Helping Christians Register to Vote

Priests for Life is calling upon all believers to do all they can to register as many fellow believers as possible to vote in each year's elections.

Assisting people to register to vote is one of the best ways to exercise our citizenship. Voter registration efforts can be conducted by individuals, churches, and other organizations.

Voter registration laws and deadlines vary from state to state. Forms also differ, although there is a National Voter Registration Form that can be used.

Filling out a voter registration form could hardly be simpler, and takes about two minutes.

Non-partisan voter registration is both legal and appropriate for Churches to do, because it is a way to assist members of the congregation to exercise their faith in day to day life, and to take advantage of the freedom God gives us in this country.

We call upon pastors of all denominations to exercise their legal and moral right to exhort their congregations to register to vote. Each election year there are a few Sundays designated as National Christian Voter Registration Sundays.

This activity can be done on any day of the year. Voter registration drives fall within the activities that are permitted to tax-exempt organizations and churches. (Click here for guidance from the legal office of the United States Conference of Catholic bishops, and click here for guidelines from the Internal Revenue Service.) Our specific project has been examined and approved by experts in the relevant federal laws.

Pastors who choose to carry out this project on one or more of the designated weekends, or a weekend of their own choosing, can come to this web page for further guidance on how to conduct such a project, and for suggested homily material and prayers to incorporate into the worship service on such an occasion.

Click here for instructions on how to carry out a voter registration drive in your Church.

Click here for voting and election details for each State.

Click here to find the voter registration age requirements for your State.

Along with doing voter registration in Churches, you can do it in many other settings as well. For example, you can obtain voter registration forms and give them to your friends at pro-life meetings and events, prayer groups, Bible studies, Sunday mass, or any other function. If you are organizing an event, have a voter registration table as part of it.

Let’s start registering voters today!

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: