Congressional Panel Members Recommend Criminal Investigation of Late-Term Abortion Business

Dustin Siggins

Document Publication: National Catholic Register

Publication Date: July 05, 2016

Excerpts below. Read the entire article at the National Catholic Register.

Republicans on the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, formed in response to the Planned Parenthood undercover videos, questioned the abortionist’s ties to the University of New Mexico.

WASHINGTON — Republicans on the House committee that is investigating the fetal body parts harvesting industry are accusing a late-term abortion business and the University of New Mexico (UNM) of breaking federal law.

Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, said religious leaders and prosecutors are key to pro-life victories over the abortion industry. “Sometimes this information is best processed behind the scenes, where only the prosecutors know about it and can gather more information from more witnesses, before the perpetrators realize they are being investigated,” he said.

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