Contact: Leslie Palma
TITUSVILLE, FL -- Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone today issued an open letter ( to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she leads a crusade to be declared exempt from Catholic teaching on abortion.
According to an interview she did with the National Catholic Reporter, Pelosi has appealed to the Vatican to be allowed to receive the sacrament of Communion, from which San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has barred her because of her ardent support for abortion.
In his letter, Pavone said:
“Once again, you are making news in regard to your insistence on receiving Holy Communion while at the same time rejecting communion with your youngest brothers and sisters, the children in the womb.
On this matter I wrote publicly to you in 2013 and I do so again today, on behalf of my ministry and millions of faithful Catholics.
In your public service, you have failed to serve the unborn, but instead advocate for the right to kill them, and work to expand that right under our nation’s laws.
The Church to which you claim to belong does not recognize such a right …”
Pavone wrote to Pelosi in 2013 after she once again publicly proclaimed that she is a practicing Catholic and then referred to abortion as “sacred ground.”
“Abortion is not sacred ground; it is sacrilegious ground,” Pavone wrote at the time. “To imagine God giving the slightest approval to an act that dismembers a child he created is offensive to both faith and reason.”
Pavone ended his newest letter with the assertion that millions of people are praying for Pelosi to have a change of heart.
“Please know that countless faithful Catholics, and Christians of all denominations, are praying for you. We pray specifically that instead of trying to justify your reception of Communion, that you will come into communion with your youngest brothers and sisters.”
Priests for Life is inviting everyone to sign on to the letter, at .