Priests for Life


America Will Not Reject Abortion Until America
Sees Abortion

Pray To End Abortion

Take Action

Rachel's Vineyard,
A Ministry of Priests For Life

Silent No More Awareness Campaign, A Project
of Priests For Life

Clergy Resources


Automatic Gift Program - Donate Monthly from your Checking or Savings Account
Give To Priests for Life - This page allows you to donate monthly to Priests for Life by
having your donation automatically drawn from your Checking or Savings account
Priests for Life exists to assist clergy and laity to fight the culture of death ... to unite and encourage all in the Church to give special emphasis to the life issues in their ministry ... and to help them take a more vocal and active role in the pro-life movement!

This online donation system is fully secure and up to date in
the protection it provides for any information you enter.

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Address 2
Priests for Life Account Number
Please enter your "Account Number" as it appears in the email or letter you received from us (if it is not in the box already).
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   Other: $
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each month in the amount indicated above.
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Bank Routing Number

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Bank Account Number

*Bank Name
*Name on Account
Please mail a statement each month to the address indicated above to which I will respond with my donation.
 I accept the terms for Automatic Gift Program (view terms)


Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 •