Priests for Life is leading a novena of prayer from August 9th through November 7 as voters in Ohio strive to protect its Constitution from the efforts of pro-abortion fanatics to impose unlimited abortion. We invite you to say this prayer each day.
Prayer for ProLife Victory in Ohio
Lord of Life and Father of all, We thank you for the great victories That you have brought us As we work to protect the unborn And their moms, dads and families From the violence of abortion.
Lord, as your people now have more opportunity To shape abortion policy in each state, We see many states restoring protection To our unborn brothers and sisters.
We also see abortion forces Attempting to expand abortion And even declare it a right Under their state’s constitution.
Lord, we pray today for victory in Ohio As we work to protect its Constitution From those who want to impose a policy Of unlimited abortion.
We pray for victory in the election now underway, That Ohio voters will reject The effort of the Left To destroy more children and their families, To suppress parental rights, And to take away from the people and their lawmakers The right to protect the unborn from the violence of abortion. We pray, Lord, that pro-life people From across the nation Will join hands with the citizens of Ohio To stop this expansion of abortion, Which, if it happens, would surely spread to other states.
Lord, bring victory to the “No” vote on Issue 1. May your people vote early, And bring many others to vote.
May they speak up for what is right, Take action for what is just And make the sacrifices necessary To preserve the sanctity of life and family. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. • Written by Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone National Director, Priests for Life