TROY, OHIO -- A year ago, Abby McIntyre saw some students at her high school in Indianapolis wearing red tape across their mouths, with the word “LIFE” written in black.
She wondered what was going on and was directed to the school’s pro-life club, where she learned about the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, and was given her own red tape. Abby, then a senior, spent the rest of the school day in silence.
“It was so hard,” she said.
Now Abby is a full-time missionary with Stand True Pro-Life Outreach, whose founder, Bryan Kemper, started the day of silence in 2004 and has since become the youth outreach director for Priests for Life.
“A year later I’m answering questions for people who want to take part, and telling my friends to get involved,” Abby said. “I think it is so powerful.”
Kemper said this year he has been in touch with people who took part in the day of silent protest in its early years and are now doing it with their own children.
“It’s not easy to give up our voices, but it is a family friendly activity and it gives an opportunity for even young children to get involved in pro-life activism,” Kemper said.
Hundreds of thousands of individuals across the country and the globe have registered their intention to be silent today, and the presenters at Spirit Radio FM in Tampa Bay, Florida, are also going quiet. The only voices listeners will hear will be testimonies of those impacted by abortion. Listen online at www.spiritfm905.com
Others taking part are also sharing their activism on social media, using the hashtag #SilentDay and #ProLifeDayofSilence. GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) Tweeted his support of the day, urging his 786,000 followers to “Let your silence be heard. Be a voice for the voiceless.”
“I always urge people to speak out on behalf of the unborn, but once a year I ask everyone to show their commitment to the unborn by keeping silent,” said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, who was spotted in his New York office wearing the red tape. “On the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, our silence will be heard.”
To arrange interviews with Father Pavone, Bryan Kemper, Abby McIntyre or other pro-life youth, call Leslie Palma a 347-286-7277 or email her at media@priestsforlife.org
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit www.priestsforlife.org.