The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, in collaboration with Priests
for Life, announces the “International Day of Prayer and Remembrance for
Terri Schindler Schiavo, and All of Our Vulnerable Brothers and
Sisters,” which will be observed each year on March 31, the anniversary
of her death.
We invite individual believers to spend time on that day learning about
Terri, and praying for all whose lives are threatened in the same way
that hers was.
We invite Churches to hold memorial services and to educate their people
on the dignity of every human life, despite any disability or disease
with which that life may be afflicted.
We invite educational institutions to help dispel the myths and
inaccuracies about Terri’s life and death, and to contribute to our
society’s debate regarding the rights of the disabled by providing
accurate, factual information and mature reflection on the ethical
demands of caring for the weak and vulnerable.
We invite all people to use the resources on this website and to help us
continue to draw good out of the sad and tragic way in which Terri was
Find reflections from Fr. Frank Pavone who was at
Terri's side in her final hours and preached at her funeral