SourceForm = Pelosi Letter Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi

Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi

December 17, 2024

Dear Mrs. Pelosi,

Once again, you are making news in regard to your insistence on receiving Holy Communion while at the same time rejecting communion with your youngest brothers and sisters, the children in the womb.

On this matter I wrote publicly to you in 2013 and I do so again today, on behalf of my ministry and millions of faithful Catholics.

In your public service, you have failed to serve the unborn, but instead advocate for the right to kill them, and work to expand that right under our nation’s laws.

The Church to which you claim to belong does not recognize such a right. Rather, the Church teaches that whatsoever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do to Jesus.

You want to be in Communion with Jesus, but in rejecting the unborn, you reject Him. You believe the Church’s teaching that the host is the body of Christ, but reject that same Church’s teaching that the bodies of the unborn deserve protection.

Which is harder to believe, that the baby in the womb is a baby, or that the host ceases to be bread and becomes the very Body of Christ?

Your archbishop has warned you about this and invited you to dialogue. Instead, you are more interested in dialoguing with the National Catholic Reporter, and declaring that this whole dispute is the archbishop’s problem, not yours.

And therefore you have continued to insist on receiving Communion, and are asking help from the Vatican.

May I respectfully suggest that the Vatican is the wrong place to look right now.

Look instead into the womb, and see the beating hearts that your actions have stopped. See the eyes of the children who rely on the law to protect them. See their arms and legs, that your policies have crushed (

Look also into the eyes of the moms and dads of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, who speak about the devastation abortion has brought to them. Look at their tears, listen to their stories ( Listen to the pain of the siblings and grandparents of these aborted children, mourning a loss they can never recover.

Let your heart be broken.

That is the path to resolving this problem. The solution is not in some abstract, nuanced argument about theology or Church law, or in winning a dispute. It’s not primarily about your archbishop, or the pope, or the priests who advise you or give you Communion.

All of those arguments, disputes, and debates can cloud something which is very simple: When we accept Jesus, we accept every human life. Why can’t you accept the children in the womb?

Please know that countless faithful Catholics, and Christians of all denominations, are praying for you. We pray specifically that instead of trying to justify your reception of Communion, that you will come into communion with your youngest brothers and sisters, and take to heart these words of Jesus:

“If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has something against you, leave your gift at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Mt. 5:23-24).

Please be reconciled with all your brothers and sisters in the womb.


Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

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