On this page you will find
links to information and commentary about the HHS Mandate and in
particular, the Priests for Life case against the mandate.
Priests for Life Attorney Robert Muise, Co-Founder and Chief
Counsel of the
American Freedom Law Center stated,
"This case with Priests for Life is the lead case for the
non-profit religious organizations challenging the mandate
similar to how Hobby Lobby is the lead case for the for-profit
companies challenging the HHS mandate."
Hobby Lobby CEO David Green
expressed his solidarity with Priests for Life and
the other religious, non-profit groups.
Fr. Frank Pavone Hails Landmark Settlement of Five-Year Legal Struggle against HHS Mandate (10/25/17)
Priests for Life grateful to President Trump, HHS for new rules
protecting people of faith(11/8/2018)
HHS Press Release on New Rules ] -
HHS Fact Sheet on New Rules] (11/7/2018)