Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day

by Frank Pavone

Friends, please return to this page every day for a new reflection that will enrich your daily prayer life and give you new vigor to stand up for the unborn.

These reflections are taken from a book written by Frank Pavone.

February 7

"They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." (Hosea 8:7)

Reflection: There is not a single social problem that abortion has solved; in fact, every problem its advocates once promised it would solve is worse today than on the day abortion became legal.
Tens of millions of children have been aborted in America since 1973. How many more have to be killed before we realize that abortion doesn't fix society's ills?

Prayer: Lord, be our salvation. Save us from false hopes, misleading solutions, and deceptive remedies. Only in the paths you point out for us can we find wholeness and salvation. Keep us wise and faithful. Amen.


Priests for Life
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