Janet Folger Porter

Founder and President of Faith2Action, National Director of The Center For Reclaiming America, Legislative Director for Ohio Right To Life


Publication Date: March 23, 2024

Janet Folger Porter

Janet Folger Porter is the Founder and President of Faith2Action and the architect of the pro-life Heartbeat Bill which ensures that “if a heartbeat is detected the baby is protected.”

Heartbeat Bills have been introduced in 30 states and passed in fourteen (and counting): Arkansas (2013), North Dakota (2013), Iowa (2018), Mississippi (2019), Kentucky (2019), Ohio (2019), Missouri (2019), Louisiana (2019), Georgia (2019), Tennessee (2020), South Carolina, Oklahoma, Idaho, and Texas (2021). Heartbeat Bills have been introduced in 30 states including: Arkansas, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Heartbeat Laws will ensure that instead of abortion stopping a beating heart, a beating heart will stop abortion.

The Federal Heartbeat Bill (HR 490) was introduced in January 2017, with 174 co-sponsors—more than any other pro-life bill. It was heard in the House Judiciary subcommittee, where 18-week-old unborn baby Lincoln Miller “testified” via ultrasound. It was re-introduced in the U.S. House (with the same bill number) in January 2019 and again in 2021.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: mail@priestsforlife.org