North Carolina law shows what one person can do to save the unborn

Priests for Life

Publication Date: May 17, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                     

Contact:  Leslie Palma -  917-697-7039                            

 TITUSVILLE, FL --Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone issued the following statement today regarding a new law in North Carolina protecting babies from abortion at 12 weeks:

 “I’m not sure there’s been a better example recently about what one person can do to save the unborn,” he said. “A Democrat turned Republican helped make the state a little safer for the unborn by enabling the General Assembly to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s predictable veto.

 “What the legislature did in pass this bill and then overriding this veto is not simply a good policy position. It goes to the very essence of governing. Government exists to secure the God-given right to life. Anyone who fails to do so does not belong in public office.”


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