Endeavour Forum Inc.
Endeavour Forum, based in Australia, was set up to counter feminism, defend the
unborn and the natural family.
Family Life International Australia
Recognizes the teaching authority of the Catholic Church in matters of faith and
morals, this organization takes the “total approach,” defending life from
conception to natural death, opposing not only abortion but all unnatural means
of fertility control through sterilization and contraception
Lutherans for Life
New South Whales Right to Life
Actively advocates the right to life of all human beings from conception to
natural death.
Pro-Life SA
South Australia Right to Life
Pro-Life Victoria
Network of ordinary, everyday people who care deeply about people of all stages
of life with the mission to educate, promote the pro-life philosophy, and lobby
legislators to pass laws to protect life
Rachel’s Vineyard – Australia
A ministry of Priests for Life, Rachel's Vineyard offers women and men weekends
for healing after abortion along with a 13-week support group model around the
Right to Life Australia
Organization dedicated to the preservation of human life in any form and primary
funder for Pregnancy Counseling Australia (P.C.A.) a 24 hour emergency crisis
line which offers alternatives to abortion and post abortion counseling
New Zealand
Family Life International New Zealand
Catholic educational organization that proclaims the Gospel of Life and builds
the culture of life while also serving pregnant women in crisis and those
affected by abortion
The Nathaniel Centre
The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre was established in 1999 as an agency
of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference and seeks to bring the light of
the Gospel and the moral tradition of the Catholic Church to issues in
Right to Life New Zealand
Christchurch-based pro-life group with the goal to vigorously promote the
statutory recognition of the unborn child as a human being endowed with an
inalienable right to life
Right to Life of New ZealandIn New
Zealand more human beings are killed by induced abortions each year than die
from all other causes of death combined.
Voice for Life
Organization provides information to community leaders and influencers of
opinion about pro-life issues and advocates for restrictive abortion laws
(originally founded as the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children)