Sanctity of Life Sunday Pastoral Toolkit

January 19, 2025

Sanctity of Life Sunday is January 19, 2025, and Priests for Life has all the resources you will need to observe this special day. Simply visit our special page at for an abundance of pro-life materials.

We call your attention especially to the following resources and ask that you bring them to the attention of your pastors or pastoral ministers.

Every day should be Sanctity of Human Life Day, and these activities should be carried out throughout the year. Our Priests for Life team is ready to assist you and your parish. Go to – To invite one of our pastoral team members to your area for a pro-life event, simply fill out the form on this website.
Projects for Churches
→Preaching on abortion
→Promote healing after abortion
→A journey through pregnancy
and more...
Individual Prayers and Novenas
→Prayers for healing the wounds of abortion
→Marian prayers to end abortion
→Prayers in honor of pro-life saints
and more..... Read and share after-abortion testimonies. These are a powerful tool to prevent abortions and convert people to pro-life. A wide variety of pro-life products available including Proclaiming the Message of Life in which I show clergy and laity alike the pro-life themes found in the Sunday readings for each week of the year, in all three cycles of the lectionary. Order at Powerful images of victims of abortion and living children in the womb. Share far and wide. These images save lives!

Finally, email to receive weekly emails with general intercessions, bulletin inserts and homily hints.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: