Statement from Congressman Mike Pence on the Death of Terri Schiavo

"America lost not only a precious citizen, America lost its innocence."


March 31, 2005

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence
Indiana's Sixth Congressional District

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence issued the following statement today regarding the death of Terri Schiavo:

"I grieve today with the Schindler family and millions of Americans at the death of their precious daughter, Terri Schiavo. With her death, America lost not only a precious citizen, America lost its innocence.

"Although Terri Schiavo's life may be over, the debate over the rights of incapacitated Americans is not over. Congress must right this wrong by ensuring that incapacitated Americans may not be deprived of their inalienable right to life without the assurance of the due process of law that our federal courts were established to protect. This will be Terri Schiavo's legacy."

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