Priests for Life took part again in this year’s Virginia Rally and March for Life which was held February 1, 2023 in Capitol Square, Richmond. It was by far the biggest pro-life advocacy event in the state’s history. The focus was on making a statement in support of life that would be heard loud and clear by state legislators. The message of love for unborn children and their mothers was heard by every member of the legislature as they came to Richmond that day during the legislative session. The rally which preceded the march listened to
Attorney General Jason Miyares, Delegate Emily Brewer, R-Suffolk, Bishop Burbidge of the Arlington Diocese and President of the USCCB Prolife Committee, Bishop Knestout of the Richmond Diocese among others. The March itself was led by none other than the Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin. The event was a collaborative effort undertaken by the March for Life, The Family Foundation, Virginia Catholic Conference, Dioceses of Arlington and Richmond, and Virginia Society for Human Life.