EWTN Mass May 2, 2000

Fr. Frank Pavone on EWTN

Many of you have written to us about how Fr. Frank's appearances on EWTN help you in the understanding of the Christian Faith and inspire you to live it more generously, especially in the arena of pro-life action.

You have also told us that you miss seeing Fr. Frank on the network recently. He is simply awaiting his bishop's permission to be back on the programs. Meanwhile, he continues his fulltime pro-life work and is getting the word out in countless ways as you can see on this website. Moreover, new Defending Life programs continue on EWTN, with various members of the Priests for Life team being featured on them.

Here, we have put links to some of the video and audio of Fr. Frank's teaching and preaching on EWTN. Audio CDs of his EWTN homilies can also be ordered from our online store.

Fr. Frank's current homilies for Sundays and Feast Days can be found at PriestsForLife.org/SundayHomilies

More of Fr. Frank's homilies from all over the Country can be found at PriestsForLife.org/Audio

Please spread these links to as many people as you can online, via email, and on social networking!
EWTN Mass September 15, 2010: Our Lady of Sorrows
EWTN Mass September 15, 2010: Our Lady of Sorrows
EWTN Mass September 15, 2010: Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: mail@priestsforlife.org