Urge your Representative: Protect Children from Infanticide
April 14, 2021
Dear Friends,
In January, U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner of Missouri introduced H.R. 619, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would increase protections for infants who survive abortion.
This afternoon, Rep. Kat Cammack, a Florida Republican whose own mother had to withstand pressure to abort her, will take the lead on managing a “discharge petition” to bring about a vote on this important and humane bill.
The petition is necessary because the Democrats don’t want to have to vote on this bill. They don’t want their names on the record opposing life-saving care for a baby. But with 218 signatures, the Democrats will have no choice but to schedule a vote. The Democrat lead in the House has shrunk in this Congress so only a handful will need to sign it and thereby assure a vote in the full House.
The petition will remain open until the conclusion of the 117th Congress in December 2022.
You probably remember that a similar effort in the 116th Congress fell short because only three Democrats were courageous enough to stand up to Speaker Nancy Pelosi to sign it.
It’s vital we find five Democrats to sign the petition this time, and it’s equally important to ensure that every Republican in the House votes for the bill.
That’s where you come in. I need you to call your Representative – Republican or Democrat – TODAY to insist they sign the discharge petition.
We have documentation on hundreds of cases of babies born-alive after abortion. This comes from the Centers for Disease Control and seven states that report on such situations. There are also hundreds of survivors of abortion who have formed a national network!
It’s amazing that some in public office don’t seem to know that leaving a newborn baby alone and gasping for breath until he or she dies is unacceptable in a country that works hard to ensure human rights for every citizen.
That’s why it’s important for us all to get in touch with our Representatives to make sure they understand we expect them to put their signature on the discharge petition and insist on a vote for H.R. 619, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
When you click here, you will find out how to contact your Rep and what to say once you do.
Please act today, and please pass along this email to as many others you know who may be interested.
Thank you for being part of the Priests for Life Family!

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
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