Uplifting Comments from our Mailbox...

Dear Friends of Priests for Life,

We love to hear from you, and we want you to hear some of the compliments we have received from others. Please know that you inspire us, and that we are always grateful for your support! -- Frank Pavone

"In our present times there is an urgent need to promote a culture of life and also to undertake direct actions that help protect the life of the weakest, especially the unborn. For that reason the work done by ‘Priests for Life’ deserves the gratitude and support of the whole Church." - Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President, Pontifical Council for the Laity, Vatican City State, June 7, 2011.

Endorsements from Fr. Chris Alar, MIC
Endorsements from Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Janet Porter, architect of Heartbeat legislation and long-time friend and colleague of Frank Pavone
Brooke Rollins gives nice recognition to Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone at the America First Policy Institute
Well-known Evangelical leader Pastor Jim Garlow relates a story of something that happened recently that shows the strong support that Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone has across the Body of Christ.
Fr Terry Gensemer of the Charismatic Episcopal Church
Categories of Praise on this page are as follows.
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Book of Praise 1]  [Book of Praise 2 ]  [Book of Praise 3]

In May, I will celebrate my fifty-fifth year as a Catholic priest. From my experience, Priests for Life has preached the “Gospel of Life” effectively for more than thirty years. …Priests for Life demonstrates, by its concern and outreach, a mission both vital and effective. That is why I personally support Priests for Life and pray each day that, through its zealous labors, and the whole Respect for Life movement’s witness, our nation and the world may CHOOSE LIFE. – Fr. Andrew Luczak

I'm very grateful to all of you who have persevered new and old in the Pro Life movement. This is the critical issue of our day, every generation has one. This is ours. Some of us have been trudging forward with this for very many decades now.  I have my whole priesthood my almost 40 years as a priest, been actively involved. Father Pavone, of course your outstanding in that. So keep going. We have to keep moving forward with this. - Archbishop Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco 

this is a cross that was given to me by Saint John Pope St. John Paul II ...and I'd like to use this cross to ask God's abundant blessings upon you, your ministry and all of our brother priests and bishops, and all people who are working for this primary issue which is life especially the most fragile, the most innocent of all life, the unborn.

Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus. We ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit upon all these beautiful efforts of Priests for Life, of all priests and bishops, and all our laypeople. Inspire us Dear Holy Spirit, to have hearts that are burning with fire of love for this ministry.

And bless all those who support us. May the blessing of almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit descend upon us and remain forever Amen.  and Mary our mother, the mother of life. Intercede for us. Pray for us. Guide us and direct us. amen - Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop Emeritus of San Angelo, Texas 

But I encourage you and pray for you and encourage, many more priests and people bishops to become involved in this vitally important ministry. - Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop Emeritus of San Angelo, Texas 
Well, every priest I'm sure must be for life. The thing is what we need to do Is be much more expressive about this, because that's what we're about. We’re about human life. Jesus became one of us. The Great Priest. Precisely to touch all, and he's calling all of us bishops and priests -- So I encourage you brother Priests to become much more active in preaching and also in taking action at a local level. - Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop Emeritus of San Angelo, Texas 
...perhaps our bishops, in my estimation, haven't spoken as strongly as they should have as a body on this issue. But I know that other pro-life people like yourself and Alveda King say this is the preeminent issue because it's dealing with human life and the most precious human life in the whole world, the unborn, tiny little images of God that are being destroyed in abortion. - Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop Emeritus of San Angelo, Texas 
I encourage all those who are with you in your ministry. All the people who work at Priest for life. I want to thank them for the work they've done over these many years. Thank you for all the materials you provide. I want to really sincerely thank the benefactors who might be watching right now. Telling them to please continue to support Priest for life and anybody may be watching this for the first time that has not been involved thinking well maybe it's too late to get involved. No, it's never too late to get involved. So all you have to do is probably go to the priest for life website, find out how you can get involved, how you can contribute and then just get out there and don't be afraid. - Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese for Military Services in the United States
...we have to have the courage to teach and to preach the truth. And if sometimes that makes people uncomfortable or they think we're being too political well, that's not something we can be concerned with, but we have to preach the truth and we have to talk about these issues for every issue, every, every election. So Priest for Life can help us to walk that maybe minefield where we are not political as far as partisan or who to tell telling people who to vote for. But we're certainly going to let people know what the Candidates stand for. - Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese for Military Services in the United States
And as I've quoted you many times, Father Frank, I know you know that, where I say to people, as Father Frank says, we need to make abortion not only illegal, but unthinkable. - Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese for Military Services in the United States
And when it comes to Priest for Life, I often say, well, every priest is a priest for life. But your particular ministry gives a much-needed material that's so freely available through your various websites and what not. That you give the material to the priests and the deacons so that they can be better suited to preach with more good information, solid, solid homilies and you've been sharing those for very many years. That's why I've supported your ministry 'cause I've used those materials myself for my preaching. I would encourage other priests to use those materials because I know that your desire is for every Catholic priest to be a priest for life and to use the materials that you've gathered over all these many years with the support and the great generosity of your benefactors to make these materials available so that priests can feel like they have the information that they need, the resources that they need so that it can make their job just a little bit easier rather than reinvent the wheel because you get so many homilies for so many different Sundays of the year. - Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese for Military Services in the United States
I think that Teresa and her and her husband Kevin, their ministry of Rachel's Vineyard is so critically important and I know that they're all over the world now giving these retreats. I'm incredibly proud of their ministry and quite frankly, I was overjoyed when they joined forces with you 'cause I knew that would have an incredible effect that would just magnify both of your ministries and make it really one Ministry of Healing. Very, very proud of them. Very, very proud. - Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese for Military Services 
Father Frank. ... I've been a big fan of your ministry for many, many years, as you know. - Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese for Military Services 
...these weekend [Rachel's Vineyard] retreats can bring them incredible healing and knowing God's forgiveness. So, I thoroughly recommend this ministry. Every priest needs to know about this so they can recommend these retreats to people they have in confession so that they can bring that healing of God's mercy that is available to every single one of us. - Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese for Military Services 

March 15, 2021

Dear Priests for Life Family,

My name is Bishop Joe Coffey. Originally a priest ordained for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I spent 19 years on Active Duty as a Navy Chaplain and currently serve as the Vicar for Veterans Affairs for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA based in Washington DC. I regularly visit our Veterans and Catholic Priest Chaplains in 152 VAMC’s (Veterans Affairs Medical Centers) around our great Country.

I have had the great privilege of personally knowing several members of the Priests for Life network for over 30 years especially Fr Frank Pavone, Fr Denis Wilde, OSA and Kevin and Theresa Burke. As a seminarian, I heard Fr Pavone and Fr Wilde give inspiring Pro Life homilies and as a priest, I have happily made use of the readily made available pro life homily helps for Priests and Deacons  to give inspiring homilies. I am always trying to encourage seminarians and priests to get more involved with what the majority of the Bishops of the USCCB called the “pre-eminent issue” of our time. As a priest I have participated in life changing retreats organized by  Rachels’ Vineyard by hearing the Confessions of and give absolution to women and men who deeply regret decisions they felt they had no other choice to make. To see people know they are truly forgiven has never failed to inspire me and to be grateful to our Lord for my vocation as a priest.

Allow me to thank you for being a member of the Priests for Life family, whether that means taking part in its prayer campaigns, implementing its action alerts, connecting with its pro-life broadcasts and messages on social media, donating financially to the ministry, or all of these things!

Priests for Life seeks to save lives from abortion and to heal the wounds of abortion. In doing so, it is advancing a key priority of our day – a priority for both the Church and the state – and therefore deserves the support of as many people as possible. 

God bless you!


Bishop Joe Coffey

Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

Dear Father Frank,
I just want you to know that I am so inspired by what you do in the Pro Life Movement. Who would have thought that you would become such a “luminary” as Fr. John Sorrento used to call priests who did something worth while? Blessings to you dear Father, and May our Holy Mother continue to watch over you.

