Burial of Aborted Babies with Bishop Daniel Flores
and Fr. Frank Pavone

Aborted Baby Funeral On Friday, June 27, 2008 at the Assumption Grotto Church in Detroit, a Funeral Mass and Burial was held for aborted babies that were retrieved in April 2008 from the trash dumpster behind the Women's Advisory abortion clinic, Livonia, Michigan.

The burial was held at the Assumption Grotto Parish, 13770 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit. The main celebrant was Bishop Daniel Flores, Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit. The burial service took place immediately after Mass in the Grotto cemetery. Fr. Frank Pavone delivered the graveside eulogy.

This was the second aborted baby burial in two months in Michigan!

A press conference was also held by the Citizens for a Pro-life Society on the morning of the burial, Friday, June 27th, at the abortion clinic where the babies were killed, namely at Women's Advisory, 27549 Six Mile Road in Livonia. All the media were invited. The goal was to expose the atrocity of abortion, that human beings are in fact murdered in abortion and their bodies thrown into the trash. They discussed how Woman's Advisory dumped bio-hazard waste and the patient records issue. They also discussed abortionist Reginald's Sharpe's revocation of his license for a botched 3rd trimester abortion and the newly proposed Michigan state legislation: The Human Treatment of Miscarried and Aborted Babies Act. There were 7 coffins representing the aborted babies that were buried.

Fr. Frank and Priests for Life invited all pro-life people to take part spiritually in this funeral. “Abortion is too abstract,” Fr. Frank stated. “Amidst the din of political, philosophical, and religious arguments, we too easily lose sight of the fact that we are talking about real people. Funerals bring us back to reality. Burials awaken consciences. Through this ceremony, we restore some measure of the respect that should have been given these babies when they were alive in the womb. Let’s honor them together, and allow them, though dead, to speak to our nation and rouse the conscience of our citizens and leaders!”

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Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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