Contact: Leslie Palma
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone released the following statement today after President Trump pardoned pro-lifers who had been convicted - and some imprisoned - for protesting at abortion mills in various parts of the country.
“I was with President Trump in June when he gave a speech about releasing the pro-life prisoners. Once again, we see him fulfilling his promises,” Pavone said. “One of the key things President Trump does for the pro-life movement is to preserve, protect and defend the tools we need to protect the unborn and to end abortion: Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom to protest. With this action today, he advances that protection so that we can protect the babies.
“I know these pro-life prisoners personally and I commend them for their courage, their trust in God and their activism that inspires all of us.”