In the light of the news that the Woke Left has launched an all-out attack on Harrison Butker and wants to cancel him for daring to speak the truth during the commencement address Butker delivered to the graduates of Benedictine College, Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone has invited Christians of all denominations to sign the following PETITION to show Harrison Butker that we’ve got his back! Famous football coach Lou Holtz posted on his “X” account: “Your commencement speech at Benedictine College showed courage and conviction and I admire that. Don’t give in.” Everyone at Priests for Life wholeheartedly agrees with Coach Holtz and invite you to join us in giving Harrison Butker the support and encouragement he needs during this time of persecution.
The Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to let our light shine (Mt. 5:16) and to proclaim our Faith from the rooftops (Mt. 10:27).
Throughout Christian history, the Faith has been attacked and defended in culture and politics. Today, both in the civil arena and in the Church, attempts are made to silence, sideline and punish anyone who fights back against such attacks.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we sign this letter as a public act of solidarity with one another and with Harrison Butker.
Many of us are Catholic, and know that Harrison Butker is a strong Catholic who lives out his faith in his daily life and is unafraid to let the world know that he is a proud and faithful Catholic. By encouraging the graduates of Benedictine College to be bold in their faith, to value marriage and parenthood, and to oppose the culture of death, he has come under attack.
We need role models who, like Harrison Butker, are not afraid to call out politicians and religious leaders who either advance the culture of death directly through their fanatical promotion of abortion, or do so indirectly through their cowardly silence. Killing unborn babies is NOT compatible with the Christian Faith and never will be.
We need role models who, like Harrison Butker, are not afraid to use their notoriety to publicly proclaim the Truth of the gospel, urge people to follow Christ’s teachings, and encourage them to live out their Christian faith in their daily lives.
For acts like these, Harrison Butker and others are attacked, persecuted, and criticized. But they deserve praise, gratitude and the support of God’s People. Show your support for Harrison Butker by signing the “We’ve Got Your Back, Harrison” Petition below: