CARE was formed in the United Kingdom then expanded in Europe to support and
encourage Christians to express in a compassionate way God's heart concerning
abortion and provide resources on matters of public policy. CARE is represented
in the United Kingdom Parliaments and Assemblies, at the European Union in
Brussels and the United Nations in Geneva and New York.
European Pro Life Doctors
Christian conservative group of physicians who have stood against the “Culture
of Death” since their founding in 2001
Human Life International Europa
Pro-life resources in Polish, English, Russian and Ukrainian
Association to
ProtectChildren (Association pour la Protection de l’Enfance)
A platform of networks, associations, professionals, elected officials, and
individuals who support any initiative aimed at the defense of the best
interests of children
International Center for Life (Centre
International pour la Vie)
Based in Lourdes, a non-denominational, non-profit group that uses all forms of
media to inform the French public on Pro-Life issues with materials available in
several languages
Right to be Born (Droit de
Group of concerned parents who have worked to see a change in French laws such
that the trivialization of abortion is removed
SOS Bebe
Informative websites detailing the rights, resources and options for pregnant
women including a crisis center and information on how to get in touch with
adoption agencies
The Truce of God (La Trêve de Dieu)
A Catholic group that aims to help and support the Pro Life campaign and
denounces legalized abortion as a crime against humanity
Ärzte für das Leben
Doctors for Life specialise in informing the public, medical students and colleagues about pro life issues.
ALfA offers counselling, financial, material and personal support to families, women and men who are in a pregnancy crisis, but does also a lot of pro-life lobbying and education. Their telephone hotline is called VitaL and is open 24/7 .
The federal association of pro life organisations is in charge of the annual march for life in Berlin and of coordinating the activities of the member organisations.
The Christian Democrats for Life are losely linked to the Christian Democrat Party of (former) chancellor Angela Merkel and specialise in political pro life lobbying.
Juristenvereinigung Lebensrecht
The jurists for life publish a legal magazine that specialises in pro life issues and the law.
Pregnancy counselling and support.
Weisses Kreuz
Information and counselling on sexuality and relationships.
Through this German site, an expectant mother with difficulties can engage
directly in a private chat with a diocesan consultant.
Human Life International Ireland
Irish branch of Human Life International (HLI) - a worldwide pro-family,
pro-life, charity organization.
Irish Bishops' Committee for
Committee of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference focuses on stem cell
research and euthanasia
Precious Life
Organization works to keep abortion out of Northern Ireland
Pro-Life Campaign (PLC)
Non denominational lobbying group protecting life from conception to natural
death & campaigns for resources for pregnant women in need & those suffering
from post abortion trauma
Pro Life Movement (Ireland)
Stay informed about what's happening with the pro-life movement in Ireland.
Rachel’s Vineyard – Ireland
A ministry of Priests for Life, Rachel's Vineyard offers women and men weekends
for healing after abortion along with a 13-week support group model around the
Youth activist organization committed to education and campaigning for full
constitutional protection for Irish mothers and babies that also operates the
TruthTV website
The Cooperative Friends for Life (La
CooperativaAmici per La Vita)
Responsible for media publications that defend lifefor conception
The Truth and the Life
Committee (ComitatoVerità e Vita)
Association of pro-life citizens who denounce immoral laws
Thousand Year Oak (La
Organization that attempts to prevent therapeutic abortions by paying the
medical costs of women who are expecting a child with multiple disabilities.
PRO VITA--Pro-Life in
A group that celebrates life by remembering the tortured unborn dead with
prayer, sorrow, days of repentance and memorials.
The Netherlands
Cry For Life
The Pro-Life Organization of the Netherlands
The Polish
Association for the Protection of Human Life
Educational association with a website in Polish and English
Silence No More (No
Help for women who have had abortions
Human Life International
This site contains pro-life news and information in the German language.
United Kingdom
A project of The Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK (CBR UK). It is the name given
to the public education project that seeks to change the way we think about
Group warns people of the dangers of any type of euthanasia legislation and
pro-death initiatives
Parliamentary Pro-Life Group
Cross-party group (includes members of all three main parties) united to protect
human life from conception until natural death
Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) operates a website networking
independent crisis pregnancy and post abortion counseling centers across the
United Kingdom
Christian Medical Fellowship
An evangelical, interdenominational organization that links together Christian
doctors and medical students in the UK
The Guild of Catholic Doctors
On this website you will find details of some of the Guild's activities, and
membership information.
Crisis pregnancy support with the message of “loving life, offering hope”
offering education, housing and their FertilityCare Program
Precious Life
Organization works to keep abortion out of Northern Ireland through non-violent,
direct action
Pro-Life Care Online
Resources for pregnant women, men whose wives or partners are pregnant as well
as women suffering from abortion
RTL is the UK's newest campaign group committed to upholding the dignity of
human life... from its conception to its natural end.
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
Based in the United Kingdom, a leading educational and lobbying organization
that affirms, defends and promotes the existence and value of human life from
the moment of conception in the United Kingdom and at the United Nations
United for Life
A website resource linking health and human life issues, organizations, facts
and history, of a medical, scientific, social, political and religious nature
including both national and international items