The following "blurbs" can easily be inserted as text boxes in newsletters,
in mailings, or on websites. They focus on imparting simple ideas that will
motivate your members and call them to action regarding the elections.
There is still time for your Church to organize a voter registration drive in
preparation for the November elections. It is not hard to do. The process simply
involves having voter registration forms available at a table in the back of
Church, and encouraging people to fill them out right there. It is perfectly
legal for Churches to conduct non-partisan voter registration drives.
It is also perfectly in line with the Gospel. After all, Jesus commands us not
only to believe his teachings, but to help all people carry them out -- and one
of the ways we do that is to shape our laws by electing our leaders.
Churchgoers, who hear God's word regularly, can have a strong influence in
shaping society according to that Word -- especially if they exercise their duty
to vote.
Many states allow early voting. This means that even if you do not have a
reason why you cannot get to the polls on Election Day, you may vote before
Election Day. The regulations and dates that apply to each state for early
voting can be found on the website,
Why is it a good idea to vote before Election Day? Because we should not put off
until tomorrow what we can do today. Every vote really does count, and when we
wait until the last possible day to vote, we leave ourselves open to the chance
that something will stand in our way -- we may become ill, or have car trouble,
or encounter a family problem, or bad weather, or just forget. Don’t let that
happen! This year, vote early!
One of the activities citizens can carry out at election time is to become
poll-watchers. This activity simply involves being present at the polling places
on Election Day to insure that elections are conducted fairly, by watching the
process by which people sign in at the polls. This activity is a form of public
service that involves some simple training and yet goes a long way to protect
your rights and those of your fellow citizens as they exercise their duty to
vote. Contact your Board of Elections for more details on how you can sign up
for this activity. As historical experience verifies over and over again, every
vote counts. You can help assure that every vote counts fairly.
Many people are not able to get out of the house very easily, or know someone
else who is homebound. With Election Day coming up, please be sure to apply as
soon as possible for an absentee ballot. The process is easy, and your local
Board of Elections will be happy to assist you with every aspect of it. The laws
of this great country provide that even when our physical capacities are
limited, our voices can be heard just the same in electing our leaders.
If you have relatives and friends who are homebound, making sure that they send
in their absentee ballot is a great way of reminding them that they are active
citizens nevertheless, and that their involvement is needed. Please request your
absentee ballot today!
The Internet provides one of the easiest and least expensive ways of
spreading God's word. Each of us can reach thousands of others by joining
Internet discussion groups, and from the comfort of our own home, take a stand
on key issues of the day.
Many pro-life citizens are letting their voices be heard in these discussion
rooms. In this election year, we are asking people to join this effort and alert
their fellow citizens of the need to elect people who will protect human life.
You can find guidance on where to go on the Internet, what to say, and how to
say it by visiting
The Letters to the Editor of each newspaper is an open door for us to bear
witness to the dignity of life, especially in an election year, when we can
counteract the false rhetoric of candidates who are pro-abortion. Pro-life
citizens should give voice to their convictions through letters to the editor,
not only by writing such letters but by helping others to express their views by
writing additional letters for them. Small groups in which a few people write
many different letters for others to send in are very effective. Find sample
letters and more information at
Often, pastors and other leaders are not sure what they can do legally when
an election season approaches. Now, guidance from some of the nation's top
experts is available. A symposium called "The Church and Politics: Are We as
Restricted as We Think?" was held in 2003 at the Ave Maria School of Law, and
the proceedings of that symposium are available without charge. You may read or
listen to them at Help to spread
this information and encourage our Churches and organizations to start doing the
kinds of things they once thought they were not allowed to do!
As Election Day draws near, more and more people want to know where the
candidates stand on the issues. Often, people do not take a lot of time to think
about it. Perhaps they will only take the time to read a small flier that
someone places in their hands.
That’s why many groups organize "lit drops," that is, efforts by which they
distribute fliers through the neighborhood to inform citizens about the
candidates who are running. Volunteers are always needed for this activity! To
find out how to help with local efforts, visit
or call Priests for Life at 321-500-1000, ext. 260.
While political campaigns spend millions of dollars to get their candidates
elected, it remains true that there is one tool more powerful than all the
money, media, and technology at their disposal. That tool is personal contact.
By making a phone call or paying a visit to someone in order to urge that person
to vote, and to give that person information on the best candidates, you are
exercising the single most effective method anyone has.
People will often make their voting decisions based on who has taken the time to
speak to them and ask for their help.
This election season, take out your address list, and start planning the phone
calls and visits that you will make! You have only one vote, but you can
influence countless votes!
Elections involve years of preparation, but they are ultimately decided by
who shows up on Election Day. People are also influenced by the most recent
things they hear about the issues or candidates.
Why not take Election Day off from your normal job, and spend it calling and
visiting people you know, to make sure they are letting their voice be heard at
the ballot box! Call your friends and ask if they have voted yet, and if not,
when they intend to do so. Then call them back later to see if in fact they
voted. If they need help getting to the polls, help them!
