Election-Related Rosary Meditations

By Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

The rosary is a devotion strongly embraced by the pro-life movement. This is so for good reasons, because in the Hail Mary we praise a mother, and we worship the fruit of her womb. Our salvation began because a mother said yes to the life within her! In the rosary we also say, "Pray for US sinners." We don't point the finger at others, but rather at ourselves. We know that sin that is in the world, but we start by repenting of the sin within us. That is the best way to rebuild the Culture of Life.

Sorrowful Mysteries

The Agony in the Garden

Jesus suffered for us in the Garden, foreseeing all the sins of the whole world. Among them are sins of political leaders, who abuse their power, misrepresent their faith, exploit their people, promote the killing of unborn children, and suppress freedom. In this decade, let us pray in reparation for the sins of all those in public office.

The Scourging at the Pillar

“By his stripes we are healed.” The scourging of Jesus brings about the reconciliation of his people and the healing of the nations. It is by his blood that we have access to God. Let us pray that as children of God we may always enjoy the freedom to be able to elect our leaders, lobby them, and vote them out of office whenever necessary.

The Crowning with Thorns

The soldiers mocked the Kingship of Jesus. But he is in fact King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All earthly authority is subject to Him. Our Founding Fathers acknowledged that God’s law is higher than any human law. Let us pray that all candidates may acknowledge the same thing, and be obedient to the Lord Jesus.

Jesus Carries His Cross

Every step on the Way of the Cross was an act of love for us, and is an invitation to us to carry our own cross. The world of politics can be messy. We have to take unpopular stands, and say things that will cause some people to be angry with us. But when we are speaking God’s truth and advancing his Kingdom, carrying our cross is a privilege and joy.

Jesus Dies on the Cross

The death of Jesus is the basis for all freedom. The People of Life are born at the cross. From his death comes life. From his apparent defeat comes the victory of salvation. “As he died to make men holy, let us live to make them free.” Let us pray that through this election, voters may affirm and protect the gift of freedom.


Glorious Mysteries

The Resurrection

By his Resurrection, Christ Jesus has abolished death and restored life. He lives and reigns forever and ever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All the nations of the earth are subject to his dominion. As we meditate on His Resurrection, let us pray that every nation may be governed according to the Kingship of Christ; let us pray that every political leader may obey his law; let us pray that every voter may carry out that solemn duty in a way that glorifies the Risen Lord.

The Ascension

Christ ascends into heaven, taking our human nature to his throne. There, he lives forever to make intercession for us and, as St. Paul tells the Ephesians, he bestows various gifts of ministry and leadership upon his people. Paul tells the Romans that those in civil authority are “ministers of God,” and he tells Timothy we are to pray for them. Let us ask the Lord that those holding and seeking political office may always understand the limits of their authority, and may always maintain their accountability to God and his people.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, as Jesus promised, reminds us of all that Jesus taught and leads us into all truth. The Spirit enables us to evaluate things from God’s perspective and brings us gifts of wisdom and insight as we make decisions. Let us pray for an outpouring of the Spirit upon the voters across our nation. May they understand their duty to vote, overcome any obstacles to doing so, do their homework to understand the positions of the parties and candidates, and discern rightly before they vote.

The Assumption

The Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed, body and soul, into heaven, sharing the victory of her Son over death. During her life, Mary was attentive to his Word, and allowed that Word to lead her into action. She went to see Elizabeth; she spoke up at Cana; she went to Calvary. So too, we who are called to prayer are also called to action. Through Mary’s intercession may we be as active as possible to reach, educate and mobilize voters in this election.

The Coronation

Mary is the Queen of the Universe, leading us always to her Son, Christ the King. Mary wants all individuals and nations to acknowledge and embrace the way of life Christ gives to us. One of the ways we embrace it is to elect those who will enact laws that correspond to God’s law and promote life, justice, and peace. Through the intercession of Mary our Queen, may all who hold and seek public office recognize God’s law as higher than any human law, and always seek to follow that higher law.