Frank Pavone's Alerts

Tell Congress to defund Planned Parenthood

Dear Friends,

Two lawsuits - one in the U.S. Supreme Court and one in federal court in Texas - could lead to the defunding of the nation’s number one abortion seller, Planned Parenthood.

But those actions shouldn’t let Congress off the hook. The U.S. House and Senate should - and can - act now to protect our tax dollars from subsidizing the killing of the unborn.

H.R. 271, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2025, was introduced Jan. 9 by Rep. Michelle Fischbach, a Republican from Minnesota. The act can’t just sit and gather dust; it needs pass now!

In its annual report for 2022-2023, Planned Parenthood notes that it received $699 million dollars in government grants and reimbursements.

That year, Planned Parenthood ended the lives of 392,715 unborn children while referring just 1,721 mothers for adoption. The organization also is challenging laws protecting babies from abortion in 16 states.

The organization is badly named. It should be called End Parenthood.

Would you be willing to call your senators and House representatives to let them know you don’t want Planned Parenthood to get one more of your hard-earned dollars?

When you click this link, you’ll be taken to a page where you can let me know you are willing to call both of your senators and your representative. And you’ll find a sample message.

Thank you in advance, and please forward this email to as many people on your own list as you think may be interested! I know I can count on you, and thank you for being part of the Priests for Life Family!


Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone

National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: