New Poll Reveals American Voters Care about “Culture of Life” and Pro-Life Values Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election

Priests for Life

Publication Date: March 18, 2024

Summary: Results from a new poll conducted by McLaughlin and Priests for Life show underlying pro-life sentiment among American voters and widespread bipartisan disapproval for current political leadership. National Director of Priests for Life Frank Pavone is calling for an open and honest debate on abortion, as results show a desire by voters to return to conservative principles in the upcoming presidential election. 

Titusville, FL, March 18, 2024 – As the nation approaches a pivotal 2024 presidential election, results from a newly-conducted poll by McLaughlin & Associates, in partnership with leading pro-life organization Priests for Life, offer critical insight into American voters’ current priorities, steadfast values, and stance on key issues like abortion.

Notably, poll results reveal a majority bipartisan consensus that the country is not headed in the right direction, general disillusionment with current political leadership, and an underlying “culture of life” in American society that conflicts with widespread narratives from the pro-choice movement.

“This presidential election holds major significance as the first to take place since the overturning of Roe v. Wade,” said Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “As our political leaders actively address the issue of abortion, we at Priests for Life felt the need to provide them with an update on where Americans stand on the issue, and how it impacts their voting decision. The results can encourage candidates not to run away from this issue.

“We also wanted to provide insight into the types of messaging that might encourage voters to reject the extreme abortion measures in some states that seek to amend their constitutions to include abortion rights,” Pavone added.

Key findings of the poll:

Culture of Life

Poll data shows that there is an underlying pro-life culture in America on a personal level:

  • 36% of respondents feel abortion is one of the most important issues affecting their vote.
  • 85% support financial, medical, and emotional assistance for women facing unplanned pregnancies.
  • 81% support reducing legal and financial barriers to adoption and foster care.
  • Sixty-one percent (61%) of respondents say it’s good when the mother decides to keep the child and raise the baby themselves, or make an adoption plan.
  • By a margin of 61% to 24%, voters would support a pro-life candidate who permits some exceptions, but works to assist moms to choose life, rather than a candidate who does not support any limits on abortion.
  • Only a small percentage of respondents (21%) support an extremist pro-abortion position of abortion being available anywhere, at any time.
  • 77% of voters support ensuring faith-based organizations can help provide services to pregnant women and young mothers.

Political Climate & Public Sentiment

Poll data shows a majority of Americans disapprove of current political leadership and direction of the country:

  • 71% of voters feel the country is heading down the wrong track.
  • Notably, a majority of Democrat voters (52%), feel the country is heading in the wrong direction.
  • 61% of voters disapprove of President Biden.
  • Similarly, 57% of voters disapprove of Vice President Harris.  

Presidential Candidate Preference and Congressional Approval Ratings

  • Donald Trump leads incumbent Joe Biden 46% to 44%, suggesting a desire for a return to more conservative principles and values.
  • The generic approval ratings for Congress show a 48% to 43% lead for the GOP, indicating a general preference for a change in political leadership.

*Political Affiliation of Poll Respondents

36% Democrat

36% Republican

28% Independent/Other

More detailed information about the poll conducted by Priests for Life and McLaughlin & Associates can be requested from

“This poll underscores how vital it is to have an honest debate about abortion in our country,” added Pavone. “It is crucial for our political leaders and presidential candidates to recognize that most Americans want less abortion, not more. These results can guide them and others to engage in meaningful conversation, while having compassion for different perspectives, and hopefully save lives.”

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