- Archbishop Anthony, The Archdiocese of New York (Orthodox)

Letter regarding the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, Most Rev. David A. Zubik, Bishop of Pittsburg, March 2010
Thanks a million for your birthday greetings. I really appreciate your expression of prayerful good wishes and God’s blessing. Thanks, too, for all the hard work you do to promote deep respect for life and for the unborn. May the Lord bless you in your mission. Sincerely in Christ, Bishop Leonard J. Olivier, SVD
I will remember you and all the Priests for Life in my prayers. May God continue to bless the wonderful work you do.
-- Most Reverend Alvara Corrada, S.J.- Bishop of Tyler, Texas

You are doing a great work for the Church and I wish you well. With many blessings and many good wishes, I remain sincerely yours in Christ,
-- Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn-Archbishop Emeritus of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota

May you continue to be blessed in your special and important work in Priests for Life.

- Sincerely yours, Bishop David B. Thompson

I am very grateful for your kind greetings on the occasion of my birthday, especially the promise of a remembrance in prayer. I follow your ministry with prayerful support. .... Your ministry remains with me during these days of prayer.

- With sentiments of fraternal esteem, I am prayerfully in the lord

- Rev. William G. Curlin

Thank you for your support and for the commitment to your organization to the dignity of human life. With every best wish and warm personal regards, I am Fraternally yours, Rev. Howard J. Hubbard, Bishop of Albany
Thank you for your kindness in sending me the Priests for Life Study Guide for the document, Living the Gospel of Life, issued by bishops of the United States in 1998. The current controversy regarding Catholic politicians and the issue of abortion underscores how timely and necessary your Study Guide is. While some of the energy surrounding this question is created by the proximity of elections, the situation is one which is the fruit of many years' development, and a true change of heart among Catholic politicians will take much time and effort. I believe the bishops of our country are committed to that process, and the Priests for Life Study Guide will be very helpful in this important undertaking. Thanking you for devoted ministry which gives a voice to the voiceless unborn, I am Sincerely yours in Christ,
-- Most Rev. William J. Levada, (previously) Archbishop of San Francisco

"Your seminars were extraordinarily well-received. Many of our priests and deacons expressed to me that they thought your presentations were among the most practical and theologically sound we have heard on the subject of protection of the unborn children..."
-- Most Rev. Rene Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi

Thank you for presenting at the recent Leadership Conference of the National Catholic Student Coalition. I am elated to learn that the students were enthusiastic about your workshops. That, of course, does not surprise me given your commitment and expertise in the area of respect for human life.
-- Most Rev. Peter A. Rosazza, Auxiliary Bishop, New Haven, CT.

Fr. Frank Pavone, of Priests for Life, is a dynamic and inspiring speaker...
-- Most Rev. Daniel M Buechlein, OSB, Archbishop of Indianapolis.

As you are well aware, the Diocese of Samoa Pago Pago is a missionary diocese 14 degrees South of the equator. We are perhaps one of the more distant locations you service. Our priest's and deacons each receive a copy of the newsletter, and we read with interest the outstanding work you and your brother priests are doing. Be assured of a continuous place in our prayers as you move in to the Jubilee Year and the Third Millennium. Sincerely in the Holy Family,
-- Most Rev. J. Quinn Weitzel, MM, Bishop of Samoa - Pago Pago.

I'd like to thank Priests for Life, therefore, for acknowledging the efforts of The Leaven staff to articulate and promote the church's teaching on this important pro-life issue in a manner accessible to the average Catholic. With gratitude for your personal commitment to proclaim the Gospel of Life, I am Sincerely yours in Jesus the Lord of life,
-- Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS

From Singapore and Korea I have been watching your presentations on all cable and network stations. You have been consistently excellent. Just what we've been needing and not having. Congratulations in an effort most helpful in setting forth Church teaching! In the Lord,
-- Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien, Archbishop for Military Services

Your continued prayerful support is also very much appreciated, both for me and the faithful of the diocese. Thank you for your great work.
-- Most Reverend Robert W. Finn, DD, Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

I thank you for your own commitment to the sacredness of human life. Priests for Life is most important as we combat the evil of abortion and proclaim the Gospel of Life. I’ve given strong recommendations for you here.
-- Most Rev. Henry J Mansell, Archbishop of Hartford

Please know that I am honored and feel very privileged to be on the Board of Advisors and I want to commend you and all your coworkers for the marvelous job you are doing for the unborn.
-- Most Reverend James C. Timlin, D.D., Bishop Emeritus of Scranton

