March for Life in Paris takes a step toward healing a national wound

Priests for Life

Publication Date: January 16, 2025

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                

Contact:  Leslie Palma


France legalized abortion in 1975 and in March 2024, became the first nation in the world to explicitly include a right to abortion in its national constitution. Pro-life activists and advocates for life have not given up the fight to protect the unborn and are expected to turn out in the tens of thousands on Jan. 19 for the annual March for Life in Paris.

“The French have an uphill battle, certainly,” said Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone. “But while the world watched in horror as Notre Dame cathedral was nearly destroyed by fire, the French resolved to restore the 14th century house of worship. It reopened to much fanfare last month, with President Emanuel Macron commenting that the fire had been a ‘national wound.’

“But there is another wound impacting his nation, and pro-lifers aim to heal it even without pro-abortion Macron’s help. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone taking part in the March for Life in Paris.

“The French are fighting the same kind of abortion extremism we are seeing here in the U.S.” Pavone continued. “That’s why public shows of support for children in the womb, like the March for Life, are so important. Pro-lifers need to continue exposing the extremism of the other side, and demonstrating the compassion we have both for the babies and their families.”

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