Sign up to help in the Elections!

Friends, thank you for what you are doing and are willing to do for America!

This form lets us know that you want to be part of our election efforts, so that we can save our nation and restore our rights – starting with life – and our freedoms.

Once you fill out this form, we will begin inviting you to our election training seminars which we hold via Zoom, and our Public Outreach/Correspondence Associate Mary will be in touch with you on an individual basis.

Our next online training session will be held on Tuesday, February 11 from 8-9 p.m. ET



*Zip Code:
Postal Code:
Are you a US citizen?  
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
Are you a member of a pro-life organization?
If so, which group and what activities do you conduct for them?:  
What is your profession?
Are you currently employed?
What special skills or hobbies do you have?  
Do you belong to a Church group or other kind of organization that has regular meetings?
If so, please describe.  
Are you active in some ministry in your parish Church or school?
If so, please describe.  
Have you ever volunteered for a political campaign, or done other kinds of election-related work?
If so, please describe.  
Do you own or have use of a car?

Following are some of the types of activities we will need help with. Please check the ones you would be willing to assist with:

For the activities that you are willing to do, how much time generally would you have to devote to those activities?
Can you recommend other people you know who may also want to help with the elections?  


Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: