Four Spiritual Disciplines

We participate in four overarching spiritual disciplines for personal growth, and to “flesh out” the spirituality and virtues of the apostolate.

Prayer: “Prayer is to the Christian what breathing is to all of humanity.”  Each member is committed to praying the prayers of the Church and specific daily prayers as provided by Priests for Life (prayers of commitment, periodic novenas). Members are encouraged to participate frequently (and as warranted) in the sacraments of Communion and Reconciliation. Spiritual devotions such as the rosary, adoration and Chaplet of Divine Mercy are encouraged. 

Study: “Study to show thyself approved unto God.”  Members, individually and corporately, will be expected to participate in ongoing reading and study. The teachings that shape our life and mission come above all from the Word of God. Profound study of the Scriptures is paramount. Among the documents of the Magisterium we study, in the first place, Pope St. John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life). We see John Paul II as the Pope of Life, and his encyclical, as well as the witness of his life, lay out the contours of our mission and spirituality.

Likewise, the teaching and example of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a strong voice for the unborn and vulnerable, are a special source of instruction and inspiration for us.

Frank Pavone knew both Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa personally and they encouraged the work of Priests for Life.

Fellowship: Missionaries of the Gospel of Life are expected to be faithful members of a local parish fully participating in its life. We would also provide opportunities for local gatherings in which one could learn our spirituality and be with other people who are making a similar commitment. Regional or national gatherings may also be offered for further training and witness. The ongoing spiritual unity of the members through common promises, prayers, study and witness is continually recognized and cherished. 

Apostolic Witness: “Every Catholic is called to be a witness of human dignity redeemed by the cross and sent into the world to evangelize.” Apostolates like ours are formed to respond to a particular problem in the world, and in this case, that problem is specifically the taking of innocent human life by abortion and euthanasia.  Whatever pro-life work you are already doing can now be done in the context of the spiritual commitment of a Missionary of the Gospel of Life. Priests for Life will also promote and inform you about numerous other initiatives that have proven effective in building a culture of life.

Our Spirituality is Biblical, Prophetic, Liturgical, Ecumenical, Eucharistic and Marian. In the light of our spirituality, there are certain key virtues that we seek to foster in ourselves and others. These include: a spirit of joy, a serene confidence, a deep compassion, a radical solidarity, a strong courage, a constant readiness for public witness, and a passion for justice.