Democrats’ ‘statement of principles on abortion’ shows cowardice, deception

Priests for Life

Publication Date: June 26, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                    

Contact:  Leslie Palma - 917-697-7039

TITUSVILLE, FL -- Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone today called on Democrats who signed a “statement of principles” calling for more abortion to describe exactly what it is they support.

“As usual,” Pavone said, “the Democrats who signed this letter that calls for ‘protecting the least among us,’ apparently don’t recognize the deceptive hypocrisy in their words, nor do they have the courage to tell the American people what an abortion is.

“We need to challenge Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who organized this letter and other like it in the past, Rep. Nancy Pelosi and all the others who signed on to it, to recognize that the least among us are the children in the womb, and when elected officials fail to protect them, they betray the very meaning of public service.

“We need public servants who know the difference between serving the public and killing the public. Otherwise, they don’t belong in public office.”

Pavone urged lawmakers and their constituents to visit and then decide whether abortion is the safety net society needs and how more abortion can possibly bring about the changes the Democrats seek.

He also urged all pro-life Americans to sign a statement in response, found at

“Not only are they wrong, morally,” Pavone said in a video statement. “But they’re a bunch of cowards and it’s time to resist them.”

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