
To Live Each Day with Dignity: A Statement on Physician-Assisted Suicide - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (June 2011)

Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith: Responses To Certain Questions Of The United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops Concerning Artificial Nutrition And Hydration

Q and A on Euthanasia 

The case of Terri Schindler-Schiavo

Will to Live, Not Living Will - Order the Will to Live at

International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is one of the world's leading organizations in this field.

US Bishops Website: Euthanasia

Address Of John Paul II To Participants In The International Congress On "Life-Sustaining Treatments And Vegetative State: Scientific Advances And Ethical Dilemmas" (March 20, 2004)

Declaration on Euthanasia Iura et Bona (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, May 5, 1980)

Statement on Euthanasia (Administrative Committee, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1991).

Nutrition and Hydration NCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities (April, 1992)

Finding Meaning Amid My Disabilities - An Interview with Robert Provan

Talk by Fr. Frank Pavone on "The Right to Die."

Homily by Fr. Frank Pavone on Dangers of Euthanasia and Living Wills

Help in Dying: Column by Fr. Frank Pavone

"Always to Care, Never to Kill": A Joint Statement of Scholars on Euthanasia

Little Sisters of the Poor Respond to European Parliament Measure

An excellent recent book is Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Past & Present by Dr. J.C.Willke, MD et al. (1998) available from Hayes Publishing Co., 6304 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45224.

Euthanasia: False Light - This 15-minute video contains moving testimony both from medical experts and people who resisted the false solution of euthanasia. Find at Iaeft, PO Box 760, Steubenville, OH 43952.

Final Blessing a one-hour video and discussion guide on the spiritual dimension of terminal illness, can be found at the USCCB website.

"Freedom to Die"

Brief Reflections on Euthanasia

Third Sermon of Bishop Clemens von Galen, August 3, 1941, condemning "Mercy Killing"

Euthanasia Legislation

Glucksberg v. Washington (9th Circuit decision - Full text)

The National Catholic Bioethics Center provides an opportunity on their website for visitors to request an expert consultation on difficult end-of-life care issues. 

National Association of Pro-Life Nurses: Living Wills are Not the Answer

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