At our Priests for Life WEBSITE – EndAbortion.US. We provide pro-life organizations, leaders, and activists all across the country with ways to make their voices heard in Washington. 
  • In my LETTERS which are sent to millions of Americans in their homes with ways they can contact the White House and members of Congress.

That outreach only happens thanks to the financial support which you and your fellow Priests for Life team members provide.

And right now I need you to make as large a donation to Priests for Life as you possibly can so that we can bring America closer to victory over abortion.

Thank you for taking care of this right away.

Together let’s stand with Donald Trump and FIGHT to save America. May God bless you. And may God bless America.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone

National Director, Priests for Life

P.S. As you consider how best to help please keep the image of Donald Trump rising to his feet after being shot by a would-be assassin, pumping his fist in the air and shouting: “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

This is the moment to FIGHT! And that’s exactly what Priests for Life is doing. We’re fighting for America. We’re fighting for the babies. We’re fighting for our freedom. But we can’t fight as effectively as we need to without your immediate financial help.

So right now please make as large a donation to Priests for Life as you can.

Thank you. And PRAY for our nation and our President. Thank you again and may God bless you.

NOTE: If you prefer to make your donation by mail, please make your check out to Priests for Life and mail it to us at:  PO Box  236695, Cocoa, FL 32923. If you have any questions, call us at our easy-to-remember number: 321-500-1000.


Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: