Priests for Life: ‘We will continue to expose the truth about abortion’

Priests for Life

Publication Date: November 08, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                

Contact:  Leslie Palma


Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone and Executive Director Janet Morana issued the following statements after Ohio voters passed a ballot referendum to invent a right to abortion in their state constitution.

“Nobody won in Ohio last night because abortion destroys everything it touches,” Pavone said. “The only thing we learned is that the other side is better at lying than we are at telling the truth.

“Measures like Issue 1 in Ohio are not meant to express the will of the people but to bypass it, and impose on the people and their elected representatives a fake right, an un-American pretense, that somehow the people should be constitutionally prohibited from protecting the youngest children from what is undeniably an act of violence.

“We will continue to expose the truth about abortion. We are going to continue to push back against this evil, in Ohio and across this land. We are going to resist the narrative that abortion is a losing issue in elections. We can’t just look at what the ballot initiatives accomplish for the other side. We look at the legislative victories, at the 14 states that protect the unborn from conception and how those lawmakers are doing in their elections.

“The challenge that we give to the other side, today and in a renewed way: Show the American people what an abortion is. Describe what you defend. There’s reason today to be upset and disappointed but we will never be discouraged. We will keep exposing the truth about abortion. When abortion is exposed, the American people reject it.”

Mrs. Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, said her thoughts today are not only with the babies who will be killed, but the women who will continue to be injured by abortion.

“More abortion only means one thing for women: More chances to be physically or emotionally harmed,” she said. “Abortion hurts women and there is no denying that truth.”

Priests for Life
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