I think your organization does a wonderful job and I am very happy to be associated with it by serving on the Board of Advisors. I look forward to many years of association.
-- Most Reverend John F. Donoghue, Archbishop Emeritus of Atlanta

As a member of the Board of Advisors I can hardly give you better "advice" than to continue exactly as you have been doing. – Bishop George E. Lynch, New York
Cardinal Bevilacqua remains grateful to you and all those associated with Priests of Life for all that you do to protect and defend the sacredness of all human life from the moment of conception to natural death.
-- Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Administrative Secretary

In encouraging your brother priests to become active in the Pro-Life Movement, you are greatly strengthening the efforts of the entire Church in the United States to bear witness to the Gospel of Life. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts in the years ahead.

– James Cardinal Hickey, Archbishop of Washington

On behalf of the Alliance of the Holy Family International, I would like to thank you for having made the International Clergy Retreat Seminar on the Alliance of the Two Hearts a success. Your valuable contribution has certainly made a big difference to all the priests who participated. The Alliance of the Holy Family movement highly respects your expertise and its contribution to its family apostolate. I pray that you would continue supporting us. And as we approach the great Jubilee Year, I fervently pray that we can help bring back more souls to the Church and to the practice of the Sacraments. The Holy Mother Church needs your selfless generosity in this great time of need.
-- Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop of Cebu and AHFI Clergy Chairman

It is very apparent that God is blessing the work of Priests for Life abundantly. I must also repeat my thanks to you for the Clergy Conference that you gave to the clergy of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. I am still hearing favorable comments about your talks and how you raised the consciousness among the clergy about the importance of promoting Pro-Life activities.
-- Rene H. Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi

Congratulations on the very fine growth of Priests for Life and the expansion of its service. I am happy and proud to be associated with your group. In Peoria, we are delighted to offer your newsletter in our monthly mailing. As the months and years go along, I know that Priests for Life will have increasing influence in informing and supporting those priests and other ministers who wish to speak up clearly and consistently for the right to life.
-- Most Reverend John J. Myers, Bishop of Peoria (now Archbishop of Newark)

I write today to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous priestly service on behalf of life. Frank, your presentation was really excellent. God has gifted you with an ability to speak well and motivate people effectively. I was especially touched by the nuances you utilized in regards to the Eucharist. The two uses for the sentence "this is my body" will not be forgotten by me and your practical application of a deeper meaning of "do this in remembrance of me" will be worked into many of my own talks in the future.
-- Most Rev. John McCarthy, Bishop Emeritus of Austin

Congratulations on the outstanding interview. Frank, I praise God for articulate, faith-filled young men like you.
-- Paul V. Dudley, Bishop Emeritus of Sioux Falls

I have always noted that your own talks are pithy, very much to the point, very easy to listen to and extremely powerful. I am in complete agreement with everything that His Eminence (Cardinal O’Connor) says about you in his letter of endorsement. I can only say that he chose wisely and well when he selected Father Frank Pavone to be his ambassador around the country in promotion of the pro-life message and, in particular, Priests for Life.
-- Most Rev. James M. Moynihan, Bishop of Syracuse

I invoke the Lord’s blessings upon your important work.
-- Archbishop Agostino Cacciavillan, Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to the United States

I appreciate your leadership in the ministry of reverence for life and support for priests in pastoral assignments to teach and promote the Church's teachings.
-- Most Reverend Elden Francis Curtiss, Archbishop of Omaha

I also want to thank you and your staff for all Priests for Life does to promote human life in this increasingly more strident culture of death in the nation.
-- Most Reverend Elden Francis Curtiss, Archbishop of Omaha

I want you to proceed with The Gabriel Project within the area. I appreciate the content of the brochure you included, and I have trust in the quality of materials which are prepared by Priests for Life.
-- Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Ogdensburg

I am pleased to participate in a small way in this program. I want to assure you of our desire to assist the program in every possible way.
-- Most Rev. J. Quinn Weitzel, MM, DD Bishop of Samoa - Pago Pago

I have read your updated Mission Statement and I think everything looks positive and well developed. I both admire and am grateful for your work. Thank you so much for your generous gift of yourself and your time to the clergy and people of our diocese. You were spectacularly wonderful and we are deeply grateful.
-- Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Denver

Congratulations on the great effort you give to Priests for Life and for all you do so well. "Thank you" and God bless you and all you do for the unborn.
-- Most Rev. James Niedergeses, Bishop Emeritus of Nashville, TN

Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries began as a single weekend retreat held on the grounds of Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Darby, PA, for persons suffering emotional and spiritual pain from their participation in abortion. From this small seed, in only eight years this ministry has grown to offer over 1200 retreats across the United States, and now spreading to many countries throughout the world. The retreat process has been effective in bringing relief from the suffering that is common to many persons after abortion; nightmares, depression, anxiety, difficulties in relationships and a host of other symptoms that can bring great personal, relational and family suffering. With effective healing programs like Rachel’s Vineyard, we can help to bring and end to this suffering, and help bring healing to individuals, couples and families.
-- Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia

[Regarding Priests for Life: A Global Mission] – thank you for sending me the video on the work of Priests for life. While I had already known of the significant efforts Priests for Life is making in the cause of human life, the video certainly enriched both my understanding and appreciation. Know that you are in my prayer as you reach out to more and more clergy and engage them in service of the Gospel of Life. Thank you for your own wonderful leadership.
-- Most Rev. Richard J Malone, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, South Region

[Regarding Priests for Life: A Global Mission] – An engaging presentation of the ministry of priests for life, this well-produced video underscores the significant role clergy play in the pro-life movement, as demonstrated in the leadership of Fr. Frank Pavone and his associates. I commend Priests for Life for challenging that part of our culture that fails to show respect for life from conception to natural demise. We can never underestimate the importance of such essential work.
-- Most Rev. Thomas V. Daily, DD Bishop of Brooklyn

As the National Director of Priests for Life, and one who recently began a new community of priests permanently dedicated to full time pro-life work, Father Frank Pavone is one of the most prominent Pro-Life leaders in the nation. – Most Rev. Robert P. Maginnis, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, Honorary Chairman of the Catholic Leadership Committee
The Apostolate of these groups is very important to the work of the church, particularly in keeping our priests informed and focused on the priority of life issues... Be assured of his prayers and support for this venture
-- Rev. Marc V. Trudeau, Priest Secretary to Cardinal Roger Mahony

This is indeed positive and important ministry in the life of the church today. ...please be assured of my prayerful support.
-- Most Reverend Lawrence E. Brandt, JCD, PhD, Bishop of Greensburg

Dear Dr. [Theresa] Burke: I am very pleased, once again, to express my gratitude to you for your continuing outstanding service to the Church and to God’s people. Your Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries has touched, healed and helped many people here in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. ... May Almighty God bless you and this good work. Sincerely yours in Christ,
-- Most Reverend Eusebius J. Beltran, Archbishop of Oklahoma City

Dear Catholic Faithful: Among the numerous groups worthy of mention that seek to promote a "Culture of Life," I wish to commend the efforts of the Priests for Life under the inspiration of Fr. Frank Pavone ... I enthusiastically support their efforts, and, in particular within our diocese, those of Mr. Michael Colicchio and Mrs. Lisa Morris who are among the first lay affiliates. An essential part of the endeavors of the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life entails the creation of "Life Cells" consisting of lay affiliate members who make certain commitments to prayer, personal study, and pro-life work to the extent that their duties permit. As such, Mike and Lisa seek to start up three initial "Life Cells" within the Diocese beginning with Knoxville, Chattanooga and Johnson City. In support of Mike an Lisa's efforts, I encourage you to learn more about the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life by visiting their website at www.priestsforlife.org. Priests for Life has contributed significantly to the promotion of a "Culture of Life" by helping to save lives, strengthening families and bringing countless people to a deeper appreciation of the great gift of life and the dignity of each and every human being. As Mike and Lisa go forth with my blessing, I ask you to be supportive of their efforts. May God continue to bless you. Sincerely yours in the Lord
-- Most Rev. Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., Bishop of Knoxville

Dear Father Frank: I have many reasons to be grateful to God for my vocation. I also have many reasons to be grateful to you, I will ask God to give you the grace of deep faith and hope in His love. Thanks for your continued support, and especially your prayers!
-- Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain, Bishop of Joliet, Illinois