
Latest Priests for Life Appeal

Frank Pavone








September  2024


I cannot recall ever having to write to you as I am today.

You have been so generous with your support, both for me personally and for Priests for Life.

But today I must ask you to make as large a donation to Priests for Life as you can and to please do so right now.

I know I’ve told you about the 20% drop in donations that Priests for Life is suffering under.

Well, that 20% drop has meant the loss of almost a million dollars … dollars Priests for Life desperately needs to keep the Democrats from continuing their Reign of Terror on our unborn brothers and sisters as well as their persecution of peaceful pro-life heroes like you.

I’m literally begging you to do this because our financial need here at Priests for Life is serious.

As I just told you, Priests for Life is suffering under a severe million dollar shortfall in donations for this year. This trend is not sustainable and threatens to derail the vital and important life-saving and nation-saving work Priests for Life absolutely must do for the next eight weeks.

Now I’ve never cut back on Priests for Life’s work, because it’s about saving lives.

And I know that’s the case with you as well. You are as faithful and committed to this cause as I am. So I’m asking you to not cut back on your financial support of Priests for Life.


Let me assure you that the reason for Priests for Life’s drop in donations is NOT that people are leaving us. The Priests for Life family is as loyal as ever.

Rather, the cause of the falloff is twofold.

First, it’s the economy. Inflation is wreaking havoc with families. There’s no “disposable” income as it were. And this is forcing people to reduce the amount of their donations to Priests for Life.

Second, there’s a tremendous amount of uncertainty in people’s minds right now. Uncertainty about the economy. Uncertainty about who will win the election. Uncertainty about the future.

So people are holding back out of fear.

And while I understand this to some extent, at the same time I need to remind you of that compelling question Our Lord asked His Apostles after He calmed the sea and the wind while they were crossing the Sea of Galilee.

You remember the scene.

Their tiny skiff was on the verge of capsizing.

The wind was howling and the waves were tossing the boat around like a cork.

To a man the Apostles were frightened out of their minds, including those several who were skilled and experienced seamen.

Upon waking and after He calmed the sea and the wind, Jesus turned to His Apostles and asked:

“Why are you fearful? Are you still without faith?”

As disciples of Christ we have nothing to fear.

How often does He tell us:

Be not afraid.”

So be at peace.

Don’t allow the evil one to trick you into a paralysis of fear and uncertainty.

Instead, put your trust in God and carry on with your pro-life mission without fear, as I do.

And right now perhaps the single best way for you to fulfill your life-saving work is to make whatever sacrifices you must to give as large a donation to Priests for Life as you can.

I say that because – thanks to the grace of God and the dedication of you and the entire Priests for Life family – Priests for Life is the recognized face and voice of the pro-life movement.

As such pro-life leaders and activists around the country turn to Priests for Life for reassurance, for leadership, for encouragement, and for the material and moral support they need to carry out the tremendous pro-life work they do in their states and local communities.

In addition to them the clergy of all denominations look to Priests for Life for encouragement.

So, too, do political candidates.

And also the courageous men and women who operate pregnancy centers all across the country.

Priests for Life’s work is vast and widespread.

But it’s all in jeopardy due to this massive and steady decline in donations.

I know my appeal for your financial support will require a sacrifice. I know that.

And yet, the situation in America today, and most especially when it comes to the fight for life and the defense of our innocent unborn brothers and sisters, compels me be bold with you. So again, please:

Take a moment right now to make as large a donation to Priests for Life as you possibly can.

I’m literally begging you to help.

But even though this plea comes from me, don’t do this for me.

Rather, make this sacrifice for your unborn brothers and sisters.

They need you.

And they need Priests for Life.

So please rush Priests for Life the largest gift that you’ve ever sent.


But there’s something else I need to address.

Priests for Life’s political and ecclesiastical enemies – who no doubt are aligned with one another – are out to destroy Priests for Life. Let me be very clear:

The “cancel culture” that is so prevalent in society is also very much alive in the Church. Indeed, there are elements both inside and outside the Church that are trying to cancel me. They have conspired to silence me and Priests for Life. In essence they want to remove Priests for Life from the front lines of the fight to end abortion.

Well, I assure you they will NEVER succeed in canceling me or silencing Priests for Life’s voice for the unborn. And they are starting to find that out.

I remain a loyal, obedient son of the Church. Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, called the attacks on me both “unjustifiable” and “political.”

As are the attacks on Priests for Life. Let me assure you:

Priests for Life is a thoroughly Catholic organization.

We have many priests who are either working full-time at Priests for Life or are affiliated with us and work hand-in-hand with us. They do so because they know that Priests for Life both promotes and teaches Church doctrine on the sanctity and dignity of human life. And Priests for Life will continue to fight vigorously and relentlessly for our unborn brothers and sisters. As will I. Promise.

The proof of that is that we’re still here.

We’re still leading the pro-life movement.

We’re still rallying pro-life forces all across the country.

We’re still inspiring pro-life activists to rise up and drive the baby killers from their states.

We’re still working with pro-life leaders and organizations to carry out effective opposition to the pro-abortion juggernaut.

We’re still training volunteers on how to help get pro-life candidates elected to office at the national, state and local level.

We’re still doing all this work.

But in order to keep it moving forward without interruption we need that immediate infusion of funds that I mentioned a moment ago.

As I said, I don’t like having to write to you as I am today because I know where your heart is and how fervently you work to defend our unborn brothers and sisters. I know how devotedly you support me and Priests for Life. I know all this.

I also know the economy is wreaking havoc with families all across the country. This makes me so angry because the Democrats simply don’t care. They don’t care about hard-working families. They don’t care about defending the country. And they especially don’t care about protecting the youngest members of our human family.

But you do. And I do. And so does Priests for Life.

It’s for the unborn babies that I’m asking you to give of yourself and make as large a donation to Priests for Life as you can.

We cannot do our work without you; you and your fellow Priests for Life family members.

That’s why I’m literally begging you for help.

I’ll close this urgent appeal by expressing my heartfelt thanks to you for the strength of your resolve to protect our unborn brothers and sisters from the Democrats and all those who seek to kill them. All of our staff remember you in their prayers, and our staff priests – Fr. Denis Wilde, O.S.A., and Fr. David Begany, SSJ – remember you at every Mass they offer.

Thank you for your immediate and generous reply. And may God bless you.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Prolife Leader Frank Pavone

National Director, Priests for Life

P.S. One final note, %%First Name%%. I want you to know that I continue to work to be reinstated to the priesthood. Being a priest is who I am. And my enemies within the Vatican – without justification --have taken that away from me. While I leave no stone unturned in this effort, I leave the matter in God’s loving hands. I do ask you to pray for me through the intercession of Padre Pio who himself was stripped of all his priestly ministry except for offering Mass. But he was forbidden to offer a Mass in public. His unjust persecution lasted almost twenty years. I hope mine doesn’t last that long but I strive to follow his example of obedient union with the Church. Thank you.


NOTE: If you prefer to make your donation by mail, please make your check out to Priests for Life and mail it to us at:  PO Box  236695, Cocoa, FL 32923.  If you have any questions, call us at our easy-to-remember number:  321-500-1000 … or toll-free at 888-735-3448.


Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: