Articles by Priests for Life about Elections


Priests for Life


Fr. Frank Pavone's Politics and the Pulpit Election Articles and more

Immediately below are commentaries on elections by Fr. Frank Pavone and other members of the Priests for Life published in various publications.

Please read, share, and comment on these articles in order to motivate your fellow citizens to vote pro-life!

The Many Faces of Election Prayers (Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, October 28, 2024)

Donald Trump Tells 1,500 Christian Pastors and Leaders, “I’m Behind You All the Way” (Frank Pavone,

Harris and her fellow Democrats can’t stop lying about abortion (Frank Pavone, Washington Times, October 20)

Hesitant About Voting This 2024 Election? Here’s What You Should Keep in Mind (Frank Pavone, Daily Citizen, September 23, 2024)

Exclusive—Frank Pavone: The Trump-Harris Debate Shows Who’s Closer to the Public on Abortion (Frank Pavone,, September 13, 2024)

Frank Pavone: How President Trump’s Stance on Abortion Amendment Can Help Us Win Across the Country (Gateway Pundit, September 5, 2024)

Frank Pavone: Let’s Stop Asking the Wrong Questions About Trump and Abortion (Frank Pavone, Gateway Pundit, August 29, 2024)

The Democratic National Abortion Convention (Frank Pavone, Daily Wire, August 23, 2024)

Here's a Ten Step Plan for Casting Your Vote (Frank Pavone, Daily Wire, August 15, 2024)

Frank Pavone: An Open Letter to the United States Catholic Hierarchy (The Gateway Pundit, August 14, 2024)

Tim Walz: An Abortion Extremist's Dream Come True (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, August 8, 2024)

Over 300 Pastors Come Together to Fight Abortion (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, August 5, 2024)

We Have Three Months to Save America From the Worst Abortion Extremism It Has Ever Seen (Frank Pavone,, July 29, 2024)

This Election Is Too Important for Pro-Lifers to Stay at Home – We Must Come Out in Force to Support Republicans and Support Life (Janet Morana, Gateway Pundit, July 20, 2024)

How Abortion Ballot Initiatives Deprive the American People of a Robust Debate (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, June 5, 2024) 

Democrats' Abortion Push May Backfire (Frank Pavone,, May 30, 2024)

Americans Want Less Abortions Not More (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, April 22, 2024)

Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone: I’m Voting for Donald Trump Because I Oppose Abortion (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, April 19, 2024)

They Want More Baby-Killing in Florida (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Encounter Today, April 13, 2024)

President Trump’s Statement on Abortion Policy Paves Way for a Culture of Life in a Divided Nation (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, April 8, 2024) 

Biden’s State of the Union with abortion ‘hero’ Kate Cox (Janet Morana, Washington Times, March 5, 2024)

The State of the Union: A Dishonest Abortion Circus About to Occur  (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, March 6, 2024) 

Catholic Bishop Condemns Joe Biden on Abortion: “Taking the Life of an Innocent Child is Never a Choice” (Marie Smith,, Feb. 9, 2024)

Democrats Want to Fully Revive Roe (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Jan. 16, 2024)

Pavone: Standing as a Pro-life Movement Against the Weaponization of Government (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, Jan. 10, 2024)

The Exodus Moment for the Pro-life Movement (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, Dec. 14, 2023)

Christian Lawmakers Across America Meet to Discuss Protecting Babies From Abortion (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Dec. 11, 2023)

Christian Lawmakers from Across the Country Gather in Washington, with Special Emphasis on Protecting the Unborn (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, Dec. 11, 2023)

Here’s How Pro-Life Americans Can Fight Back Against Pro-Abortion Ballot Measures (Kevin Burke,, Dec. 8, 2023)

My Challenge to Gavin Newsom and the Democrats on Abortion (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, Dec. 4, 2023)

'Abortion Rights' Winning? Not So Fast  (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Nov. 22, 2023)

Frank Pavone: Why is Abortion the Pre-e minent Issue? (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, Nov. 20, 2023)

100 Pro-Abortion Groups Demand Joe Biden Promote Killing Even More Babies in Abortions (Marie Smith,, Nov. 20, 2023)

Kamala Harris Calls Killing Babies in Abortions “Reproductive Freedom” (Marie Smith,, Nov. 17, 2023)

Disillusioned by the Election Results? Don't Despair, God May be about to do a Divine Intervention (Kevin Burke, Catholic Online, Nov. 17, 2023)

Ohio Abortion Vote Only Intensifies Conflict (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Nov. 8, 2023)

Michigan ProLifers Need to Keep Fighting to Protect Babies From Abortion (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Oct. 30, 2023)

Compassion? Democrat Governor Pulls Funding for Abortion Alternatives (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Oct. 23, 2023)

Five Talking Points About the Abortion Initiative in Ohio (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, Oct. 12, 2023)

GOP Must Be Unapologetic on Abortion for 2024 Win (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, August 25, 2023)

On Abortion We Should Guard Against 'Tyranny of the Majority' (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, August 4, 2023)

Pro-Life Americans are Ready For a Pro-Life President and Ready to End Abortion (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, July 27, 2023)

Voting Yes on Issue One Protects the Ohio Constitution from the Far-Left Push to Add Abortion Rights in November (Bryan Kemper, Ohio Star, July 25, 2023)

A Year After Dobbs – Is Abortion Policy Still Being Imposed on Us? (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, July 5, 2023)

Joe Biden Calls Killing Babies in Abortions “Freedom” for Women (Marie Smith,, June 30, 2023)

Trump Unceasingly Committed to Protecting the Unborn (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, June 12, 2023)

Next Month We Celebrate One Year of Roe Overturned, But the Pro-Life Battle Has Just Begun (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, May 18, 2023)

Pray for Florida’s Supreme Court to Uphold the Heartbeat Law DeSantis Signed to Save Babies (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, April 14, 2023)

High Court Leveled Playing Field for Fair Abortion Fight | (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, March 23, 2023)

Conservative Republican Agenda Must Include Pro-Life Policies Protecting Babies From Abortions  (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, March 6, 2023)

Better a President Be Feared (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, February 22, 2023)

Joe Biden Wants Abortions Up to Birth Across America: “Make No Mistake About It” (Frank Pavone,, February 8, 2023)

Every State Should be Like Texas and Protect Babies From Abortions (Frank Pavone,, February 1, 2023)

Goal of New Congress Should Be to Protect Life (Frank Pavone,, January 30, 2023)

Democrats argue on behalf of infanticide (Janet Morana, The Washington Times, January 17, 2023)

Donald Trump Was Right: Pro-Life Politicians Can’t Run From Abortion (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, January 5, 2023)

We Shouldn't Stray from Constitution's Clear Election Norms (Fr. Frank Pavone,, December 22, 2022)

When You Hate People, You Call Republican Women “Roaches” and Unborn Babies “Parasites”  (, November 4, 2022)

Father Pavone: Real Abortion Experience Outweighs Political Posturing (Fr. Frank Pavone,, November 1, 2022)

Here’s What Pro-Life Voters Must Do Today to Win the Elections (Fr. Frank Pavone,, September 30, 2022)

How Some State-level Midterm Races Could Impact 2024 Outcome (Fr. Frank Pavone,, August 26, 2022)

We Must Register Pro-Life Voters at Pro-Life Events, The Lives of Unborn Babies Depend on It (Fr. Frank Pavone,, January 13, 2022)

Stop Stealing Black Identities in the Ballot Box and the Womb (Evangelist Alveda King,, April 9, 2021)

Dealing with Democrats who deny the truth is nothing new for pro-lifers (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Christian Review, January 5, 2021)

Civility in politics begins with honesty (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Christian Review, December 31, 2020)

Civil Rights for the Unborn (Evangelist Alveda King, Newman Times-Herald, December 15, 2020)

What’s so bad about Becerra for health secretary? Father Frank adds it up. (Fr. Frank Pavone,, December 13, 2020)

Georgians hold the future of our nation in their hands (Janet Morana,, December 12, 2020)

Biden Supporters Should Stop Celebrating (Fr. Frank Pavone,, November 30, 2020)

Why suburban women might want to vote for President Trump (Janet Morana, November 2, 2020, The Christian Review)

Trump Has Torn the Mask Off the Liberal Media (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2020)

Biden’s courts would endanger religious freedom (Fr. Frank Pavone, Christian Review, November 1, 2020)

Undecided voters: Consider the number of children killed every year by abortion (Fr. Frank Pavone, Real Clear Politics, November 1, 2020)

President Trump’s policies save lives. (Fr. Frank Pavone, October 29, 2020)

There can be no doubt the Catholic Church sees protecting the dignity of every human life as the most important thing we can do. (Fr. Frank Pavone, Crisis Magazine, October 29, 2020)

The truth about President Trump’s Covid response (Janet Morana,, October 28, 2020)

Trump healthcare plan puts America First; Biden’s would put us all in jeopardy (Janet Morana,, October 25, 2020)

Constitution Is Why Anti-Abortion Americans Like Judge Barrett (Fr. Frank Pavone,, October 23, 2020)

President Trump has restored power to the American people (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Christian Review, October 16, 2020)

President Trump’s random acts of extraordinary kindness (Fr. Frank Pavone, Town Hall, October 16, 2020)

How would the clergy advise their people about voting in 1933 in Germany? (Kevin Burke, Catholic Online, October 15, 2020)

Ten Reasons Americans Should Vote for President Donald Trump (Fr. Frank Pavone, October 14, 2020)

Trump’s Abraham Accords a ‘Monumental Accomplishment’ (Fr. Frank Pavone,, October 12, 202))

Janet Morana: Amy Coney Barrett and ‘Speaking in Tongues’ (, October 6, 2020)

Ginsburg knew laws to help women ‘could have the opposite effect’ but failed to see this in Roe (Janet Morana,, September 30, 2020)

Father Pavone: President Trump and the War on Free Speech (, September 19, 2020)

Catholic Voters Have Many Reasons to Support President Trump (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, September 14, 2020)

Review of Mexico City Policy Shows International Abortion Providers Decline U.S. Aid (Fr. Frank Pavone,, September 9, 2020)

Biden-Harris Dangerously Changed Their Tune on Abortion (Fr. Frank Pavone,, September 1, 2020)

Thank President Trump for the Right to Try Act (Janet Morana,, September 1, 2020)

President Trump Takes Concrete Action for Law and Order (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Stream, August 28, 2020)

The Resurrection of Jon Ponder (Kevin Burke, The Christian Review, August 28. 2020)

First Lady’s Rose Garden renovations spark the usual hysteria (Janet Morana, The Christian Review, August 28, 2020)

When deciding how to cast your ballot, don’t ignore the signs of the times. (Kevin Burke, Catholic Online, August 26, 2020)

The Mailbox Hoax and the Real Danger of Election Fraud (Janet Morana, The Christian Review, August 20, 2020)

Janet Morana: BLM Supporters Need to Ask Kamala Harris Why She Thinks Black Unborn Lives Don’t Matter (Florida Daily, August 17, 2020)

What do 'Believers for Biden' believe? (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, August 13, 2020)

Early Voters Deserve to Be Just as Informed as Later Voters (Fr. Frank Pavone,, August 7, 2020)

Trump Defends Religious Freedom and the Unborn (Fr. Frank Pavone and Alveda King in Newsmax, August 5, 2020)

My Priesthood Doesn't Take Away My Human and Patriotic Duties (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, August 4, 2020)

Kevin Burke: Fear-Based Self-Censorship Has Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Afraid to Share Their Beliefs (, August 3, 2020)

Janet Morana: Why This Pro-Life Catholic Is Voting for Trump (, July 21, 2020)

A Major Divide on the Fundamental Issue (Fr. Frank Pavone,, July 23, 2020)

Knowing a Man by His Endorsements (The Christian Review, July 17, 2020)

Biden Will Undo Win for Religious Freedom (Fr. Frank Pavone,, July 13, 2020)

Will the real Joe Biden please stand up? (Fr. Frank Pavone, Crisis Magazine, June 15, 2020)

Democrats Win in November? Expect Planned Parenthood in Cabinet (, June 3, 2020)

Father Frank takes on critics of Cardinal Dolan: They embarrass themselves with their feeble arguments (Crisis Magazine, May 8, 2020)

To Win on Abortion Churches Must End Self-Censorship (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, May 4, 2020)

We Need More Like Clemens von Galen (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, April 29, 2020)

Father Pavone: Supreme Court Precedent on Abortion Not Irreversible (, April 27, 2020)

For Shepherds, Neutrality is Not an Option (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, April 21, 2020)

President Donald Trump Has Supported Pro-Life Christians, It’s Time for Pro-Life Christians to Support Him (, April 21, 2020)

In November We Can Repair the Very Foundation of Life (Fr. Frank Pavone,, March 24, 2020)

Preserve Balance of Power by Ending Unhindered Injunctions (by Fr. Frank Pavone,, March 12, 2020)

Chuck Schumer's unreasonable, offensive, threatening speech (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, March 6, 2020)

The Democrats ‘Transition’ to Radical Gender Ideology (Kevin Burke, Crisis Magazine, February 6, 2020)

Father Pavone: Born-Alive Act Is ‘Compassion’ Bill (, January 20, 2020)

If Politicians Can’t Respect the Life of a Little Baby, How They Respect Yours? (Fr. Frank Pavone,, January 28, 2020)

Aborting a Presidency (kevin Burke, Crisis Magazine, January 7, 2020)

2019 Was a Great Year for the Unborn (Fr. Frank's Column,, December 30, 2019)

Extremism on Display as Democrats Debate Abortion (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, November 26, 2019)

Silence from the Pulpit: Is It Possible to Steer Clear of Politics, Not Offend Parishioners, and Still Get to the Heart of the Abortion Issue at Our Sunday Services? (kevin Burke, Catholic Online, November 5, 2019)

The 2019 Elections: A Pro-Life Perspective on State and Municipal Races (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, November 1, 2019)

The U.S. is getting dangerously close to circumventing the Electoral College. This would be a catastrophe. (Fr. Frank Pavone,, August 14, 2019)

America Must Unite as President Pays Respect to Grieving (Alveda King,, August 8, 2019)

Dear Archbishop Gregory, President Trump Is Not a Racist (Alveda King,, August 2, 2019)

Packing the Supreme Court Is a Democrat Plan Likely to Backfire (Fr. Frank Pavone,, July 22, 2019)

Shame on 'The Squad' (Alveda King,, July 19, 2019)

Democrats are still cowards on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, July 11, 2019)

Father Frank Pavone: President Trump is “The Most Pro-Life President We Have Ever Had” (Fr. Frank Pavone,, June 19, 2019)

The 2020 Democrats are All Extreme Radicals Who Support Abortion and Infanticide (by Fr. Frank Pavone,, June 3, 2019)

Don't be fooled: Every 2020 Democrat represents the same radical philosophy (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, May 9, 2019)

Why Our Culture's Mental Health is Declining and How Your Pro-life Vote Can Turn That Around (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, November 5, 2018)

Fr. Frank urges voters to avoid the “Election Day Traps” (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, November 4, 2018)

Find Out If Your Candidates are Pro-Life: Here’s a Handy Guide (Fr. Frank Pavone,, November 5, 2018)

Blessing an abortion clinic is 'crazy faith' indeed (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, November 3, 2018)

A candidate’s position on abortion matters more than you think when you pull that lever (by Kevin Burke and Janet Morana, LifeSiteNews, November 2, 2018)

Make the Courts Great Again! - How the 2018 Midterms Address a Cause of the American Revolution (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, November 2, 2018)

Democrats Have Become the Party of the Tyrant State (by Fr. Frank Pavone,, November 1, 2018)

Vote Early! (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, October 30, 2018)

A Common Sense Election (by Fr. Frank Pavone, NewsMax, October 30, 2018)

Why Promises of Impeachment Will Go Nowhere (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, October 18, 2018)

Midterm Candidates Should Be Asked About Gosnell, Late-Term Abortion (by Fr. Frank Pavone,, October 17, 2018)

If there's no civility left, it's because Democrats are incapable of it (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, October 12, 2018)

The Serial Murderer and the Midterm Elections (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, October 11, 2018)

100 Percent Surely Wrong: Facts Can Be Clouded by Emotions (Evangelist Alveda King, Newsmax, October 3, 2018)

The Left Is Using Sexual Assault Victims to Advance the Abortion Agenda (Fr Frank Pavone,, October 2, 2018)

If You Voted for Trump in 2016, Don't Let Your Vote Go to Waste Now! (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, September 18, 2018)

Democrats Dishonest About Kavanaugh and Abortion-Inducing Drugs (Fr. Frank,, September 17, 2018)

What Kavanaugh means by ‘precedent upon precedent,’ and why pro-lifers shouldn’t be worried (by Fr. Frank Pavone,, September 11, 2018)

Why Roe Will Fall, Eventually (by Fr. Frank Pavone, The Christian Review, September 10, 2018)

Why Priests for Life support Judge Kavanaugh's nomination (By Fr. Frank Pavone, The Hill, September 10, 2018)

Brett Kavanaugh was right to call contraception an 'abortion-inducing drug' (by Janet Morana, Washington Examiner, September 10, 2018)

2014 Politics and the Pulpit Election Articles Series

Politics and the Pulpit: Part One: "Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open!"

Politics and the Pulpit: Part Two: The IRS is Not the Law

Politics and the Pulpit - Part Three - Churches are Automatically Tax Exempt by Law

Politics and the Pulpit: Part Four: The Vague and Shaky Johnson Amendment

Politics and the Pulpit: Part Five: Time for a Bright-Line Standard

More Election Articles

A Key Election Question: Is This What You Mean By Abortion?

A Renewed Call to Faithful Citizenship and the Priority of Life

Abortion as the Fundamental Issue

Above My Pay Grade

Absolutely No Exceptions

"And What I Have Failed To Do..."

Avoid Election Day Traps - Part one

Avoid Election Day Traps - Part two

Be There

Caesar Must Obey God

Cannot be Right

Choosing Evil or Limiting Evil?

Church and State

The Consistent Ethic of Life: Myths and Realities

Democracy is Relative

Democrats for Life

Distorted Citizenship (or, Why do we have a Reading Comprehension Problem in the Church?)

Election 2008: Clarity or Confusion?

Elections 2012: Be Free, Be Smart, Be Responsible!

Election Enthusiasm

Election Perseverance

The Elections and Capital Punishment

The Elections and the Consistent Ethic

Elections and the Right to Life 

Eucharistic Citizenship

Evaluating Issues

Every Vote Counts

Faithful Citizenship

Four State Ballot Measures

Free Speech in Church - 2003

Free Speech in Church - 2005

I'm Motivated to Vote

IRS Fantasies

Is the Church "Too Political?"

"Is This What You Mean?"

Judicial Activism

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Keeping Children Safe

Legislating Morality

Low Hanging Fruit

The Most Important Vote

A New Senate

The Party Matters

The Political Issue Beneath Abortion

Political Loyalties

Political, Not Partisan

Political Parties and Skull Cracking

Politicians' Grammar

Politics and the Pulpit: Part One: "Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open!"

Politics, Government, Law, Abortion, and God

Practical Voting

The Prayer Campaign

Prayer Campaign

Presidential Probabilities


Politics and the Pulpit: Part One - Part Two - Part Three

Reflections on the Political Responsibility of Christians

Reflections on the Results of Elections 2006: Time for Democrats to Prove Our Point

Religious Beliefs, Abortion, and the Law

Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom and Voter Guides

Render Unto Caesar


Super Tuesday and Being Human

The State's Interest in Life

Three Branches

Using Election Law to Expose Abortion

Virtuous Democracy

Voter Registration: All Year, Every Year 

Voting for Vitae

Voting with a Clear Conscience

Voting with a Clear Conscience - longer version (Catholic)

Voting with a Clear Conscience - longer version (Ecumenical)

What happens when neither candidate is fully against abortion?

What to do Before the End of Election Day

Why America Exists

Why I'm Voting Pro-Life, and Motivated

Yes, The Party Matters

To see many of these articles in Spanish, click here.