Many elections are decided by a very small margin of votes. By taking
Election Day off and using it to mobilize voters, you can create the margin of
victory! One of the best services you can provide for your fellow citizens is to
help them get to the polls on Election Day. Now is the time to begin planning
car pools, babysitting services, and other activities that will assist people to
get to the polling places!
Only slightly more than half of Catholics are registered to vote. Please
consider holding a voter registration drive at your Church to help your fellow
parishioners fulfill their responsibility as Catholics. For more information,
contact Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x. 260.
In 2000, the Presidential election was decided by just 537 votes, and many
races this year could be even closer. This makes it all the more important that
every Catholic comes out to vote. To do your part in making sure that this
happens, please hold a voter registration drive in your parish.
One of the most effective ways to influence this year's election is by
writing a letter to the editor. Consider writing a letter to the editor of one
of your local papers about the candidates involved in this year's election.
Visit for tips, talking points, and sample
Even if you have very little time and no money, there is still an excellent
way for you to influence this year's election. Take a few minutes to write a
letter to the editor of your local paper about one or both of the candidates
involved. For more information, visit
Are you looking for a way to get involved in this year's critical elections?
If so, visit where you can find information
about election-related projects, materials for distribution, and candidates
positions. This site will provide you with the resources you need to have an
impact on the November elections.
Do you feel like you don't know enough about the issues to participate in the
November elections? Then visit where you can
find information about Church teachings, candidates' positions, and ways to get
involved. Use these resources to help you fulfill your obligation to practice
faithful citizenship.
Catholics have a special responsibility to vote because of our obligation to
look after those who cannot take care of themselves. On Election Day, make sure
to use your vote to protect those who may never have the opportunity to protect
On Election Day, our community will make important decisions about whether
our country will be one of morality or immorality. The forces of immorality will
certainly be powerful, so it is extremely important that you bring your Catholic
ideals to the polls. Choose to participate, and build the Culture of Life!
Unfortunately, many Catholics do not fully understand Church teaching on
political responsibility. To help your fellow parishioners become more familiar
with Church teaching and what it means for them this November, organize a study
group to take a close look at Living the Gospel of Life. Living the Gospel of
Life and study guides for the document can be obtained from Priests for Life by
contacting them at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x. 238 or, or take the
study online at
The teachings of the Catholic Church on matters of political responsibility,
while clear, are seldom emphasized and often confused. You can help shed light
on this for members of your community by organizing a study group for Living the
Gospel of Life, a pastoral letter put out by the United States Catholic Bishops.
To order the necessary materials, contact Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x.
238, or, or take the study online at
Have you ever gone to Church in the fall and wondered if you just entered a
different country where no elections are taking place? If so, it may be because
your priest simply doesn't know how to talk about political responsibility.
Priests for Life has created homily starters for priests who want to speak about
abortion but don't know where to begin. You can obtain them for your priest by
contacting Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x. 260 or at, or see them on the internet at
Priests for Life has created a set of homily starters to help priests speak
out about political responsibility in their homilies as the election nears. You
may obtain these for the priests at your parish by contacting Priests for Life
at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x. 260 or at, or see them on the
internet at
The next time you're in Church, take a look at the person sitting next to
you. Statistically, the likelihood is that one of you won't vote. To address
this problem, Priests for Life has created a plan to help you make sure that
members of your parish or pro-life group come out to vote. For details, please
contact Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x. 260 or
Do you want to increase turnout among members of your group or parish, but
you don't know where to begin? If so, Priests for Life Get Out the Vote
information is for you. They have put together simple but effective instructions
for turnout out your vote and ensuring that Catholic voices are heard in
November. For more information, contact Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x. 260
Unfortunately, Catholic teaching has frequently become blurred by the media
to the point that many Catholics don't really understand the Church's teaching
on the most important issues. To correct this problem, Priests for Life has
created and assembled the materials you need to inform your group/parish about
just how important abortion really is. To obtain these materials, contact
Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x 238 or
In this election more than ever before, it is essential that Catholics fully
understand just how important it is to fulfill their political responsibility
and exactly where their priorities must lie. To further this goal, Priests for
Life has assembled materials to help you inform your group/parish about the
Church's teachings on these topics. For more information, call Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 x.
238 or email
Looking for an easy way to keep your friends and family informed about this
year's elections? Then subscribe to Fr. Frank Pavone's bi-weekly e-mail column,
which has information about registering to vote, becoming involved in
election-related projects, and Catholic political responsibility. To subscribe,
simply e-mail Priests for Life at
If you're looking for a way to become involved in the elections but are
unable to commit to particular times and dates, the Priests for Life internet
project is for you! Learn how to spread the pro-life message through the
internet at
There is no simpler way to integrate the pro-life message into your parish
life than by including weekly inserts in your parish bulletin. Pro-life bulletin
inserts are available on the web at
If you have little or no time to devote to political activity, you can still
make a difference by helping to spread the pro-life message through your parish
bulletin. Pro-life bulletin inserts are available on the web at Simply provide these to the person in your
parish who is responsible for assembling the bulletin and ask that they include
an insert every week.