SourceForm = Vote Pro Life Coalition
A wide variety of national ministries have joined together to form a “Vote Pro-life Coalition". These groups work together to advance non-partisan activities to help the People of Life to engage the electoral process in an informed and responsible way.Using the form below, organizations can indicate their willingness to join the Coalition, and individuals can also request updates about Coalition activities.
Among the things that the Coalition will do are:
1. Inform member groups about what 501 (c)(3) organizations may and may not do in regard to elections;
2. Provide talking points and articles that assist groups to educate their people about the electoral process and the priority of the right to life as the foundational issue in every election;
3. Organize webcasts that offer training for effective political action;
4. Equip organizations and individuals to educate voters about the candidates and to mobilize voters to get to the polls. This will involve several nationwide campaign for literature distribution and other voter education and get-out-the-vote activities.
5. Hold press conferences and utilize social media so that the message of pro-life political responsibility can be spoken with a clear voice representing a significant portion of the electorate.
Watch and share Fr. Frank's short educational videos on voting pro-life.
The groups in the Coalition include but are not limited to the following: