The Department of Diocesan Outreach maintains communication with each diocese in the United States and with their various offices, including those of the bishop, the Respect Life coordinator, the Office of Clergy Education, and the Office of the Permanent Diaconate. The department likewise communicates with every seminary in the United States. It coordinates ways in which Priests for Life can assist these diocesan offices and seminaries in planning and carrying out pro-life activities, including visits from Priests for Life. It maintains a regular exchange of information between each diocese and Priests for Life regarding pro-life activities, strategies, and publications. This department also oversees the outreach we make to retreat centers and other Catholic organizations throughout the nation, as well as coordinates the membership of Priests for Life in certain national associations such as those for Directors of Ongoing Education of Clergy, for Campus Ministers, for Priests' Councils, and for Chaplains. Through this department, finally, information is sent to every bishop, priest, and deacon in the country on a regular basis.