Two Aspects of Priests for Life
Priests for Life has come to signify two distinct but
related movements within the wider pro-life movement.
On one level, as described below, Priests for Life
refers to a very specific effort to galvanize the clergy to preach, teach,
and mobilize their people more effectively in the effort to end abortion and
On another level, Priests for Life represents a
family of ministries that reach and enrich every aspect of the
pro-life movement, for clergy and laity alike, in a wide variety of
activities. This has come to pass precisely because priests are not
ordained for themselves, but for the people. So in activating clergy, we
are activating all the segments of the Church, the pro-life movement, and
the wider society in the defense of life.
We refer to this wider family of ministries as Gospel
of Life Ministries, to indicate that what unites them all is the Gospel of
Life, the good news that life is victorious over death!
So whether you are clergy or laity, young or old,
active or inactive, and whatever your religious or ethnic background, you're
in the right place if you want to do something to restore protection to the
most vulnerable members of the human family!
Our Family of Ministries
Priests for Life (direct ministry to priests)
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a
founder of the abortion industry who later became pro-life, has said that he
and his pro-abortion allies would never have gotten away with what they did
if the clergy had been united, purposeful, and strong. Priests for Life
works to insure that clergy of all denominations become more united,
purposeful, and strong, so that those who promote the culture of death will
not get away with what they are trying to do.
Read more on the vision and methods whereby we activate clergy.
Deacons for Life
Deacons are also members of
the clergy, and often have opportunities not available to priests to promote
the Gospel of Life. We train, encourage, and mobilize them, too.
Read more
about our outreach to Deacons.
Seminarians for Life
Those who are training for
the ministry need to know, from the beginning, the ways in which they can
prepare to be effective advocates for life. We therefore reach out to
seminarians and provide them the tools and the example by which they can
proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of Life.
more about our outreach to seminarians.
Missionaries of the Gospel of Life (pro-life
spirituality for clergy and laity)
Being pro-life, and doing
pro-life activities, is not a hobby or simply rooted in an ideology or
political platform. It is a spirituality, and is rooted in our
discipleship. We therefore teach both clergy and laity the spirituality of
being a Missionary of the Gospel of Life, and how that spirituality shapes
pro-life strategy and tactics.
Learn more about how
you can be a Missionary of the Gospel of Life in your daily life!
Rachel's Vineyard
Under the Priests for Life
umbrella is the worlds largest ministry for healing after abortion. Rachel's
Vineyard holds hundreds of retreats each year for men and women who have
lost children to abortion.
Find you how you can learn about, experience and promote this
Silent No More Awareness Campaign
A project of Priests for
Life and Anglicans for Life, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign is the
world's largest mobilization of men and women who have lost a child to
abortion, have experienced healing, and now want to share their testimony.
The Campaign promotes healing and a greater awareness of the wounds abortion
Learn how you
can help people be Silent No More!
Civil Rights for the Unborn
Civil Rights for the Unborn is the
African-American Outreach for
Priests for Life. Evangelist Alveda King, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Pastoral Associate, Priests for Life, declares that the civil rights movement of today is
the pro-life movement!
Find out what we are doing
to join hands with African-Americans to defend the unborn!
Hispanic Outreach
Both in the US and
around the world, we are assisting communities of Hispanic heritage to build
the Culture of Life.
Connect with our resources,
broadcasts, and events in Spanish!
Gospel of Life Ministries
As already mentioned, Gospel
of Life Ministries is the umbrella entity under which all this work takes
place. This brings out the fact that we are interdenominational, calling the
entire Body of Christ to build the Culture of Life.
Find out more
about Gospel of Life Ministries!
Youth Outreach
Bryan Kemper, is the founder and president of Stand
True Ministries, a Christ-centered pro-life group determined to awaken the
youth of this country and share the message of life and the Gospel of
Christ. He has spent years reaching out to youth and encouraging this
generation to get involved, and now he continues that outreach with Stand
True Ministries, which is an affiliate organization of Priests for Life and
Gospel of Life Ministries.
Find out
more about Stand True!
Life on the Line
Life on the Line is our
broadcast ministry (radio, television, and internet), consisting of live and
pre-recorded programs as well as short spots provided to media outlets
around the world, including EWTN, Bott Radio Network, Relevant Radio,
Vatican Radio, and much more.
Listen to our broadcasts!
Prayer Campaign
All we do is rooted in
prayer, which both undergirds and fosters productive action. We foster
prayer campaigns throughout the year, corresponding to various liturgical
and secular seasons and holidays.
Join us in prayer for a Culture of
Political Responsibility
As both citizens of heaven
and citizens of this world, we are called to exercise political
responsibility to elect leaders who will defend life, and to sustain those
leaders on the right path. We therefore teach and mobilize voters to make a
difference in the voting booth.
Learn more about how you
can move public policy toward the protection of life!
Networking Leaders
Priests for Life occupies a
strategic place of unity in the pro-life movement. We foster relations
between leaders, groups, and ministries. We facilitate strategic planning
sessions on every level, as well as leadership retreats and seminars.
Frequently Asked Questions About Priests for Life
Click here
for a bit about our history.
here to learn about our staff and departments.
We reject all
We are ecumenical.
are international.