Contact: Leslie Palma
TITUSVILLE, FL -- “Newborn survivors of abortion are about to get a bit more of the attention they deserve.”
That was the reaction of Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone after learning Senate Majority Leader John Thune is planning a procedural vote this month on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
“Although passed by the House in the last session of Congress, Democrats blocked a Senate vote last year, and have opposed the bill in previous years,” Pavone said. “This bill has nothing to do with limiting access to abortion, but it is precisely the Democrats’ obsession with abortion that explains their opposition to this bill. It’s a terrifying logic: For them, after all, choice prevails over life. The baby in the womb is targeted for death, and death it shall have.
“The division over this bill comes down to this question: Where exactly is the point at which the protection of life prevails over the choice to end it?”