Thank you for your leadership, collaboration, and
participation in the pro-life movement!

Fr. Frank Pavone, M.E.V.
Fr. Frank Pavone



Dear Friends,

This page has been established for two purposes.

First, if you are a pro-life leader of a group large or small, it is an opportunity to you to share your expertise and to increase your networking with other groups by letting them know the kind of activities your group undertakes. In the memo field, you can share your insights on pro-life strategy and tactics. Moreover, you can use this page as a tool to recruit others to the cause of life by helping you identify their areas of interest.

Second, if you are looking to start or increase your own involvement in pro-life activities, this will help you to indicate how you want to be involved, and will enable us to connect you with groups and leaders who can train you in those areas and get you involved in that work.

Thank you for all that you do, and I look forward to being in touch with you.

Fr. Frank Pavone

Ten Reasons Why the Pro-Life Movement is Winning

A Strategic Plan to End Abortion

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Yes, I want to learn about the spirituality of pro life activism.
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