Prayer of a Mom who has turned away from the Abortion Clinic

Lord God, Father in heaven,
You are my Creator and Protector,
And you are the Creator and Protector
Of the child within my womb.

That child, your son or daughter, belongs to you,
Not just to me,
And I thank you for entrusting this new life to my care.

Lord, please calm my fears,
Dispel my doubts,
And strengthen my resolve
To do what is right.

Remind me each moment that you are already in my future,
And that the circumstances
That make it seem so difficult right now
Are things that can change as time goes on.

Lord, I ask your forgiveness for considering abortion.
It is not what I want to do
And I know that if I were to do it,
I could never bring my child back,
No matter how much I may want to.

Remind me, Lord, that I am not alone;
That I can reach out to you for grace and strength
And that I can reach out to many people who are there
To help me and my baby.

Bless all the people in my life.
Help them to understand and to trust
That accepting this child is the right thing to do
And that they need to respect my right to choose life.

Lord, I love you, and I love my child.
You have thought of this child from all eternity.
You have a plan for my baby,
And a plan for me.

Lord, from this day forward,
I will be faithful in carrying out that plan,
And look forward to the joy and peace
Of doing your will here on earth.
And enjoying life forever with you, and my child, in heaven.

I ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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