The Staff and Departments of Priests for Life

The paid staff and consultants of Priests for Life (some of whom are pictured above) consists of 50 people working in offices in New York, Washington DC, Titusville (FL), Atlanta, Philadelphia, Rome and elsewhere.

The organization is governed by a Board of Directors of thirteen professionals.

An Executive Committee, composed of the National Director, Executive Director, and Vice-Chairman are empowered to lead the organization in the name of the board and carry out day to day decisions.

The Executive Director, with the assistance of the Chief Operations Officer, oversee the day to day activities of the staff and the various departments, who report to them directly.

The Finance and Fundraising Departments report to the Vice-Chairman.

In each department that has more than one employee, one individual is designated as the head of that department, responsible for making sure procedures are carried out properly and communication with the Executive Committee.

The work of our staff is divided into various departments. 

Public Outreach department

The Public Outreach department consists of people who respond to phone calls from the public. The callers are usually responding to Priests for Life television or radio shows, items on our website, or visits that one of our speakers made to their community. The callers often look for guidance as to how to be more active in the pro-life movement, or how to articulate the pro-life message more effectively. Priests will ask for resources for preaching, counseling, or pro-life activities that their people can carry out. People in need of alternatives to abortion or post-abortion healing also call our toll-free number. We often receive calls from people who have moving testimonies to relate regarding their pro-life activism, their conversion to a pro-life position, or in some cases their witness of an abortion. Our staff is trained to reply to emergencies immediately, and to any other messages within 24 hours.

The Correspondence department responds to the high volume of letters and emails that come into our office from people requesting more information about the pro-life movement, or asking questions about pro-life issues we have discussed in our educational materials, travels, or television and radio appearances.

Speaker's Bureau department

The Speaker's Bureau department receives invitations from around the world for the priests and lay members of our Speakers' Bureau to visit local dioceses, parishes, schools, and communities. The department assesses the invitations based on the availability of our speakers and the strategic plan for our outreach. Once a trip is approved, this department -- in communication with the inviting party -- arranges all the details of that trip as well as the follow-up. Trips include parish weekends, clergy conference, pro-life conventions, retreats, seminars, pro-life marches and prayer vigils, banquets, press conferences and media interviews, and other events.

Department of Diocesan Outreach

The Department of Diocesan Outreach maintains communication with each diocese in the United States and with their various offices, including those of the bishop, the Respect Life coordinator, the Office of Clergy Education, and the Office of the Permanent Diaconate. The department likewise communicates with every seminary in the United States. It coordinates ways in which Priests for Life can assist these diocesan offices and seminaries in planning and carrying out pro-life activities, including visits from Priests for Life. It maintains a regular exchange of information between each diocese and Priests for Life regarding pro-life activities, strategies, and publications. This department also oversees the outreach we make to retreat centers and other Catholic organizations throughout the nation, as well as coordinates the membership of Priests for Life in certain national associations such as those for Directors of Ongoing Education of Clergy, for Campus Ministers, for Priests' Councils, and for Chaplains. Through this department, finally, information is sent to every bishop, priest, and deacon in the country on a regular basis. 


The Receptionists handle a very busy daily load of phone calls, emails, and visitors, and make sure that all information coming into the office is distributed to the appropriate departments.

Resource department

The Resource department responds to the high volume of orders we receive each day for our materials, primarily brochures, bulletin inserts, and audio/video resources. Thousands of these items are sent out each week to parishes, schools, pro-life organizations, and interested individuals.

Media department

The Media department fosters relationships with the secular and religious media, arranges for interviews of our speakers, sends out our press releases and follows up on them, and coordinates the involvement of Priests for Life in various national media associations such as the Catholic Press Association and the National Religious Broadcasters.

Website department

The Website department works to design, maintain and update over a dozen websites which Priests for Life handles both for its own activities and for certain other organizations which rely on our assistance. 

Finance department

The Finance department handles the day to day financial transactions and records for the organization, and utilizes the services of highly-respected legal and financial experts in the field of accounting and auditing.

Gifts department

The Gifts department receives the donations each day through the mail, through credit card, and through our website. These donations are entered into our database, and thank-you letters are sent out daily. This department handles all deposits and inquiries from the public about their donations.

Data department

The Data department is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of our set of inter-locking databases by doing data entry, data corrections, and special coding to identify particular details of various groups of people. Special tasks involving data processing and the creation of new databases are also assigned to this department. 

Social Media department

The Social Media department advances the culture of life through many social media outlets such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.  They share pro-life material and respond to inquiries from the public that come in via our many Social Media web pages. 

Information Technology department

The Information Technology department keeps the office running by making sure we have the latest technology and that it is always working properly.  Their work enables the staff to communicate efficiently and effectively with each other and with the public whether in or out of the office.   

Priest and Pastoral Associates
The Priest and Pastoral Associates.  The priests, either diocesan or religious, are given permission by their Ordinary to work full-time with Priests for Life. The priests and lay pastoral associates travel throughout the world speaking about abortion and euthanasia.  The priest associates put a special emphasis on the clergy as the target audience.
Faithful Citizenship Department

The Faithful Citizenship Department. Working with an expert legal team, Priests for Life carries out the full measure of non-partisan activities that Churches and Church organizations can undertake to foster active participation in our nation's political process. These activities include fostering non-partisan voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives, as well as voter and candidate education.

Research department

The Research department consists of full-time researchers who assist the organization with strategic research, the gathering of the latest information and publications on all aspects of the abortion issue, contact with other researchers throughout the world, and opposition research, by which we study the strategies, publications and activities of those who defend and promote abortion.

Volunteer department

The Volunteer department coordinates the activity of the team of volunteers from the local community who come each week to the Priests for Life office to assist in the preparation of mailings, or resources, and with other tasks.

Fundraising department

The Fundraising department coordinates the various levels of fundraising, such as direct mail (regular appeals and prospecting), submission of grant proposals to foundations, meetings with potential donors, and assistance to donors who wish to make Priests for Life a beneficiary when they do their financial planning.

International Department

The International Department. Priests for Life has a representative in Rome and has affiliations in several other countries, while maintaining communication with pro-life leaders in many parts of the world. Our speakers are invited to international pro-life gatherings and strategy sessions, and we provide materials and advice to pro-life groups and individuals in other countries. 

Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI)

The Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI) is a unique international outreach of the Gospel of Life Ministries (GOLM) working to advance a culture of life. PNCI networks with members of
national legislatures, organizations that respect life and family, and religious leaders to build pro-life leadership in capitals around the world. PNCI seeks to protect and promote laws that
respect the lives of all human beings from the beginning of life until natural death. PNCI facilitates the exchange of information, ideas, policies, strategies, tactics, laws, and best practices
on abortion and other critical issues. PNCI assists Priests for Life at the United Nations and monitors actions at the Organization of American States (OAS).

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: